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FE8 Reskin SS200


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So I decided to submit another character!

Name: Melvina (I used a random name generator)

Class: Sister

Item: Mend, vulenary (3), Torch (staff)

Mug: Idk, a recolor I guess, but your splices are really good, so it would be cool if you made one

Other: Could she be like a friend/love interest of Willie? Like they can support and Willie can talk to her (if you can't, that's fine.)

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So I decided to submit another character!

Name: Melvina (I used a random name generator)

Class: Sister

Item: Mend, vulenary (3), Torch (staff)

Mug: Idk, a recolor I guess, but your splices are really good, so it would be cool if you made one

Other: Could she be like a friend/love interest of Willie? Like they can support and Willie can talk to her (if you can't, that's fine.)

Sure, I think I can make it happen. Nice name, btw.

And sure, I will try to splice one up for her since I don't want that many recolors in this project. In fact, I am tempted to beg ask people around here to help me with any spliced mugs they might have available. But we'll just see how it goes. I can always splice characters myself, but that will take me time.

When I do update in that first post with images and whatnot, I will also post character mugs belonging to the characters, and maybe some info, if I am up to it. *Thinks of a gf for Terminator* :smug:

Edited by Terminator
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Hm... This seems mildly interesting.

Are there still any free character slots? If so then I may put a character in for this.

Yes there are spots open. Feel free to do that. The sooner the better, though.

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Alright then.

Name: Eve

Description (for the lulz): The tactician of a mercenary group. Partially insane and cynical.

Class: Myrmidon/Mage ...Whichever you prefer, but my preference is Myrmidon.

Item: Zanbato(or Longsword, whateverthehellitscalled)/Thunder, Pure Water

Mug: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ef0wxcw0t2vikjo/Eve.png?dl=0

Other: Stats somewhere around Marisa in Sacred Stones should suffice. (If you're looking for stats?)

I think that's about it? If there's anything else you need to know then just ask.

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I might alter a few stats, yes. So I will keep that in mind. And yes, she will fit in perfectly since Eirika's and Ephraim's replacements will not be protected by knights of Renais, these will be wiped out during the monster invasion. So instead of knights they will be protected by a mercenary group that Fado managed to hire before the attack on Castle Renais. Of course, Fado is also replaced, but that's how the story goes. lol And not to spoil anything else, but Ephraim's replacement (a lord) will be under the protection of these mercs, one of those betrays the group. (Orson) That's just part of the story. Seth's replacement is also part of the mercenary group, as well as Franz. Seth is one of my OCs.

Anyway, thanks for joining, and it is awesome that you also submitted her own mug. :) I'll see which character is best for her to replace according to the story, so I might move some around. I'll add her now to that list.

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Wow, nice Eve mug. I can try to contribute some splices, but I'm not very good.

The story seems good so far, it sounds really exciting to play!!

You should show me what you can do; I'm not that picky. Who knows? I might like some of your work. If you do sprite a few, try spriting some men, at least one or two. But if you like girls, sprite some then.

And yes, I finished the sister mug. Hopefully you will like it. It's in my sprite thread.

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You should show me what you can do; I'm not that picky. Who knows? I might like some of your work. If you do sprite a few, try spriting some men, at least one or two. But if you like girls, sprite some then.

And yes, I finished the sister mug. Hopefully you will like it. It's in my sprite thread.

You can use any sprites in my thread, I just uploaded a new one (it has frames, but I don't know if it's perfect).

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Hey, I hope it's not to late to request a character! I would like to be in it, too.

Name: Rusty
Class: Shaman or Thief
Items:(Shaman) Nosferatu, Luna, Vulnerary (Thief)Steel Sword, Killing Edge, Vulnerary
Mug: I made a mug a few minutes ago, out of Lugh and Wolt. I hope it turned out well, as this is my first time attempting something like this. As such, I will be incapable of providing a good Blinking and Talking animation. Sorry!


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Ooh, also if possible, I'd like to have my character's description to have something to do with clumsiness and/or gullibility. I've decided those are my two most prominent qualities, other than speaking very properly, and refraining from slang in general. As for the character I'd replace, how about Lute or Ewan? Storywise, if I am a shaman, I could have gone to the same "Magic school" as the antagonist. Just some thoughts.

Edited by AwesomeSauce
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No, it's not too late yet. I haven't even released screens and other info. :P

Ok, AwesomeSauce, I think I can make it happen with that mug you provided, but it needs work, so I will give it some slight work here and there to make it look a little better, not that it's that bad. I will include the blinking and talking frames. This means that I will also have to rework the sister mug since they share the same body. (Unless nobody cares about that) No matter, though, I will find another body for her. Thanks for joining. And yes, possible that your character will replace Ewan. I'll add your character to the list now. And I will update the first post with that information now as well, to have some sort of work done on that post.

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Ok, AwesomeSauce, I think I can make it happen with that mug you provided, but it needs work, so I will give it some slight work here and there to make it look a little better, not that it's that bad. I will include the blinking and talking frames. This means that I will also have to rework the sister mug since they share the same body. (Unless nobody cares about that) No matter, though, I will find another body for her. Thanks for joining. And yes, possible that your character will replace Ewan. I'll add your character to the list now. And I will update the first post with that information now as well, to have some sort of work done on that post.

Grazie! Personally, I'd prefer the Shaman class, so you might not have to change much.

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Shaman it is, then.

And by now you all have seen that I have edited the thread's title, or I had a mod do that for me, that is. :P The question is...can anyone guess why I decided to go with the name SS200? I was gonna title it Spreading Darkness, but I thought the name sucked, so I went with SS200; that stands for something. ;) Kudos to whoever guesses right.

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Yep, you guys got it. Well, it really wasn't that difficult. Kudos to you!!

To explain that, I just have to say that some of the characters (At least the two lords) will be descendants of Ephraim and Eirika, the last of their line. I'll say no more.

And well, to somewhat update, I did work on the first post and organized some things. There is nothing much up to this point, but I'm getting there.

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