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Which DLCs should I buy?

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The Smash Brethren ones are kinda cool.Blazing Sword reference FTW.

If you want "challenge" get the Rouge and Redeemers ones,Roster Rescue,Five Anna Fire-fight and Apotheosis.The challenge depends on your units,I guess.

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All of them of course.

That aside:

- Champions of Yore, Lost Bloodlines, Smash Brethren, Rogues and Redeemers. These are all DLCs that get increasingly harder, starting with around level ~4-7 unpromoted units in the first Champions of Yore going up to a whole team of level 20 promoted units, as strong (or maybe even stronger) then endgame enemies. Lost Bloodlines (2) and Smash Brethren (2) give you each access to a new class (Dread Fighter and Bride). Champions of Yore (3), Lost Bloodlines (3), Smash brethren (3) and Rogues and Redeemers (3) give you a new skill each, with the one from Rogues and Redeemers being the most important one if you want to really tackle the hardest stuff, as that one increases your stat caps by 10. All DLCs give you another character when you beat them.

- Golden Pack gives you access to maps for EXP, Gold and strong items. This is the grinding DLC, it's quite useful but since you could also grind on the normal game, this just speeds things up (by quite a bit actually).

- Challenge Pack gives you three challenges that are quite hard (at least, I guess they are harder then the last Rogues and Redeemers and Paralogue Maps, I actually haven't played this one yet).

- Scramble pack gives you quite a bunch of character conversations. If you are interested in those, buy this. There are really quite a few.

- Future Past is probably the only DLC that I would really say is "necessary", as this 3-part story really feels like a sort of addon to the game. The difficulty is probably at least around endgame, maybe even a bit higher than that. If you are not interested in the above, I would say buy at least this one.

- Apotheosis, the ultimate challenge. That's it, the hardest map in the game. I didn't try it yet, but I have seen things - I just know my characters are not strong enough yet. I also think, if you want to really do this you will need some other DLCs, especially Rogues and Redeemers for the Limit Breaker skill and most likely the Golden Pack to grind gold and Exp a lot faster.

Edited by Marston
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Actually, Marston, EXPonential Growth is pretty crappy for high-level grinding. Its main benefit is that it's a ton of experience that it's easy for weak units to get. The actual best grinding map, once you can survive on it, is Lost Bloodlines 3. That's also the one that gives you Paragon, the double xp skill, so yeah, doubly useful.

Eventually I'd recommend getting ALL of the DLC, it's totally worth it.

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I'm definitely not the best at giving advice, so I'll just list the ones I enjoyed.

- Golden Pack: The Golden Gaffe, EXPonential Growth, Infinite Regalia

This extremely nice in getting experience early-game, getting lots of gold, and it really made every shop item much more affordable. The Silver Card is great, but aside from that, Infinite Regalia is helpful when I'm trying to get A-ranked weapons.

- Challenge Pack: Death's Embrace, Five-Anna Firefight, Roster Rescue

This really suffices when the other classic storyline chapters become too tedious (or you've just finished the game). Harder than average, but not Apotheosis level. I find them fun to fight on.

Now, onto single DLC chapters:

- Lost Bloodlines 2 / Smash Brethren 2: These ones gave two extra classes, which I'm extremely fond of. I've no idea the actual usefulness of Dread Fighter / Bride, but they look really pretty, and both allow for 3 weapon usage, so why not!

- Smash Brethren 3 / Rogues & Redeemers 3: Both of these gave an extra skill that I love using. Smash Brethren 3 gave the Iote's Shield, which is pretty useful when you don't want to have to worry about archers ruining your flying units. And for R&R3, Limit Breaker is great for chapters I'm feeling lazy in. I just come in, super over-powered to Chapter 12 or whatever, and no worry about anyone dying!

- Apotheosis: I think I naturally suck at strategy / tactics. Which is a shame, since I really love the Fire Emblem series. That's where this comes in! It forces you to come up with a plan, and account for everything. I just had fun PREPARING the chapter. Plus, you get Katarina! One of my favorite DLC characters!

I definitely wouldn't say to get everything. Maybe if you have extra money, you can get extra maps. Happy buying!

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I recommend Golden Pack for grinding EXP and earning quick gold, Future Past Pack for some really cool back stories to the children, Lost Bloodlines 2 and Smash Brethren 2 for the new Dread Fighter and Bride Classes. One of my favourites is Rogue and Redeemers 3, just for Eternal Bond being the BGM as well as the difficulty, and the fact that you get Limit Breaker. Oh, and Apotheosis is the greatest challenge this game has to offer.

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- Golden Pack: The Golden Gaffe, EXPonential Growth, Infinite Regalia

This extremely nice in getting experience early-game, getting lots of gold, and it really made every shop item much more affordable. The Silver Card is great, but aside from that, Infinite Regalia is helpful when I'm trying to get A-ranked weapons.

- Lost Bloodlines 2 / Smash Brethren 2: These ones gave two extra classes, which I'm extremely fond of. I've no idea the actual usefulness of Dread Fighter / Bride, but they look really pretty, and both allow for 3 weapon usage, so why not!

- Smash Brethren 3 / Rogues & Redeemers 3: Both of these gave an extra skill that I love using. Smash Brethren 3 gave the Iote's Shield, which is pretty useful when you don't want to have to worry about archers ruining your flying units. And for R&R3, Limit Breaker is great for chapters I'm feeling lazy in. I just come in, super over-powered to Chapter 12 or whatever, and no worry about anyone dying!

- Apotheosis: I think I naturally suck at strategy / tactics. Which is a shame, since I really love the Fire Emblem series. That's where this comes in! It forces you to come up with a plan, and account for everything. I just had fun PREPARING the chapter. Plus, you get Katarina!

Edited by ~Silver
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