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Cat hunting in the dark

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I'm having trouble doing the chapter in part 3 where you revisit the DB characters and have to kill a number of laguz in the fog. I dunno why though, because somehow I did this with no problem in my first play through and I can't remember what I did.

What I tried was to build a wall with tanks like Nolan, Volug, Sothe, etc. but the problem is that I have to constantly heal or use vulneraries every turn and it's not productive at all (it's already a miracle that they can survive). Also, by the time Black Knight shows up, I can only use him as just another part of the wall, instead of pushing him forward to kill off Gallians.

Also I have no idea what to do with the ally characters. If they roam they get themselves killed. If they halt, they get themselves killed. If they avoid, they may not get themselves killed, but they're not very useful at that point.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

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Nolan and Edward are Tier 2. The rest are around levels 10-12.

Ok I just realized that once you actually explore the map there are only two entry points they can get through so once you tank those points, you're set.

One last question, I took off Wildheart from Volug, but I don't have any Olivi Grass or Laguz stones. Still worth it?

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Put wildheart back on volug otherwise he'll be completely helpless for 3-4 turns without a laguz stone or olvi grass. You should also put, if you have one the beast slayer skill on volug or another unit, as it will do double or triple damage on the laguz, you can get this skill in part 1 ch.4.

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Nolan is really durable with Beastfoe + Vantage + Tarvos. You can use Physic to keep your units alive, but Concoctions/Vulneraries work well too. Better safe than sorry. I like to have the allied units roam at first since it gives you additional healing from the bishop, but at some point they will bite the dust.

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