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Trying to custom mug...MODS PLZ LOCK


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EDIT - Yeah. Mods, this is turning into a flame war. Please deal with accordingly.

Asvel's tutorial is a big help, but hair. I dun get it...


Anyone have an idea of who I can ref for this?

Edited by Dragoncat
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Sorry, but looking at that it seems like there's a LOT you don't get yet.The face is pretty lumpy overall, and there's too much space between mouth/nose/eyes. If I'm to be harshly honest, you don't look ready to custom. You need to improve your anatomy and overall technique a lot. Study the official mugs a lot and you'll pick up a lot of the basics for mugs. It's probably not what you wanted to hear, but I think you should stick to splicing for now :/

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Asvel's tutorial is a big help, but hair. I dun get it...


Anyone have an idea of who I can ref for this?

just open up the mug compilation sheet and look for one


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Sorry, but looking at that it seems like there's a LOT you don't get yet.The face is pretty lumpy overall, and there's too much space between mouth/nose/eyes. If I'm to be harshly honest, you don't look ready to custom. You need to improve your anatomy and overall technique a lot. Study the official mugs a lot and you'll pick up a lot of the basics for mugs. It's probably not what you wanted to hear, but I think you should stick to splicing for now :/

That's fair...splicing is easier. But I wanted to try. Thanks for not just saying "you suck, don't custom".

Do you have an actual number for how many pixels things should be from each other? Or any other tips other than studying?

just open up the mug compilation sheet and look for one


Too lazy lol.

I will try refing Roy then. I've been told to stick to splicing for now though...so idk.

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Fuckin' ref the vanilla mugs. There's only an ENTIRE FUCKING COMPILATION OF EVERY FUCKING GBA PORTRAIT from which you can reference.

Don't give me this "too lazy lol" bullshit. You came in here to ask for help. That's what we're offering. We're not gonna fuckin' do the thing for you unless you put more effort than a half-assed scribble up. That's not how helping works.

Edited by Etain
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Fuckin' ref the vanilla mugs. There's only an ENTIRE FUCKING COMPILATION OF EVERY FUCKING GBA PORTRAIT from which you can reference.

Don't give me this "too lazy lol" bullshit. You came in here to ask for help. That's what we're offering. We're not gonna fuckin' do the thing for you unless you put more effort than a half-assed scribble up. That's not how helping works.

Uh swearing your life out at her like she's some cruel bitch isn't going to help her much either.

But yeah, when I do custom stuff, I always reference existing mugs or custom mugs done by skilled spriters.

Edited by Anacybele
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Because having a mouth like a shit-stained sailor automatically fuckin equates to being a cruel bitch, amirite?

No, it just makes you sound incredibly rude and annoying. I really don't see any reason why my friend here should bother with someone who just shoves a swear word at her every two seconds.

Dragoncat, I'd recommend listening to what everyone else besides this guy said.

Edited by Anacybele
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Fuckin' ref the vanilla mugs. There's only an ENTIRE FUCKING COMPILATION OF EVERY FUCKING GBA PORTRAIT from which you can reference.

Don't give me this "too lazy lol" bullshit. You came in here to ask for help. That's what we're offering. We're not gonna fuckin' do the thing for you unless you put more effort than a half-assed scribble up. That's not how helping works.

Dude I wasn't asking for anyone to do it for me. Chillax.

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No, it just makes you sound incredibly rude and annoying. I really don't see any reason why my friend here should bother with someone who just shoves a swear word at her every two seconds.

Dragoncat, I'd recommend listening to what everyone else besides this guy said.

>Etain is female

>Etain is one of the best fucking spriters on this website

>Her advice is rude yet also incredibly solid

>"too lazy lol" is not an acceptable excuse because it implies that you didn't even try to look up references on your own

>Again, her advice is solid, language is just language

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Dude I wasn't asking for anyone to do it for me. Chillax.

Do you have an actual number for how many pixels things should be from each other? Or any other tips other than studying?

That's pretty much what you said.

Spriting is work, recently random threads have popped up asking for 'tips to make this easier andIhaventevenspentaDaystrugglingonthis'. There's really nothing you'll learn until you do the thing yourself.

If someone needs to hold your hand every step of the way then you really ought to look for something you have a better self-drive for. There's nothing wrong with failing as long as you learn from it, but not even taking those steps and wanting to pull someone else into taking those steps for you equates to only wasting their time/goodwill.

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No, it just makes you sound incredibly rude and annoying. I really don't see any reason why my friend here should bother with someone who just shoves a swear word at her every two seconds.

Dragoncat, I'd recommend listening to what everyone else besides this guy said.

No? Oh, good, then don't go around pointing fingers and calling names. It's incredibly rude.

Ah, but it must be so nice to be able to fulfill your princess savior fantasies when there's such a willing antagonist to play the part, huh? Out of the goodness of my rotten black heart, I'd be more than thrilled to humor your little hero complex.

Here we go:

First off, I'll fuckin' speak however the fuck I like. You don't fuckin' like the way I talk? Pity. I cuss. I swear. I drop fuckin' F-bombs every other fuckin word. So what? It doesn't mean shit, so get off your high horse. The fact someone uses swears doesn't make you any better than them, and it's certainly no reason to discredit their words purely because you don't fuckin' agree with the fact that they tend to swear a fucking lot.

If you were, perhaps, to civilly request that I turn my swearing the fuck down, I'd be more than willing to comply. HOW-FUCKIN-EVER, instead, you decided to storm in here, guns blazing, and call me a bitch for no reason other than the fact I'm simply not pandering your little friend. Awfully good way to ensure your point doesn't get the fuck way across, don't you think?

Secondly, your attempts to "protect" your friend aren't going to do them a shit's worth of good, either. If anything, you're doing more fucking harm than anything else. Sheltering someone from perceived "haters" is the very worst thing you can do when an artist is starting out, because it makes them fucking defensive and narrow-minded as fuck. "Don't listen to the fuckin' black sheep because it cusses too fuckin' much," is quite possibly one of the most stupid reasons I've ever heard for not taking critique. Your critics are not going to be kind most of the damn time, and if you simply elect to ignore everyone who doesn't appeal to your delicate princess sensibilities, you're simply deluding yourself. I believe we've been over this conversation at least three times now, and you still don't seem to understand it.

Third, my commentary was a perfectly valid response to the situation. Unlike you, who simply came flying in to defend dragoncat, I:

1) suggested a solution to the proposed question ("Fuckin' ref the vanilla mugs.")

2) provided a reference link ("There's only an ENTIRE FUCKING COMPILATION OF EVERY FUCKING GBA PORTRAIT from which you can reference.")

3) offered a very personal view on dragoncat's rather weak response to Lenh's advice

Perhaps it might not have fuckin' occured to you that maybe spriting - art in general, really - is something I might really fuckin' care about, and that someone treating it so lackadaisically might actually be a little fuckin' offensive to me. I'd be fuckin' thrilled if dragoncat could sprite well, but the attitude they're putting into it is all fuckin' wrong.

Now, if you have some real advice to offer rather than simply trying to pick a fight with me, I think your little friend would really appreciate the help.

>Etain is female

>Etain is one of the best fucking spriters on this website

>Her advice is rude yet also incredibly solid

>"too lazy lol" is not an acceptable excuse because it implies that you didn't even try to look up references on your own

>Again, her advice is solid, language is just language

>Etain doesn't have her gender listed, so how was I supposed to know she was female?

>Yet you just admitted that she was rude, which is uncalled for

>I don't give a fuck about my gender, honestly. Guy, girl, teapot, fucknugget. Who cares.

>ML said my advice was rude. Don't use me for your defense just to get back at him. I don't need your fucking handouts, and I don't fucking care if he calls it rude. I am absolutely fucking rude, and I'm going to continue being fucking rude as long as it gets my fucking point across.

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Wow. I'm so regretting posting this now. I wasn't asking for anyone to do it for me, why can't people understand that? It's okay if I try and fail? I find that hard to believe. If I tried and failed I'd likely get the same treatment.

Okay, maybe I should've looked at the official mugs myself. I get that. But must people jump down my throat for not doing so? I'm sorry, I wasn't aware "you have to spend days struggling on something before you can ask for help" was a rule here.

Rant over.

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Swearing your heart out at a newbie spriter is completely unnecessary. I don't really care about Aeo's reputation. This is supposed to be a friendly and accepting forum. But instead OP is met with aggressive posts for absolutely no reason. In the end you're discouraging people for asking for critique, whether you like it or not, that's what your doing when you get all alpha dog on innocent posts like this.

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Swearing your heart out at a newbie spriter is completely unnecessary. I don't really care about Aeo's reputation. This is supposed to be a friendly and accepting forum. But instead OP is met with aggressive posts for absolutely no reason. In the end you're discouraging people for asking for critique, whether you like it or not, that's what your doing when you get all alpha dog on innocent posts like this.

And thank you for saying that before the mods show up and lock.

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It's not that you hadn't looked at and worked with references before posting, it's that you refused to do so after it'd been recommended to you by everyone. Looking at references is such a staple that saying you don't want to do that in your process (but want to end up with something stylistically similar) is pretty unorthodox.

Struggling with something for days isn't a rule, but it's something that's part of the process of 'getting better at X'. I put 'one day', because a third of that's how much I'll typically give someone if they're genuinely stuck on a challenge (and it's how long I take before figuring I've hit a wall and can't learn unless someone gives me a hand).

Edited by Lenh
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good artist doesn't always mean good teacher, not saying they aren't just yeah

Ain't that the truth. If a school teacher threw f bombs at the kids constantly they'd be fired -_-

If that's really Aeo as has been said...wow. The same Aeo who was civil to me during the Halloween event? Mind. Blown.

It's not that you hadn't looked at and worked with references before posting, it's that you refused to do so after it'd been recommended to you by everyone. Looking at references is such a staple that saying you don't want to do that in your process (but want to end up with something stylistically similar) is pretty unorthodox.

Struggling with something for days isn't a rule, but it's something that's part of the process of 'getting better at X'. I put 'one day', because a third of that's how much I'll typically give someone if they're genuinely stuck on a challenge (and it's how long I take before figuring I've hit a wall and can't learn unless someone gives me a hand).

I meant I was too lazy to find the right reference. I was going to use them. I just needed ideas of the right one to use.

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Ain't that the truth. If a school teacher threw f bombs at the kids constantly they'd be fired -_-

If that's really Aeo as has been said...wow. The same Aeo who was civil to me during the Halloween event? Mind. Blown.

I meant I was too lazy to find the right reference. I was going to use them. I just needed ideas of the right one to use.

Do yourself a favor then, and don't use Roy. Go ahead and look at all the mugs and collect the ones that have the attributes you want in your character. I have no idea who you actually want your character to look like, I just chose the first character in the mug sheet that I liked.

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...lets be clear, Etain is absolutely one of the best spriters I have seen on here. Her advice amidst the harsh words was solid.

But, I get where Etain is coming from, as like what Lenh and others have said its not about what you posted, its how you have responded to critique DragonCat. From what I have seen the majority of the works you do, any criticism on it whether as harsh as Etain's or even Innocuous tips or advice seems to go in one ear and out the other. Sometimes I think some of the lack of commentary in threads comes because people get tired of just being deflected or ignored.

That said...It isn't so cool to have someone being harsh/swearing at you, but in the end you can't control how people talk to you, and Etain has the right to speak how she wants. Look past the harsh words and take all advice/critiques with a grain of salt.

Positivity is nice and all, but if you really do want to improve, try to get past the defensiveness... Any criticism, any critique can help you to improve... as long as its actual critique on the work and not just a personal attack on the person. :\

@ Ghast

...You have a point Ghast that we need to be cool to newbie spriters, but the poster isn't being met with the harshness for no reason. Still not helpful to come down on them like that, but there is some history here.

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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the reason is piss poor. I don't think OP's "too lazy" post was to be taken as literally as it was.

I looked back at OP's sprite topic, it's not like she actively dismisses critique? She's made improvements from OP to the last page. Maybe they weren't as major as some would like to see, but regardless, its improvement.

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mah thought id drop my opinion on this

EDIT - Yeah. Mods, this is turning into a flame war. Please deal with accordingly.

Asvel's tutorial is a big help, but hair. I dun get it...


Anyone have an idea of who I can ref for this?

for the sprite itself, you might wanna try drawing it out on paper perhaps, or at the very least redrawing the sprite outline as it is because it is rather messy at the moment. secondly if your looking for references on the mug sheet i find that just picking and choosing any sprite that feels right usually works pretty well, and if your still having trouble choosing deferences it either means you should try working with the official sprites more to get a better feeling for them, or you should just go with the sprite that has the closest look to the one you wanna make and use that, also note its best to use multiple references even for the best of artists it usually helps especially with unfamiliar territory.

Fuckin' ref the vanilla mugs. There's only an ENTIRE FUCKING COMPILATION OF EVERY FUCKING GBA PORTRAIT from which you can reference.

Don't give me this "too lazy lol" bullshit. You came in here to ask for help. That's what we're offering. We're not gonna fuckin' do the thing for you unless you put more effort than a half-assed scribble up. That's not how helping works.

i will give you that that's genuine advice Aeo, but you have to remember that when talking to a stranger its usually best to self sensor your self, as they might not have the same sensibilities when it comes to that AKA assume your playing to a pg 13 audience as my drama teacher might say.

Uh swearing your life out at her like she's some cruel bitch isn't going to help her much either.

But yeah, when I do custom stuff, I always reference existing mugs or custom mugs done by skilled spriters.

insulting some one leads to an escalation of events usually because people are usually sensitive about these sort of things. if your defending your friend yeah defend away but at the same time its not going to help if you insult them because they'll take it as an attack.

@ dragon cat

on a side note your reason for not using a ref does come of as lazy and pathetic, strangers aren't going to be inclined to help you unless you give them a good reason to help, its like pitching a product amongst other things, you want people to invest in you and if it looks like that investment is not going to be worth it they either wont bother, or they'll get upset.

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Also, correct me if i'm wrong, but it looks like Ana didn't call Aeo a cruel bitch. Seems like she was referring to Aeo treating Dragoncat like one. I mean its a weirdly constructed sentence but that's the vibe I'm getting

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