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I occasionally mash up music. Found this "mashup" of Grima/Shaman in the Dark (and you'll see why I quoted the word 'mashup' if you'd give it a listen). Curiosity piqued, inspiration struck, Audacity started up, and half-assed time/pitch/tempo manipulation began. The following is really not meant to be anything resembling a finished product, but rather the result of my ever-passing curiosity.

When you think about it, Shaman in the Dark really doesn't make much of a good theme for where it was. Yes, it conveyed Idoun's despair and terror quite nicely, but beyond that, there's really not much of anything else.

The battle of Idoun was definitively meant to put a cap on the Elibe saga, a clash that not only puts the point of the entire Movement of Bern to a head, but also shows the no-doubt heavy choice of whether Roy, the Masterlord, the Champion of Elibe, would slay or spare Idenn. I would say incorporating I~Purpose's chorus here certainly conveys the "bringing the heart of the conflict to a head" aspect, but whether or not it emphasizes your final choice in your playthrough, I leave up to you guys.


Edited by Kysafen
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If you're planning on really doing this, it might be better to re-mix both of them from some MIDI sequences so that there's more consistency with the mixing. I found a MIDI of Purpose a while back. There's tons of Shaman in the Dark MIDIs floating around so they shouldn't be too hard to find. Hope this helps.

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If you're planning on really doing this, it might be better to re-mix both of them from some MIDI sequences so that there's more consistency with the mixing. I found a MIDI of Purpose a while back. There's tons of Shaman in the Dark MIDIs floating around so they shouldn't be too hard to find. Hope this helps.

If I'd "really" do this, I'd fundamentally shift a LOT of stuff about the entire chapter:

1. Shift the music into Awakening's "2 music phases" mode, for battle and map music.

2. Gradually change the music to become more and more terrifying and increase percussion as your units get closer and closer to Idoun.

3. Make the entire chapter a fog of war chapter where you'd discover the locked doors and kill the bishops with the Physic staves to unlock the next chamber, and disable using the warp/torch staves/make the locked off sections closed-room so that you can't just warp to Idoun and just kill her, all whilst having Fire Dragons spawn and come after you.

3a. And when you eventually reveal her by going in range, a huge orchestral fortissimo that illustrates Idenn's grandeur and terror. That'd be especially nice if first-time players discover her in the darkness by running into her. ;)

4. As her HP decreases, approach a crescendo. Include the timpani and other percussion in more frequent beats. Not only would this emphasize her growing desperation in the form of her skills that increase her stats as her HP decreases and pressures the player into not making any wrong moves, but leads up to your final choice of whether to kill her or not.

4a. On the final blow, if you decide to kill her, then it reaches into a full crescendo of despair, of a terrible fate, of finality, of the terror of death, alone in the dark... Fortissimo. Tolling bell. Silence. As if to tell the player: "you fucked up." Like the wrong answer fanfare of the million dollar question on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire"

4b. If you defeat Idenn with the Binding Blade, then a crescendo, then, a single note, removing the minor chords. It musically represents Idenn's reset to zero, and in the epilogue to come, that note begins to gradually develop Major chords, to show that not only is the continent recovering, but Idenn is as well.

4aa. After the credits of the "killed Idoun" ending, instead of cutting to the Character endings, reveal that slaying Idenn caused her quintessence to run rampant and uncontrolled, and reanimate all those who had died in the war, causing the vulnerable and war-torn continent to disintegrate all of society and spiral into oblivion, thus "Sealing" the fate of the continent.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another Mashup. Guess who wants Persona 1 to have greater representation within the community?

THIS GUY. So to secretly forward my Persona 1 agenda, I've planted it within one of the tracks of the latest mainstreamsoitsautomaticallyobviouslytrash Persona game:


Let's see how the fans react!

Edited by Kysafen
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