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Question about promoting characters

Flaring Afro

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I've been having trouble wording searches and finding info on this. If I were to level up Lord Chrom to level 10, then use a Second Seal to make him an Archer, could I then use a Master Seal to make him a Great Lord from a level 10 Archer or would I have to switch him back to the Lord class and level him up to 10 again because he never was changed into a great lord while in that bracket of classes? Basically, I don't know if getting to level 10 as a Lord itself unlocks the Great Lord as a Master Seal option at any time or if I have to actually make him a Great Lord to keep that class unlocked in the future. Thanks

Edited by Flaring Afro
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No, you could not. You can only promote from archer to Sniper or Bow Knight. If you leveled Chrom to 10 in either of those classes, though, you could use a second seal to switch to Great Lord.

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Nothing is "unlocked", it's more of a case of each base class only being able to promote into its own promoted classes. You could promote to Great Lord, then Second Seal to Archer and reach Lv.10, but you still wouldn't be able to promote from Archer to Great Lord.

General reclassing rules: Between Lv.1 and 9 in base classes, you can't do anything. Between Lv.10 and 19, you can promote into any of the classes that promote from the base class you're in with a Master Seal, or switch to any other base classes in your class pool with a Second Seal (there's no way to add more classes to your pool, though). At Lv.20 in a base class, you can do all of the above, but also gain the ability to reclass back into your current class to reset your level and keep gaining exp.

As a promoted class, between Lv.1 and 9 you can use a Second Seal to change into any base class in your pool, between 10 and 19 you can use a Second Seal to reclass into any class in your pool, whether base or promoted, and at 20 you also get the ability to reset your level in your current class.

All of these options are completely level-based and you don't keep them if you leave their level range. You also get your level reset to 1 whenever you use either kind of Seal, regardless of what level you were last time you were in that class.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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