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The Convoy System


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So while all the heated discussion about things people care about goes on, how 'bout something significantly fewer people care about?

Do you think they're going to tinker with the Convoy system yet again? If so, how do you think they will do so? Will you be able to access the Convoy during battle? Will they introduce a merchant character to take with you into battle, like Merlinus in FE6/7? Will it have infinite storage?

I for one hope they bring back the Merlinus system, as long as they handle it the way FE7 did, what with him not being utter crap and a waste of a unit slot. The hoarder in me would also like to see the return of Awakening's bottomless supply line, but I suppose I wouldn't mind if they made it limited storage again.

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Personally, i'd like to see the unlimited convoy in FE14. Now accessing that convoy in battle? That I could do without, it was fairly useless in my opinion.

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I like the bottomless supply better because invariabley you fight enemies they drop valuable stuff and you have to toss it because you run out of space. Couple that with event tiles on maps and chests and thats alot of items. Accessing the convoy during battle is ok as is but I always used the preperation screen or the world map screen to adequately arm my units with healing items and weapons before the battle.

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I think now that they included an infinite convey they will have to keep so they don't annoy those who started with FE:A.

Also as I never played FE:6/7 I don't know what it was like to have Merlinus around but he seems awesome.

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Personally, i'd like to see the unlimited convoy in FE14. Now accessing that convoy in battle? That I could do without, it was fairly useless in my opinion.

Same here. I've never used the convoy mid-map, so I really don't see the point of it.

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I think now that they included an infinite convey they will have to keep so they don't annoy those who started with FE:A.

Also as I never played FE:6/7 I don't know what it was like to have Merlinus around but he seems awesome.

In FE7 he levels by surviving a map.

In FE6, he levels by... Living through 100 attacks!

... Yeah.

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In FE7 he levels by surviving a map.

In FE6, he levels by... Living through 100 attacks!

... Yeah.

Wait is he a perma unit that does not die?

Cause I know there was no casual in 6/7.

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Wait is he a perma unit that does not die?

Cause I know there was no casual in 6/7.

He just flees for the rest of the chapter and will return for the next one, but in FE7 he won't gain a level. It was neat and handy.

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Bring back FE6 Merlinius, but have him gain EXP by SHOPPING.

So would his EXP gain depend by the amount of gold used to buy stuff or by what he's purchasing? Sounds legit tho.

They're probably going to bring back unlimited convey, just so the new players won't be terribly annoyed with the convoy limit. But I honestly never noticed that Chrom acted as your convoy access until like thirteen chapters into the game...

Either way, it would be pretty cool if we can also get a Merchant class character, like the lance-wielding ones in Awakening. And maybe when promoted they get a wagon or something. I can dream big sometimes.

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I haven't played FE6, but I have played FE7 and FE8.

I do know that in Binding Blade, Merlinus is a wagon, and can move. I'm not really sure if he took up a slot in the preparation (pick units). I know Blazing Sword had Merlinus as a tent, and that he didn't take up a slot.

I loved the endless convoy in Awakening. I honestly never even noticed the convoy limit in Sacred Stones, until I was doing the creature campaign, and I had to discard one of the weapons I was holding on to.

For the ultimate convoy, I'd want an endless, wagon convoy with 8 walking spaces that doesn't take a slot in preparations and levels up after each level. imo, the convoy being with the lord is better than nothing. Unlike Awakening, it's much harder to keep track of your gold in comparison to Sacred Stones. The convoy had helped me many times when Vanessa / Seth didn't have a weapon and I needed Eirika to give them one.

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separate convoy pls

It's just really silly to give a Lord character access to the entire war chest in the middle of battle with no negative repercussions. If they bring back the Transporter though it should have more emphasis on durability than speed; there's no excuse for a tent or wagon laden with supplies to not get doubled by everything.

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I haven't played FE6, but I have played FE7 and FE8.

I do know that in Binding Blade, Merlinus is a wagon, and can move. I'm not really sure if he took up a slot in the preparation (pick units). I know Blazing Sword had Merlinus as a tent, and that he didn't take up a slot.

FE6 Merlinius took up a preparation slot. Most people don't give it to him because he needed to be attacked 100 times to reach level 2.

So would his EXP gain depend by the amount of gold used to buy stuff or by what he's purchasing? Sounds legit tho.

I was kidding, tbh my fix for FE6 Merlinus is to give him staves or multiply his "got attacked" EXP by 25, meaning he'd be SOMEWHAT useful.

It would be cool for him to get EXP by shopping during maps though.

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I was kidding, tbh my fix for FE6 Merlinus is to give him staves or multiply his "got attacked" EXP by 25, meaning he'd be SOMEWHAT useful.

It would be cool for him to get EXP by shopping during maps though.

Honestly, just giving him the extra EXP would fix the deal for me. I don't know anyone who has the patience to make him go through 100 attacks just to level him up once... especially if you're aiming for a ranked run. o_e But it would be pretty cool if Merchants had a way to defend themselves, besides just being units that take up slot space or in FE7's case, a stationary tent.

I'm the type who hoards special weapons out of fear of using them.

I sometimes feel that the unlimited convoy of FE13 is just for that Regalia DLC... gotta hoard 'em all.

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Oh dear god the Regalia DLC.... took me 200 tries to get a Book of Naga. Thank god for unlimited convoy, that particular save has non-Naga weapons FOREVER!


On topic: I liked the lord having the convoy because in some of my runs I may have forgotten to equip characters I hadn't used in a few chapters to grind... ._.

Having a separate character as the convoy itself would be useful if it was like FE7 Merlinus levelling as long as he was always a transporter. No tent please ;-; I hated having to backtrack to him if someone ran out of weaponry or healingstuffs midbattle. Also a second character that could hang out with a second fleet of characters to resupply them during battle would be nice too... but that's getting wishlist-y.

Idea: Have a battle convoy that you can equip to characters that can only hold say, an extra 10-15 items.

Edited by Huntress
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I genuinely think that the only thing preventing the developers from giving you unlimited space in the convoy was a programming restriction wasn't till awakening when till they came up with solution that basically stored items by weapon type

Fun fact: The display cap for how many items you have is 99 but the hard cap seems to be 255 for programming reasons, also if your reeking box grind on normal mode make sure to sell your bullians before that point because then u start losing money

Also I found chroms convoy ability rather useful for staff rank grinding with the rescue staff.one thing I wish they change is that is they should either have on merchant character like merlinus or make so that in map battles the first slot character is the convoy hold not nescarily the lord

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The main problem with having the Convoy be separate is that it's not in any other JRPG. This includes Strategy RPGs, mind you. Disgaea does it, and although I've never played them, I'm pretty sure even other Strategy RPGs that clearly borrow from Fire Emblem's level of difficulty such as Final Fantasy and Tactics Ogre. Arguing to keep systems that were out of date in the first place is honestly somewhat juvenile.

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The main problem with having the Convoy be separate is that it's not in any other JRPG. This includes Strategy RPGs, mind you. Disgaea does it, and although I've never played them, I'm pretty sure even other Strategy RPGs that clearly borrow from Fire Emblem's level of difficulty such as Final Fantasy and Tactics Ogre. Arguing to keep systems that were out of date in the first place is honestly somewhat juvenile.

It's not any other JRPG.

It's Fire Emblem. The convoy is a part of the tactics. What do you store? What do your units hold, etc?

The convoy is an important feature, imo. Getting rid of it is a bad idea to say the least.

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It's not any other JRPG.

It's Fire Emblem. The convoy is a part of the tactics. What do you store? What do your units hold, etc?

The convoy is an important feature, imo. Getting rid of it is a bad idea to say the least.

Treating it like that it's starting to make me realize why a significant portion of you guys are never satiisfied.

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Treating it like that it's starting to make me realize why a significant portion of you guys are never satiisfied.

Glaceon Sage makes a fair point. Having an Elibe-style limited convoy deepens the strategical aspect of Fire Emblem in many respects: you need to manage your weapons more carefully and [ii] guard your tent / caravan, either so it can level up (FE7) or so you can withdraw weapons and items during battle (FE6/7). It adds an entirely new wrinkle to battle considerations.

On the flip side, Awakening's convoy system is undoubtedly more convenient: you can store more items than before and [ii] you don't need to bring along or protect a merchant unit. Your lord is effectively a built-in caravan.

The choice is an extra layer of strategy versus greater convenience, and while both approaches are fine, I'd prefer the former.

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I do know that in Binding Blade, Merlinus is a wagon, and can move. I'm not really sure if he took up a slot in the preparation (pick units). I know Blazing Sword had Merlinus as a tent, and that he didn't take up a slot.

Merlinus can promote to a wagon in FE7. I believe it happens if he survives a map at lvl 20, but it might happen at lvl 19 for all I know. He still doesn't take up a slot after getting his wagon.

Glaceon Sage makes a fair point. Having an Elibe-style limited convoy deepens the strategical aspect of Fire Emblem in many respects: you need to manage your weapons more carefully and [ii] guard your tent / caravan, either so it can level up (FE7) or so you can withdraw weapons and items during battle (FE6/7). It adds an entirely new wrinkle to battle considerations.

I believe that if you either do not deploy merlinus in FE7, or if he has to flee during the chapter, you lose the ability to deposit items when your inventory is full. What I mean is that if, for instance, Merlinus is off the battlefield, and you collect a 6th item, you then have to discard one of those 6 items rather than storing it.

If this game has a substantial postgame like FE13 did, then I want the ability to hoard like crazy. If it plays more like most FEs, then I don't really care if there's a limit as long as it's not ridiculously low.

Edited by Severlan
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