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FE8 Reskin SS200


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Alright, I decided to try to model a blinking/talking frames image based on the pictures Terminator put of the Lords' talking/blinking animation, so anyone tell me if I got anything wrong. I used my little Shaman guy, and fixed up a few things about his normal mug that were bothering me. For instance, I turned the Blue undershirt gray. It might not be the best, but I at least can say that I tried. Also, I made the background lavender. Just because.


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Hey. Are you still accepting characters? I had one if you are.




Class: Cavalier

Weapon ranks: Sword-C, Lance-B

Inventory: Steel Sword, Spear, Elixer

Mug: Ephraim's face, black hair, innes' outfit spliced

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I already have the Rusty mug done and inserted. If you can rework the other one, that would be nice. I would do it myself except that I am busy with so many things at the moment. And yes, try to stick to the colors that the default Fire Emblem characters use.

Forged Thoron, I might have one last opening. It's Colm's. I don't want to change his class, though, so if you can have your character be a thief instead of a cavalier, that would work. Or, perhaps you could talk to one of the other members who joined this project and switch characters with one of them. About the mug info you provided, sounds easy for me, I would work on it, but I am too busy with other things to sprite. Do you think you can do that?

Update: Well, the character mugs for chapters 1-11 have been inserted. I'm now working with Nightmare. I'm changing classes, some stats, and then after that I will be recoloring some of the battle sprites. When that is done, then I will look into the story. It's going nice, I say. :) Any questions? Just ask them here or pm me if you want.

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Yeah, im fine with the thief class. I made a mug, but its only like the 3rd mug I've ever made, so the colors might not be great. Sorry if it causes you trouble!

Also, i changed his appearance to better match the thief character.

Fenricc's mug: http://imgur.com/x2MHaKx

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I already have the Rusty mug done and inserted. If you can rework the other one, that would be nice. I would do it myself except that I am busy with so many things at the moment. And yes, try to stick to the colors that the default Fire Emblem characters use.

I only used my sprite to see if I had gotten it right. I'll work on the other one ASAP.

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The image does not exist, Thoron. At least the link doesn't take me anywhere to where it's at.

Ok, AS. Show me what you have when you have it, including the blinking frames like you did with your own mug. Also, make sure the mug is 16 colors, else it won't work.

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I saw your question in the questions thing...

is the main character a mage or anything magic related? (I love magic characters!!)

Yes, the plan for Eirika is that she's gonna be a mage, but with all three different magic available to her and any other magic users, so to give players more options. I'll try to use another animation for her from the free to use available ones, just so she can look a little different than a mage. If things don't work out, then maybe she'll be a sword lord, like Eirika.

Update: I am now into recoloring the sprites.

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I've decided to rework the sprite entirely, as well as look at a tutorial, because I did Rusty's just by horrible editing skills. I am now much more comfortable with MS paint, so this one should look a bit better, at least.

Good. Practice makes perfect. Show us when you have it done. ^_^

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Thoron, if you are happy with it, I am happy. I can handle the blinking/talking frames if you don't want to bother. That's Innes and Colm, right?

AS, not bad. I like it. I only think his neck is a bit thin. Maybe try making it two or three pixels wider, but that is up to you. The neck thingy is easily fixed, just make that the color of his skin. I hafta say that's Erk, Roy, and Raven's or Pent's eyes?

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Just by the looks of it I assume it will have more than 16 colors. But that is ok, you can make the cloak red, etc. It looks good. :)

Just asking here in general...does the whole 3-magic deal available to every magic user sound good? Or would it be a good idea to just stick to the normal stuff? I'm 50-50 on this atm, that is why I seek your council.

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I will keep the normal magic triangle. And well, since I didn't like Ursula as a recolor for my lord spot, I crafted a new one yesterday using Lyn and Marisa. I like the archer mug, Thoron, but the new lord and your archer will have the same body. I don't really mind much, but if you think you can give her another body, go for it.

Yes, Gabe. Stats would be good. And not just for your character, but for all of those that were submitted. Keep it balanced, though, don't make uber characters. I need the following info if you want your character to stand out in the hack.





Items (Choose up to three)

Personality (for support and story stuff)

Background (if you can provide it, if not, don't worry about it)

Mug (You probably already submitted it)

Stats/Growths (Give me starting level and stats, as well as stat growths that you want your character to have, otherwise I will assign randomly)

You already submitted most of that info, but I want it put together with the stats so I can start posting it in the first post.

Edited by Terminator
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Okay, I have edited the Mug to only have fifteen colors, and I think i'll also put the growths for Rusty and stuff here too. The mug only has fifteen colors because I didn't need a sixteenth.

As for Rusty:

Name: Rusty (You should get that by now)

Age: about 15

Gender: Male

Class, items and mug you already have

Personality: Very childish and quite gullible, also is very cheery and likes to joke around. Sometimes gets a little unfittingly morbid. (Like Henry, just less often)

Background: If he is replacing Artur, then he could have been in the area of the monsters to study the undead and their habits, for his magic training.

Stats: I don't really know much about how to put down stats, but I do know I want him to have a good speed and magic growth, with lower defense/resistance to make up for it.

Also, here's the improved, finalized mug for Trollface, and I will have the blinking/talking frames soon!


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@Willie. I dunno if Eirika's replacement will be a mage after all. I am leaning more towards a sword lord.

AS, that looks well done. I will have to test it first and then I will let you know whether that worked or not. I will pm you later with the results. Thanks.


Fateborn, I decided to let your character have Lyon's spot after all.

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Quite a change in your demeanor.

Sure wonder what caused it.

The story did. :P Regardless of what story I go with, (I have another one that has nothing to do with SS that I wanna use) I did give you that spot to begin with, so I also felt bad having changed your character to Valter. Lyon it is.

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