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My sprites


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Well, I might as well post one of these. I am a starting spriter, not even decent. Most of what you'll see are simple splices, but I do hope to get better so I can try some custom ones in the future. I usually do simple splices, which consist of just two default mugs, then sometimes I try using three, and four, etc, all with some bit of my own work to make it look decent if possible, :P I'd appreciate feedback and any tips, as I do want to improve big time.

To begin with I will post this main lord I just made. He's the one I've chosen as lord for my hack, or if not lord, then main character. For it I used Roland, Raven, and Vanessa's braid. This one is going directly to the Mug Sharing thread, as I doubt I will be reworking on it. What I have to say about it is that I had trouble selecting a good mouth for him, as Roland (that's Roland, right?) does not have any blinking/talking frames. The blinking frames I came up with by just shortening the eyes, but the mouth belongs to Wil.

So, is this good enough for a newbie spriter? What do I need to work on?


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Since you only posted that splice, I'll comment on just that. While it's pretty basic, it's a great starting point for people new to spriting. I think you did a good job, it's very clean. I have a couple tiny issues with it: where the ponytail touches the collar of the jacket, there's a 2 pixel border color line on the collar. Seems unintentional. Then, the hair color strikes me as weird--is it taken from a FE mug? The darkest color of the hair seems too light, it makes his hair look..not like hair to me? It's also a bit off to me I think because his eyebrows are very dark.

Anyway, I suppose tips for the future would be to use some smaller mug bits to make more original looking characters, you kind of just have to poke around and make it work. The best thing you can do to get better is to work a lot more and leave it here so we can all give you feedback. :3

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@Justawhitegirloninstagram You mean the chibi thingies? Yes, I can't do those at all. That is why I just use the 32x32 face frame for most of them. I tried once when I started but it sucked so bad that I decided not to play with that.

And Mew. Thanks, I appreciate the feedback, and I see what you mean. Yes, sometimes I get pretty sloppy in areas and forget to clean up. I will try to fix those mistakes. The hair color is just the color I chose trying to make his hair look white, like snow. I am not very good selecting colors. Do you have three pixel colors I could use for a white intended hair color? And about the eyebrows, yes you are absolutely right. Wonder how I could fix those. I'll see what I can do.

Also, you say that the best thing I can do is work a lot more. You mean like make around five mugs and then show you? Cause yeah, that makes a little sense. XD

Thank you all, by the way. :)


Here is the mug after I did some fixing even though I said I wouldn't. :P


Edited by Terminator
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If you're willing to reference other FE mugs to use for colors, Pent's hair color is pretty close to what you seem to be going for there. I'd suggest trying Pent's hair palette out on your sprite and seeing how you like it?

Good suggestion. I did what you suggested and here is the result. Does he look any better? There is little difference since the colors were so close.


I noticed that there are several mugs that offer some good white colors, such as Athos, Heath, and Lyn's Grandpa. I will give those a try later.

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The difference is subtle, but it's there!

Notice how the different tones used in the hair stand out from each other just a little bit more, and the shape looks more defined compared to the first few drafts.

Yes I do. I will keep that newer version. :)

Well, I decided to sprite something and came up with this. Kid Ephraim? lol

I used Prototype Neimi, Vanessa, and Ephraim. Damn, I am surprised how Neimi's face resembles a young male's.

My thoughts: It looks alright, but there will be issues, I believe, especially with the forehead parts where I edited the hair. Any tips to make him look better? Or does he look good enough to make the cut for hack purposes? (Next time I post a mug I will make sure to sprite three)


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The head is incredibly wrong on so many levels.

Forehead, eyes unleveled against face, size of head.

Thanks, I went to fix some of that. However, what do you mean the eyes are unleveled against face? I never touched those. lol


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Thanks, I went to fix some of that. However, what do you mean the eyes are unleveled against face? I never touched those. lol


That's exactly why you should touch them.

Look at that face carefully.

Do the eyes look right for that facial direction?

I'm terrible at explaining, maybe someone else can do it better?

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That's exactly why you should touch them.

Look at that face carefully.

Do the eyes look right for that facial direction?

I'm terrible at explaining, maybe someone else can do it better?

Honestly I don't see nothing wrong with them. That's Neimi's face and eyes. Maybe it's the hair that makes the eyes look weird?

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That's exactly why you should touch them.

Look at that face carefully.

Do the eyes look right for that facial direction?

I'm terrible at explaining, maybe someone else can do it better?

Best way of explaining this case might be animating/swapping between the altered and original version.

I might try it later tonight but there's two different ways of fixing it (one being fix the eyes to match alignment to the ears, the other to fix the ears and a bit of the head to match the eyes).

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the eyes are different and it does make a difference. The hair is way too high up as well, move it down some.

Edited by Toa
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I will keep that in mind next time, Lenh. And Toa, thanks. I can see now what you mean. Those eyes on my mug are from Prototype Neimi, not the actual Neimi, that is why they are...different? Regardless, I will add the eyes from the original Neimi and hope that it fixes that. Also, if I lower the hair some, it will make him look weird. I tried it already and damn...he looks best as it is. How many pixels should I shorten it? Any idea?

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eQL0V.pngimo, although you might've had something else in mind. I shortened the forehead a bit and pulled the ear and whole head back to base of the neck.



For things to do, I think you could definitely alias where the hair touches the face, define the eyebrows a bit, and round up the back of the head a bit so the hairline wraps (or makes sense somehow) with the headshape. I think he looks good enough for general hack purposes, but you can always polish things up a tad more if you're up for it. ^^

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Yep, I will polish him, Lenh. Thanks for all the help, everyone. XD

Well, here's two more mugs that I worked on earlier for my project. I am not that satisfied with the Sister for Willie (hope he likes it, though) but I am quite content with the other one. These, of course, are going to the project. :P



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The sister's shoulders seem pretty slim, and her cowl doesn't seem quite big enough to fit an entire head, I'd poof it up a bit more.

The other one looks pretty good, but the bangs on our left are a bit weird and the headband is pretty flat. I'd try to get a bit more contrast in the armor shades as well.

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Yep, I will polish him, Lenh. Thanks for all the help, everyone. XD

Well, here's two more mugs that I worked on earlier for my project. I am not that satisfied with the Sister for Willie (hope he likes it, though) but I am quite content with the other one. These, of course, are going to the project. :P


Wow, that's great! The head is a bit odd-shaped, but it's still great!

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Wow, that's great! The head is a bit odd-shaped, but it's still great!

Yeah, head was a little big for the body it had. I am working on it, but it would help me greatly if you told me what exactly is odd about the head, which region/area so that I can work on. I ask this because I worked the top and she looks worse. >_< lol I'd show but she looks stupid. No, I will show her once I get her looking right again.

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The head is too tall. Let the weight of the veil-thing push the fluffy hair down a few pixels.

Also see if you can stretch the body horizontally a little bit. Especially the left opv.

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Yeah, head was a little big for the body it had. I am working on it, but it would help me greatly if you told me what exactly is odd about the head, which region/area so that I can work on. I ask this because I worked the top and she looks worse. >_< lol I'd show but she looks stupid. No, I will show her once I get her looking right again.

I can't really tell what's wrong with it. It just looks off kinda. Maybe the body is out of proportion? It looks good, if you don't feel like editing.

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Thanks for the tip, Lieutenant. LT stands for that, I hope. :P

Anyway, I did what you said. I lowered the veil a few pixels. And I know the work on the shoulders looks bad; I am not too good working the shoulders.

And the next one is another try with another body, perhaps that will make her look better? It's not finished, just thought I'd show that. The problem I see is that most FE6 characters have small bodies and big heads. Look for yourselves in the mug sheet if you don't believe me, hehe.


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