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Game going to be all mushy-mushy romantic-idealism again like FEA?


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I enjoyed the romance for Awakening as I played it, however when looking back on it I wouldn't want to go through those kinds of supports again. I'm hoping that Nintendo learned from customer feedback that not everyone really enjoyed it. And so hopefully the lovey dovey stuff will be toned down.

Though it would be cool if they did this differently for different characters. Some like Inigo and say, Sain, would of course want to go all out and be Romeos to their Juliets. It makes sense because that's in their character. However a character like Sully or Ike would be much less willing to get down for that sort of mushy stuff. So for characters like them, make it a lot more subtle for them to fall in love. Ike x Soren is a perfect example of subtle relationship growth between two busy warrior/tacticians doing their busy duties fighting a war to save the world. (Well, that is, if you are an Ike x Soren person, not everyone is I get it.)

So yeah, I suppose just make it make sense for the characters in question.

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Well, in Awakening there are only four supports (counting marriage) and supports aren't really that long, and not many of the characters have much in-game dialogue with one another, so it's far-fetched that any of them could blossm believably into a proposal. It's why I always paired Chrom x feMU--bland supports, but a good amount of in-game conversations, so them together is at least semi-believable.

Unless they add a LOT more supports to each of the characters in IF, I don't think it'll be any better as far as making the romantic relationships believable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why not having even more Limited Support Options, so we can have more Support Conversations per character? Say, instead of the possibility to Support 8 characters with 3 conversations ( 4 if is a potential couple ) , why not having the option to Support like 3 or 4 characters but having 5 conversations per character?

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I just want them to have plain simple support conversations like in the GBA games and PoR.

No cheesy or gay romances just because some people think FE is a dating simulator and this has to be a thing.

I actually wouldn't mind there not being Support-conversations at all as in Radiant Dawn.. it's about the gameplay after all.

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There should be fewer and higher quality supports (as in less options per character). Awakening was fine as an experiment for a FE dating-sim but I'd like for characters to have more meaningful relationships. I think it's fine to have a few token gay characters but gay-marriage is never going to happen unless George Takei is developing the game.

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Don't make them outright marry one another, at least before the ending. Without a children system (which I think won't return), literal marriages between units are pointless gameplay-wise anyway. S support, if exists, should be the stage where friendship begins to develop into love instead of a bizarrely rushed marriage. In other words, characters can confess their feelings for the other unit, but don't have them give rings or propose. You don't have to be married in order to love a person. There is nothing wrong with being normal lovers, especially at the early stage of the game.

Edited by Ryo
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Don't make them outright marry one another, at least before the ending. Without a children system (which I think won't return), literal marriages between units are pointless gameplay-wise anyway. S support, if exists, should be the stage where friendship begins to develop into love instead of a bizarrely rushed marriage. In other words, characters can confess their feelings for the other unit, but don't have them give rings or propose. You don't have to be married in order to love a person. There is nothing wrong with being normal lovers, especially at the early stage of the game.

They could make it so A supported units have to wait until a certain part of the story before they can S-support and before then allow them to have casual banter on the field like they do in Radiant Dawn..

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I mean, I would love to see homosexual options as much as the rest of you, but come on, people, it's a Nintendo game. It's not happening.I just hope any potential romance in this game is handled better than it was in Awakening, because that stuff was shallow.

I dunno, the Tomodachi controversy alerted them to the fact that there's an audience for gay romances, so they might put it in if there's no kids or something.

I get the feeling i worded this really badly.

I hope romance takes a backseat this time. Or if they have it, do something like Calil/Largo or Anna/Jake where there's already an established couple. Oh and if there's marriage or whatever, be more selective and don't allow everyone to romance each other. Some people just have strictly platonic relationships and not every friendship can lead to love, something i wish more games acknowledged.

Edited by Black Frost
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I dunno, the Tomodachi controversy alerted them to the fact that there's an audience for gay romances, so they might put it in if there's no kids or something.

I get the feeling i worded this really badly.

I know what you mean, and I know what you're talking about. But as far as Fire Emblem is concerned, I'll be extremely surprised to see legitimate gay romances in the upcoming game.

To be fair, though, Fire Emblem is probably the Nintendo IP in which they'd first experiment with the idea if they were to want to. It already has a big romance/pairing side to it and is typically focused at a slightly older audience than most of Nintendo's IPs, like the Mii stuff/Tomodachi Life.

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