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Characters You Don't See Mained Often


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So what Smash Bros. characters don't you see mained often?

Mr. Game & Watch, R.O.B., and Duck Hunt definitely come to mind, for me (yeah, they're all retro, but I still don't see people use them that often). I'd really be interested in facing people who are good with those characters, especially since I don't even know what tactics people commonly use for those characters. I'd also preferably want to see how non-spammers play as those characters.

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A friend of mine always plays and kicks ass with R.O.B, so I see him on a regular basis. :P:

Ness, sure everyone says that he's their main, but as far as I have ever seen from playing with people, I am the only person who uses him at all.

EDIT: In any game for that matter.

And Wii Fit Trainer, never seen him/her be used yet.

Edited by Maji
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Dark Pit.

I've usually only seen Meta Knight and Little Mac mained because some people think that Meta Knight is still in SS,and everyone thinks that they can wreck For Glory with Little Mac.I haven't seen Wii Fit Trainer(s) yet.They may as well not exist.

Edited by ShadowShine
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Meta Knight I think has been the least common character for me in For Glory. Luigi is rare, the retro trio is rare, Wii Fit Trainer, Dr. Mario...it feels like it's easier to mention the characters that are common.

So what Smash Bros. characters don't you see mained often?

Mr. Game & Watch, R.O.B., and Duck Hunt definitely come to mind, for me (yeah, they're all retro, but I still don't see people use them that often). I'd really be interested in facing people who are good with those characters, especially since I don't even know what tactics people commonly use for those characters. I'd also preferably want to see how non-spammers play as those characters.

I'm definitely not the best, but R.O.B. is one of my mains if you want to throw down some time.
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Someone was using Wii Fit Trainer in my four way matches earlier. :P

But besides that, I've never seen anyone use her except that one little girl from the GameStop open tourney just after Smash 3DS came out. I don't see many ROBs or Olimars or a lot of characters, actually. I see a wide variety, not a lot of any one character.

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Meta Knight I think has been the least common character for me in For Glory. Luigi is rare, the retro trio is rare, Wii Fit Trainer, Dr. Mario...it feels like it's easier to mention the characters that are common.

I'm definitely not the best, but R.O.B. is one of my mains if you want to throw down some time.

All the ones you listed as well as Bowser Jr. and Wario. I think in a combined total of 300-400 matches I've seen 1-2 Koopalings and 0 Warios. To a lesser extent, also Jigglypuff and Marth. Lucina definitely wins the popularity contest over Marth.

I feel weird saying that so many characters are "rare", but the majority of my matches have been against Captain Falcon, Little Mac, Zero Suit Samus, and Lucario, which means that the other 40+ characters get overlooked a lot. Even the remainder of my fights have largely been against another 10 or so popular picks like Lucina, Shulk, and Link. There's about half the roster that I've run into rarely enough to count on one hand.

I'm trying to pick up WFT, so I'm dying to run into a good WFT to learn from.

Edited by Ragnell
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Someone was using Wii Fit Trainer in my four way matches earlier. :P

But besides that, I've never seen anyone use her except that one little girl from the GameStop open tourney just after Smash 3DS came out. I don't see many ROBs or Olimars or a lot of characters, actually. I see a wide variety, not a lot of any one character.

That was me. I really need to bring her out more, I just naturally picked her up.

All the ones you listed as well as Bowser Jr. and Wario. I think in a combined total of 300-400 matches I've seen 1-2 Koopalings and 0 Warios. To a lesser extent, also Jigglypuff and Marth. Lucina definitely wins the popularity contest over Marth.

I feel weird saying that so many characters are "rare", but the majority of my matches have been against Captain Falcon, Little Mac, Zero Suit Samus, and Lucario, which means that the other 40+ characters get overlooked a lot. Even the remainder of my fights have largely been against another 10 or so popular picks like Lucina, Shulk, and Link. There's about half the roster that I've run into rarely enough to count on one hand.

I'm trying to pick up WFT, so I'm dying to run into a good WFT to learn from.

Fight meh.

I rarely see Diddy Kongs, Dark Pits (Thank God), Villager, R.O.B.s, WFT, and Olimar.

Robin comes a bit close, with a few FE guys.

Japanese Diddy Kongs are fucking dangerous.

All Diddy Kongs are dangerous. Damn that guaranteed upair throw combo.

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