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Characters don't have to be playable to be story significant. It's possible that we won't be playing with the dancer for a very long time in the game, even if you can talk to them or watch events that they're involved in.

I wasn't saying if the dancer is playable, we've already seen her on maps where none of the player characters seem to be promoted. (That and promotional material generally doesn't show much of lategame maps.)

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Kamui might be a third party to the whole conflict rather than be affiliated with any one faction in the first place.

Seems logical. Although, the game might make you end up on Marc's side, or at least I think so. The trailer makes him seem like the good guy.

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Yeah, Kamui seems like the Lord. There doesn't seem to be any other clear Lord figure, so unless a curveball is thrown, Kamui will at the very least promote to one.

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I had another idea: maybe Kamui is actually Marx's half brother. As noted, his name does sound somewhat Eastern, but he's seen with clearly Western maids. So maybe they're Marx's half-sibling. Marx is the son of the Western king with a Western woman while Kamui is the child of the Western king with an Easern woman. In this case, then maybe the dancer could be Kamui's half-sister, the daughter of Kamui's mother. This way, Kamui is more neutral and has a clear choice of allies to go with for their choice between the Eastern and Western factions.

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Seems logical. Although, the game might make you end up on Marc's side, or at least I think so. The trailer makes him seem like the good guy.

Hopefully, with the purported claim that we'll get significant choices and consequences, we'll be able to choose between at least "Samuraidom" and "Knightland." In such a scenario, it would make sense that each side would have good and bad qualities to them. Max/Marx/Marcus is probably the awesome heroic representative for the "West" while "Lobster Daimyo Bishie" is probably the awesome heroic representative for the "East."

If blue-haired dancer girl is an important oracle/princess, maybe she can even be married to one of those 2 to cement an alliance and give them more political clout in their respective kingdom.

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"Lobster Daimyo Bishie" is sounding like a good husbando to me XD. In all seriousness, though, perhaps the game will have Kamui unite the two to take down some bigger evil, like some giant evil demon-orc-thingy.

Although they might realize that is a bit over-used. :/ Geez I hope there are some MAJOR plot twists in this game.

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I personally think that Kamui will be the Western prince (Marx`s brother) and that he`ll betray his kingdon to help the darcer girl, who was being held captive by his father. Marx will probably stay behind and become this game`s Camus.

The dancer girl will probably be someone who wants to stop the war in between the two kingdons and the main antagonists will likely be people who are manipulating both kingdons into fighting. Maybe the war is messing up the balance of the world and that is the source of the monsters and, ultimatelly, the messed up world we saw in the trailer.

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Right. What if it is more like they are different worlds colliding instead of different countries? Doesn't make sense with the historic painting and stuff, but space/time/dimension stuff has to be involved with that once scene in the trailer. I'm surprised it hasn't been talked about more here.

Not sure how people feel about them continuing with outrealm/portal/space time dimension distortion stuff started in awakening, though.

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I think that sounds kind of silly, but I've seen stranger speculations. With how little we actually know, it's impressive we're all able to infer this much.

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I think that sounds kind of silly, but I've seen stranger speculations. With how little we actually know, it's impressive we're all able to infer this much.

I don't know about anyone else, but my theory is t least 50% ass-pulling and wishful thinking.

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So, the colors are what's driving the whole East VS West idea? Because personally, since Iwata said players would make more important decisions this time, if at the beginning of the game you'd have to choose a side to play through the game with... Then that'd be deep. But also, programming a whole separate story,so... maybe not.

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So, the colors are what's driving the whole East VS West idea? Because personally, since Iwata said players would make more important decisions this time, if at the beginning of the game you'd have to choose a side to play through the game with... Then that'd be deep. But also, programming a whole separate story,so... maybe not.

Yeah, my guess is that itll be like Mass effect/Dragon Age, where there is one definite story, but things change along the way based on what you do

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Yeah, I'd definitely say Kamui sounds Eastern as opposed to Western. But the maids' names are Western, so hmm...the whole Theon Greyjoy situation could be a thing here... Or maybe he's Marx's brother/half brother and Kamui's mother was Eastern and came up with the name? I honestly have no clue...there could be any number of reasons why somebody with an Eastern name has Western-named maids. Also the background in the trailer when it shows the two maids looks like it has the Roman arch thing going on...

As for the Outrealms thing...that moment in the trailer when they show floating islands that are upside-down and sideways makes me wonder if there's not some sort of time/space crap going on here. If the designers handle it well, then that could turn out pretty sweet. Perhaps that could explain why these Italians/Romans suddenly are battling Japanese, since I've never heard of any big feuds between Italy and Japan. And I know that the Roman Empire was mainly centered around the Mediterranean. Not that a video game has to abide by history, but dimensional craziness could be a way of explaining things.

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I really like the idea of Kumai being a half brother to Marx. Or a cousin whose parents had a romeo juliette thing going on with the two sides. Now, would they be a happy member of the family in either case, or an accepted but not liked bastard/result of a marriage that was disaproved of by the family?

Edited by Eveangaline
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Yeah, I'd definitely say Kamui sounds Eastern as opposed to Western. But the maids' names are Western, so hmm...the whole Theon Greyjoy situation could be a thing here... Or maybe he's Marx's brother/half brother and Kamui's mother was Eastern and came up with the name? I honestly have no clue...there could be any number of reasons why somebody with an Eastern name has Western-named maids. Also the background in the trailer when it shows the two maids looks like it has the Roman arch thing going on...

As for the Outrealms thing...that moment in the trailer when they show floating islands that are upside-down and sideways makes me wonder if there's not some sort of time/space crap going on here. If the designers handle it well, then that could turn out pretty sweet. Perhaps that could explain why these Italians/Romans suddenly are battling Japanese, since I've never heard of any big feuds between Italy and Japan. And I know that the Roman Empire was mainly centered around the Mediterranean. Not that a video game has to abide by history, but dimensional craziness could be a way of explaining things.

Well, the maids name being Western as opposed to Eastern doesn't really mean anything. It isn't unbelievably common for someone, especially a noble or royal, to have servants or slaves from enemy regions.

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Well Marx said he can't believe his father is doing such thing, we could assume they'll pull something similar to FE8/FE12 with the king being not the real king(like Vigarde or Hardin) to trigger the conflict. I think Kamui noticed the changes in his father which set off the story. The dancer is definitely of an eastern origin so we could have ourself a Romeo and Juliet type romance if we decided to pursue the dancer but of course with a happy ending.

This is interesting because most FE games start off by having our Protag's nation being invaded, we could see the reverse this time. But it pretty obvious that main antagonist faction is the demon/risen type forces.

Edited by Awakener_
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Everyone says Dancer/Kamui would be a Romeo and Juliet type romance. I say it'd probably be more like Dances With Wolves/The Last Samurai/Avatar/List more movies that use the exact same plot here.

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