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My 3DS got stolen, with my FE:A, memory card inside


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So, my 3DS got stolen. It was just a regular one with FE:A, my favorite game for the system, inside. I keep my system in three places - the center console in my car, my work bag and the drawer inside my night stand. Checked everything, called friends, family - it's nowhere. Tore up my house looking for it, too.

I've thought about it and I think it was stolen after I got a car wash recently. I live in a large city and went to a car wash I never went to before. I've thought about it and I'm pretty sure it was taken there now. If not, well, I must of lost it.

It kind of sucks because I really had a stacked party. Beat Apotheosis. About 140 hours in that file.

I was planning on getting the New Nintendo 3DS XL whenever it was going to be announced, but I was put in a real bind.

The only think known about the New Nintendo 3DS (for US) is that it is coming out in 2015 and that Nintendo wants to get rid of their current supply here in the states. That could mean a release for next month of some time in June.

Anyway, grabbed a 3DS XL off Craigslist for $115. Figured I could flip it for that when New 3DS is announced.

Now I have to grab a new copy of Fire Emblem (which sucks because it isn't on sale anymore) ... FE is my favorite series across all platforms (Radiant Dawn is my favorite).

The bright side: I have a reason to start over again now. Going to try and beat it on Lunatic. That should be fun, always enjoy a good challenge (although I tried before in the past and it was pretty frustrating).

Just sucks. Wanted to share. Not looking for a pity party. =D

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Aww, that really sucks.

But it's great you're optimistic.

Reminds me of a very different situation, when I accidentally deleted my near-finished Majora's Mask save. I was like "woohoo, I can play the game from the beginning again!".

Nowadays, I'm not sure if I could do that again XD

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Had my DS stolen a good few years ago.

Completely crushed me, had a Pokémon game I put hundreds of hours into it.

It's a good thing you're looking towards the horizon in this situation.

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Wow, I feel for you, man. That really sucks. But FE: A is still available on the Nintendo e-shop from what I just checked. I gotta praise you for the fact that you're being pretty optimistic about this. Good on you, mate. I wish you good luck on getting back to your point of progress. I know you weren't asking for pity but I feel bad for you nonetheless. It's not the end of the world, thankfully.

Edited by Rxmonste
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In Europe, Nintendo has an ambassador program to purchase the new 3DS early. Lucky Club Nintendo members could get it as soon as the 23rd of this month. It could come to NA sooner rather than later if they want a release during this fiscal year (which ends in March?).

Back on topic, I usually clean my car out of all valuables if I know some else will have access to the car for whatever reason. Might want to make sure nothing else is missing, like keys, ID, or something.

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Back on topic, I usually clean my car out of all valuables if I know some else will have access to the car for whatever reason. Might want to make sure nothing else is missing, like keys, ID, or something.

This is a good idea.

When you get it replaced, you should do that from then on.

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That sucks, but you should check your local Gamestop for hard copies of FE: A because at least where I live most of the Gamestop's have used copies for a decent price.

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Thanks for the kind words everyone. Wasn't even expecting a response when I wrote this late last night; pretty cool.

Grabbed a brand new copy earlier. I had a gift card so it only came out to $17.

So far, I've bought Path of Radiance twice (back when it was about $30) and now FE:A twice.

Guess it's just one of those games you buy more than once lol

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Mind me asking why you had to buy PoR twice?

In college, one roommate had a 360, the other a PS3 and I had a Gamecube.

That's when I got PoR used at Gamestop. Had to hunt it down, but I managed to get it for about $30. Became such a fan of the game that I practically forced friends to borrow it so they could play it and we could talk about it.

Anyway, one friend was a mess. He had games, stuff all over the place. Pretty sure it got lost into oblivion. It was gone. He sincerely didn't know where it was. I took it down as a loss.

Few months later I started missing the game. Tracked one down again (it was still about $30). Needless to say, I'm very particular now about who I let borrow my games.

Bought Radiant Dawn the day it came out. I still remember going to Best Buy and picking it up.

I know that's more story than you asked haha. But yea, that's what happened.

Edited by Volke29
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That sucks beyond belief. To reiterate what's been said already, your attitude is great. I know I wouldn't be nearly as upbeat if mine were stolen (300+ hours across 3 playthroughs, lol). I hope you enjoy the game even more this time around.

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That sucks beyond belief. To reiterate what's been said already, your attitude is great. I know I wouldn't be nearly as upbeat if mine were stolen (300+ hours across 3 playthroughs, lol). I hope you enjoy the game even more this time around.

Same here, I don't know what I'd do if I'd lost 500+ hours of playtime across 17 playthroughs

Edited by Lord_Seliph
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the kind words everyone. Wasn't even expecting a response when I wrote this late last night; pretty cool.

Grabbed a brand new copy earlier. I had a gift card so it only came out to $17.

So far, I've bought Path of Radiance twice (back when it was about $30) and now FE:A twice.

Guess it's just one of those games you buy more than once lol

PoR twice? I know that pain... my disk got scratched and rendered unplayable never though I would ever get to play again... got a used functional disk as a gift I was shocked my mom listened to my lament and got one for me :) :)

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