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Playing the saga again with this


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Hello again SF, long time not playing FE (Like... 3 years X_X).
How I missed this site, but that it's another tale.

One year ago I recieved as a gift this wonderful game~, I started playing it after 6 months and... I screwed a lot in it.
I'm a person that uses Google to search, and I wanted some info but I found a lot of GFaqs things and... well you know about it.
So I want to try this game again but in a some serious matter:
1. I would like to play in Lunatic (I played in Hard and was a little too much, but I like to risk it (First play)).

2. I know the basics around the game and this is one flaw I had with my search of information.

3. I can't use DLC.

So, after this, I want to ask you some questions:

1. The information here in SF, it's more accurate than anything?

2. There are some important threads to be read? Won't you mind to share them with me?

I know that there are a lot of threads that looks the same and mine is... a lot same as others, I'm truly sorry about this u_u.


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I don't think you need to read all the way through any threads. Maybe the most recent posts in the Lunatic Club.

To get through Lunatic, start by having your flaw not be Speed. Defense has been considered an important stat in Lunatic, and a Defense flaw is perfectly manageable but could potentially cause a little difficulty. You don't want your Avatar to get doubled though.

You want to get your Avatar to level 6-7 in the Prologue to prepare for Lunatic's Early Game Hell. You can do this by using the Water Trick from Interceptor's guide. Interceptor is a genius and has great Lunatic(+) resources.




Once you beat Chapter 2 you can slowly start to train more units. One character in Chapter 3 and add more as you move on. This is optional though. You can solo the game with the Avatar once (s)he gets strong enough. Soloing actually kind of breaks the game, so if you want to maintain the challenge you should train some other units, but not too many, especially early on. After Chapter 6 you can safely start to train a decently sized army, but not a huge one. How big is too big is a question for someone more knowledgeable than me, but three first gen pairs should be fine.

Chrom x Avatar is a ridiculously powerful pair. Lucina gets Veteran, and Morgan comes as a level 10 Tactician, so he starts with the class skills and can immediately reclass to something stronger. However, there are many strong pairs, even if they aren't as ridiculous as this one.

Edited by isetrh
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The best source of information you'll get is from posts on there forums that are actually in response to things you ask. Try not to go digging too far back, because Awakening is still fairly new for how complex it is and opinions and strategies change all the time- you'll just get a lot of conflicting advice and get confused.

There's a thread called The Lunatic Club floating around though which is generally the catch-all topic for Lunatic stuff, be it advice, playlogs, new strats, or what have you. It would be a good place for you to hang out.

There are also no decent written guides about this game currently in existence, so don't bother looking for them.

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Glad you're enjoying it so much. It is a great game with some of the best presentation in the series. The Lunatic Club like CzarYoshi mentioned is a great start. Part of the problem with Awakening guides is that while its new it also has so many more variables in it that revolve around player choice than previous titles in the series. One of them being whether or not you use the DLC to grind or not or use the barracks events which can change how you approach the game entirely. I'm no pro at Fire Emblem by any means but as far as I can tell you came to the right place for Fire Emblem advice and guidance.

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Wow, so much information.

So I should choose a +STR/MAG|-DEF, it's a gamble but it could work.

I was hoping to use a MaMU (I don't have any bad about FeMU, my first play was with one ^^) and I wanted to see the differences between them.

I thank you about the URLs and the advice of the Lunatic Hell Stages, I read them and never crossed my mind this would be so unpredictable.

The best source of information you'll get is from posts on there forums that are actually in response to things you ask. Try not to go digging too far back, because Awakening is still fairly new for how complex it is and opinions and strategies change all the time- you'll just get a lot of conflicting advice and get confused.

There's a thread called The Lunatic Club floating around though which is generally the catch-all topic for Lunatic stuff, be it advice, playlogs, new strats, or what have you. It would be a good place for you to hang out.

There are also no decent written guides about this game currently in existence, so don't bother looking for them.

This is what I felt, really confused. I saw GFaqs, an spanish site of sorts and my reaction was: e_e.

I will try to not dig a little too far from the last 2 months (a good date?), so I could be fresh about it.

I saw The Lunatic Club, The Pairing Thread, and I'm still looking for some basics stuff but there is SF HomePage.

Aaaaand I saw that coming there wasn't any guide about this game. It's not bad at all, I prefer to see discussion to a static guide.

Thanks Yoshi, I appreciate a lot your reply.

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Wow, so much information.

So I should choose a +STR/MAG|-DEF, it's a gamble but it could work.

I was hoping to use a MaMU (I don't have any bad about FeMU, my first play was with one ^^) and I wanted to see the differences between them.

I thank you about the URLs and the advice of the Lunatic Hell Stages, I read them and never crossed my mind this would be so unpredictable.

The unpredictability is because they're for the unlockable (and scary) Lunatic+ difficulty. You won't have to deal the broken enemy skills since you're playing regular Lunatic. Regular Lunatic is much more sane, though still difficult. I linked to Lunatic+ things because anything that works on Lunatic+ will also work on Lunatic (certain Vengeance strategies notwithstanding). Interceptor's early game strategies are so consistent that they obsolete other strategies, + and regular alike.

While a Def flaw isn't crippling, it will make the game harder. Defense is an incredibly powerful stat in regular Lunatic. As long as you're okay with that.

I should have mentioned that after the first few chapters Interceptor's strategies become less relevant to regular Lunatic. Bows are much better in + than in regular, so don't think you need Bow Knights and Assassins just because Interceptor used them (not that you shouldn't use them if you want to). Starting from Chapter 5 or so his guide won't be as relevant. (If I got the exact Chapter number wrong in the opinion of someone who unlike me knows what they're talking about, sorry. My point is just that L+ strategies aren't really necessary for vanilla except in early game, which I think should be agreeable enough.)

Edited by isetrh
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Okay, so the earlygame is valuable in both difficulties (regular and +), after that It's up to me.

I'm alright with the Def flaw, I feel the difficulty will improve or kill me :P and that is exciting.

I will use some bow users, but the real thing for me is to learn to make an army and learn about team composition so I have to experiment.

Thanks Isetrh~.

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Bow users are valuable for being a physical weapon that can pierce through pavise+ and avoiding counter on enemy phase. Two things you don't have to worry about in regular Lunatic. It's not quite as binary as "having bows > not having bows".

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I... Would not advise taking a Def flaw on Lunatic. The only point to doing so is if you either are aiming solely for postgame, or are showing off- it'll hurt you a lot more than the likes of Skl and Lck.

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Bow users are valuable for being a physical weapon that can pierce through pavise+ and avoiding counter on enemy phase. Two things you don't have to worry about in regular Lunatic. It's not quite as binary as "having bows > not having bows".

Okay, so bows aren't neccesary. Thanks~

I... Would not advise taking a Def flaw on Lunatic. The only point to doing so is if you either are aiming solely for postgame, or are showing off- it'll hurt you a lot more than the likes of Skl and Lck.

Then I will choose a Lck flaw (I saw somewhere in this forum that It's makes things hards around Crits but it will be alright).

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