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Ahh... That is a girl, might wanna tweak some of the proportions then as I think the base body is male? Doesn't quite read as distinctly female yet.

Like make the neck thinner by a pixel or so, maybe lower/thin the shoulders a lil if you can.

Some hair peeking out on the right might vindicate a little more female as well.

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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I worked on that and here's the result. I removed the hair near her left cheek as well. It could need some more work somewhere, but I'm beginning to like her as she is. ^_^

Oh yeah, and she's supposed to be a girl, a sister. Thought her face made it obvious. XD


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Isn't her name Tate? If not, I know she's a pegasus knight. Then I used some guy, think he's a mage or something, and Natasha's veil.

I think I will rework the Sister, though, because someone signed up for my project with a similar mug. I can always leave the two like that, but I don't like having too many mugs with the same bodies. So yeah, gonna have to find a decent-looking body for her. I'll post the results maybe tomorrow, unless I can finish it tonight.

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The peg is Thany/Shanna, the middle sister is Tate.

Is that right? Thanks for clearing that up. :)

Well, I did make this quickie. Not that good but at least it'll be different than the other character. I think I need to clean up some at her left shoulder, make it less dark. (Actually, I like this one better than the previous ones)


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Body looks a bit more feminine, neck is still too thick though. Might wanna take it in a few pixels. I think the hair peeking out from under the veil earlier was good, it helped show her as female... maybe put that back, add more peeking out, and/or maybe some flowing out from the bottom too.

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Body looks a bit more feminine, neck is still too thick though. Might wanna take it in a few pixels. I think the hair peeking out from under the veil earlier was good, it helped show her as female... maybe put that back, add more peeking out, and/or maybe some flowing out from the bottom too.

She's supposed to be chubby. Haha, no, I will work the neck since it does seem thick. Thanks for the tip.

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Since I want spliced mugs to replace my lords, I came up with these possibilities for the second one. I could go for either one, but I am leaning more towards the right one. The things on her armor pad are supposed to be stars, lol. I still need to work on the colors in order for them to be able to be inserted, but I thought I'd show. I would also show a she-demon and Eirika's replacement, but I am happy the way those turned out, so not gonna upload those here.


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Tweak the face on the second one more to make Echidna more masculine(as Echidna is a lady)

But yeah, tweaking splicing based on the right one is more interesting than Eliwood head... Stars are a bit off atm though... Maybe ref Mario sprites to practice star shapes? :\

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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You've got some outline color problems.

Fe8 has different colors than fe6/7 so you'll have to adjust one or the other accordingly.

Really not bad although they're pretty simple splices.

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Exactly, Smirks, just two splices, nothing big. I don't have the time to work on tougher mugs, else I would.

Willie, yes, I agree. I will be using that one. she's already been reworked and inserted. This means that I may have two female lords instead of a male and female. It would make for a good story, too, eh? Both sisters aspiring for the throne.

Edit Oh and Errant, I would have done what you said, but I like her as a female, so she stays the way she is. She never was supposed to be a male, regardless of Ephraim's body.

Edited by Terminator
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No problem, Errant.

Well, here's another simple splice I made for Willie's character. I didn't much like Matthew Recolored for a mage, so I came up with this.


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