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Ello there~


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Hey guys! I'm actually no stranger to the community, as I've been lurking it without registration since I discovered the Fire Emblem series years ago. I own each of the games that have come state-side, and go back to replay them pretty frequently, especially Awakening because of the sheer amount of options, and I'm anxiously awaiting the newly announced FE14! That's actually what brought me to cave in, sign up, and actually participate!

IRL, I'm a 24-year-old college guy working on my Bachelor's (and later Master's) in child psych who hopes to find employment at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital to work with the children and their families there. When I'm not at school, I'm playing online games including but not limited to Elsword, League of Legends, and Wildstar. If I'm not doing that, I'm either going to be studying up on Japanese (I've only just started, and can't honestly say I know a thing), running for cross-country workouts, or writing (including but not limited to roleplaying).

I'll probably spend most of my time here religiously and impulsively lurking and participating in the FE14 threads now and through its release!

All Glory To Lobster Lord

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Oi, such a warm welcome! I wasn't anticipating it! xD

@ Guenhwyvar - I doubt I'll be competent in the syllabry alone any time soon, but if so, it would be my pleasure!

@ Levant Caprice - They're absurdly fun, and very much easy to get into!

@ DragonLord - Thanks to DBZA, I looked at your icon, and my mind inserted, "Renegade for life."

In general, thank you everyone for the greeting! It's greatly appreciated! I look forward to seeing you all around!

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