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Should gryphon riders return?



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Overall I'd like if they return,but I agree that they should be seperated from the wyvern rider class,it always bothered me that the wyvern rider suddenly loose their wyvern and exchange them for a gryphon,the same goes for pegasus riders switching to a wyvern in previous games(If i remember correctly the wyvern riders were originally just the upgrade of the pegasus riders weren't they?)

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I liked Gryphon Riders, despite them being pretty much useless.

I'd love for a return, if they could have a second weapon. Preferably a bow, but bows are already useless as it is. And while on the subject of second weapons, I'd really want the Falcon Knights to have a sword, instead of a staff.

Pegasus Knight promotion to Falcon Knight still has them lance-locked, but in the GBA days, swords ruled.

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I've got a somewhat radical opinion on how mounts in Fire Emblem should be handled. I personally don't think there should be any mounted classes at all, mounts should be something separate. Maybe a skill, maybe an item, but something entirely different, but not a class. Any class should be able to mount up on whatever mount they want, be it a pegasus, horse, wyvern, dragon, griffon, or elephant. Maybe with weight restrictions of some sort, though. A general on a pegasus maybe shouldn't be possible, the poor thing would never get off the ground. Different mounts should have different stat modifiers attached.

Want a cavalier? Give a soldier a horse. Want a pegasus rider that has a sword? Put a sword unit on a pegasus. Lances more your thing? Try a soldier again. Put a knight on a horse and you have a great knight. A mage on a pegasus. Berserker on a dragon.

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I've got a somewhat radical opinion on how mounts in Fire Emblem should be handled. I personally don't think there should be any mounted classes at all, mounts should be something separate. Maybe a skill, maybe an item, but something entirely different, but not a class. Any class should be able to mount up on whatever mount they want, be it a pegasus, horse, wyvern, dragon, griffon, or elephant. Maybe with weight restrictions of some sort, though. A general on a pegasus maybe shouldn't be possible, the poor thing would never get off the ground. Different mounts should have different stat modifiers attached.

Want a cavalier? Give a soldier a horse. Want a pegasus rider that has a sword? Put a sword unit on a pegasus. Lances more your thing? Try a soldier again. Put a knight on a horse and you have a great knight. A mage on a pegasus. Berserker on a dragon.

This reminds me of how in one FE (I can't really remember which one right now) you could dismount your cavalier and have him as a foot soldier... but if we were to use this mounting system you speak of, how do you obtain more mounts? Or do you just have a pre-set number of available mounts?

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Griffin Rider was a real bad class in Awakening. Weak to Flying and beast, they have no outstanding stats (out of the flying units they are the weakest in terms of stats) they have decent strength and defense, but less than Wyvern lords, a lot less resistance than wyvern lords (which says something), and alright speed and skill. Perhaps if they separated the classes, making Griffin Rider the base class, which promotes into Griffon Knight (Flying Armor? Possibly beast though too, but give it the conquest skill and it's good) a more defensive class with high defense, decent strength and resistance, but lower speed, this class uses swords and either lances and axes. Then the other branch could be Griffin Master, which is much more offensive and either uses swords and magic, axes and magic, or all three )or just swords and axes I suppose, but I would like to see another magic flier.. And on that thought, if a class has "dark" in its name, let the use dark magic. Shadowgift is cool, but having it on a dark flier is pretty lame since they should be able to use dark magic inherently.)

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To be honest, it just didn't fit. If there's gonna be such a class, they should have made it a standalone class.

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As you stated, they are able to walk on clouds/water. Qilin have such a genteel nature that they do not dare to harm a living being, even if it's a blade of grass. That's why in art and architecture, they are often depicted as walking on inorganic substances like clouds and water, giving a "floating" appearance.

Then it is the same with the pegasus. In FE7, they are said to be galloping on air. They use their wings not to fly but to balance themselves.

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This reminds me of how in one FE (I can't really remember which one right now) you could dismount your cavalier and have him as a foot soldier... but if we were to use this mounting system you speak of, how do you obtain more mounts? Or do you just have a pre-set number of available mounts?

Yeah, I figure dismounting would fit well with that system.

I imagine some units (such as your Jeigan) would probably come with a free mount from the getgo. Maybe you could come across a map with an out of the way stable that you need to send a thief to get into, and you can steal a horse from the enemy. Maybe you could get mounts after defeating certain bosses. Pickpocket them from the enemy. Or, as L95 said, perhaps buying them.

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Griffon Riders MIGHT fit as a sort of West-exclusive class. Griffons are Greek and Roman, after all.

So are pegasi ironically, yet the Eastern side has them.

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In an ideal world gryphon knights would become their own class. Have them start out with swords and then, say, have them gain axes upon promotion. Maybe make them a male exclusive class line too. My personal preferance would then be to have the pegasus knights and their promotions remain female exclusive and have them start with lances, then have them be able to promote to one of three classes that you can't swap between. Have one of said classes gain swords in addition to the lances while of the other two one gains the ability to use tomes while the last one has the same done for staves. Naturally, the wyvern riders will then be available to both genders and will start with axes while gaining lances upon promotion.

How does this sound?

Edited by RedEyedDrake
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I actually liked griffon riders both in concept and aesthetically. They made sense as a heavier option for pegasus knights, like if Bern had all the wyverns, Ilia would need some big fliers to counter them. I just think it's an interesting concept that there can be different types of flying units in medieval warfare. Like what tactics would one unit use over another and stuff...

In terms of gameplay, I'd prefer to see the developers come up with a better way to integrate them, rather than just dropping them entirely. Like, giving them some unique features or something. In awakening, they were literally just clones of wyvern knights.

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I don't think it would be fair to have an iconic class be exclusive to one side.

Well, with Awakening, both sides had peggie knights. However, there is a possibility that we might have faction-exclusive classes, especially with the two assassin-like sprites in the trailer; there's been speculation that perhaps the Eastern faction has ninjas instead of thieves. I feel if the factions were to have flying-exclusive classes, then the western faction will probably have wyverns and the eastern will have the peggie knights... I highly doubt that gryphon riders will get their own class, though it'll be nice.

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I'd be fine with Griffon Riders had some sort of buff and a character that rides a Griffon from the start. Cherche and Gerome just don't make sense as Griffon Riders, but I dunno, Griffin, the Griffon Rider shows up with his griffon it'd at least make it so you have one character that makes sense as a griffon rider. This class needs some sort of buff though. There's nothing that stands out other than its class skills that aren't that good. If it doesn't get more weapons and/or a stat boost its just gonna be useless like in Awakening and might as well not come back. However, I do really like the idea, it was just poorly executed like the Trickster class.

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Considering the weaknesses of the gryphon riders:

What if they'd do it similar to RD?
In RD wyvern riders were weak against lightning like the dragons,while pegasus riders were weak against wind like the bird laguz,so what if Gryphon riders would be weak against fire then?

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Gryphon Riders would be cool if they had their own promotion line and had tweaks to make them a more distinct and viable flyer class. I'd pretend that my Griffon Knights join an awesome Order with the motto: "In peace, vigilance. In war, victory. In death, sacrifice."

However, if they're just a random Wyvren offshoot like in Awakening it'd be best if they were left behind.

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