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Hi everyone! I'm stitchedwithlove or Lauren if you'd prefer to call me by my real name. After boarding the hype train that is the new FE game I decided to stop by and join this lovely community. I've been lurking for a bit now, but my decision to join was reinforced by the announcement of the new game.

As for my FE history, Awakening was my first game in the series and after completing it I wanted to try out its predecessors. I still have yet to do that, but one day I will get to them. Nintendo hasn't been so kind as of late, so my wallet is looking quite sad.

So, yeah! That's really about it. I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys!

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Heya, Lauren. Starman's the name, and Fire Emblem's my game. I rule the Fire Emblem boards with an iron fist, and I stamp out even the slightest transgression with extreme prejudice, so watch out!

I kid. Welcome to boards. Hope you enjoy your stay.

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>Best girl as avatar

we can be good friends

I started out in a sort of similar situation as you but I joined after playing other FE's.

Name's Yuki. Or, well, Robin if you want my real name, but in that case people usually call me "Jin".

Yuki, Jin, Robin, pick yer poison

Anyhow enjoy your stay.

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And a g'day to you.

Welcome to the forest, friend. Enjoy your stay here, yeah?

Nice avatar, btw.

Thanks for the welcome, friend! And thanks! Felicia is absolutely adorable.

Welcome this place is pretty good I'm sure you will enjoy it. Also yeah play the other games they are so good and each is unique in its own way.

Thanks! I'm enjoying everything so far. Lots of good topics to read through and everyone here is very friendly. I'm slightly timid and shy, so it's very comforting to have joined a very supportive and warm community. And I will try the other games, definitely!

Heya, Lauren. Starman's the name, and Fire Emblem's my game. I rule the Fire Emblem boards with an iron fist, and I stamp out even the slightest transgression with extreme prejudice, so watch out!I kid. Welcome to boards. Hope you enjoy your stay.

Heya Starman! Ha ha, I love it! I'll make sure I don't get stamped by that iron fist of yours. Thanks for the welcome too!

Welcome to Serenes Forest!! ^__^

Thanks! :D

hello and welcome and all that jazz

Thank you! And hi!

another australian wow

Yep! I assume you don't get many Aussies then, huh?

Hey, how's it going? Yes, be sure to try some of the older FE games out, they are definitely worth it. Enjoy the stay!

Hey! I'm going good, thanks. And if you say they're worth it then I better try them out then!

Howdy hey!

Enjoy your stay! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhgMQhLI4Hc

Howdy! Thanks! Ha ha, love the video. That seems like FE in a nutshell. :P

>Best girl as avatar

we can be good friends

I started out in a sort of similar situation as you but I joined after playing other FE's.

Name's Yuki. Or, well, Robin if you want my real name, but in that case people usually call me "Jin".

Yuki, Jin, Robin, pick yer poison

Anyhow enjoy your stay.

Ha ha, your avatar is pretty great too - not even kidding. Kamui was my second choice as an avatar.

Anyway, nice to meet you, Yuki! I've no objections for us to be good friends.

Welcome to the forest friend! Hope you enjoy it here.

Thanks! Woah, love the signature.

Hi. Welcome to Serenes Forest. May you have a good time here, and also enjoy your stay.

Thanks for the welcome! Im enjoying everything so far. The community here is just awesome.
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