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Heya! My name is Crista, but you can call me by my username, Cris, Cookie, or any other deviation of my name. I've been lurking about this site for a couple of years, but only recently did I contemplate on making an account; I finally did so today as you can see! If it isn't obvious, I'm really, REALLY excited for the new Fire Emblem!

I think I can relate to many Fire Emblem fans here when I say that I discovered the aforementioned series thanks to Super Smash Brothers, and I'm truly grateful that I did find what was to be one of my favorite game series ever! It was because I used Marth and Ike frequently in Brawl that it eventually gave me the push to try out the Fire Emblem games. My first game was Radiant Dawn, and ever since I've played all of the English titles, though I'm definitely trying to get into the Japanese exclusive ones. Even after all these years, Ike still remains as my favorite lord and Smash Bros character, but Lucina comes close in second! I tend to juggle between Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, and Awakening as my favorite, but nonetheless, I absolutely adore those games!

Outside of Fire Emblem and Smash Bros, my favorite gaming series are Pokémon, Metroid, Kingdom Hearts, Tales, and Metal Gear Solid! Some of my favorite games not affiliated with these series are Dragon's Dogma, Valkyria Chronicles, and Xenoblade Chronicles! As you can see, I love RPGs and action games!

I'm not that much of a talker, just a warning, but I hope I can provide as much discussion as I'm able to! And I hope to make a couple of friends here too!

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I suppose I'll start by saying welcome to the forest.

It's been said already but your favourite series are all liked by others in the forest too.

It's always good to see somebody admit Smash Bros. introduced them to the series.

Anyways, that's my infamous awkward greeting out of the way... Enjoy your time here!

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I shouldn't have to read big posts first thing in the moning. But hey, that's my fault. Welcome to Serenes Forest, Crista. Nice to see a fellow Dragon's Dogma fan--a game I should really finish

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