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Anyone played&finished FEA on a 3DS XL?


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What are your thoughts of the FEA 2D dialogue portraits, confession scenes and DLC cutscenes viewed on your XL?

Did you find the dialogue portraits especially pixellated? Or do you feel like the added size really helped you get a better view of the details of each character?

Overall, what's your opinion about playing FEA and the next FE on your XL?

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It looked fine to me, no noticeable pixelation. I like the increased screen size, especially for the in-game battle scenes. I'd definitely play the next FE on my XL. By the way, shouldn't this be in the Awakening forum?

Edited by DragonLord
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I play all of my 3DS games exclusively on a 3DSXL and I love it. While I have heard a small number of people complain about pixelization on the XL (not specifically for FE:A, but in general), I have not noticed any such problems myself, and I love having the larger size as I feel it makes things easier to see. I do, however, play with the 3D turned off (it gives me motion sickness), so that may make a difference.

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I think this topic should be on the Awakening forum. But if you were curious, I've only played it on the original 3DS so I couldn't provide an opinion on that one. But I hear that games in general tend to look more pixilated on the XL.

Edited by Rxmonste
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while playing the trilogy ace attorney your signature reminded me of something i ponder, why didn't mia and phoenix get together as a couple! :(

It might've been because

Mia is dead.

Also yeah, everything looks better on an XL.

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It might've been because

Mia is dead.

The question is how someone who played the series did not know that. It's near the beginning of the first game too. Unless of course she was talking about Maya and not Mia.

Edited by DragonLord
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