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    Radiant Dawn

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  1. Wait, I'm just getting here. Is Kamui the default name for the Avatar?
  2. Genealogy of the Holy War is actually a pretty complex game for it's time. Also, Sigurd is amazing.

  3. Okay, so the majority of people are choosing Nohr because it'll have a different story approach than the cookie cutter defend against invaders, and that because of this the difficulty will be more intense. Or, you know, the purple haired girl. Everyone loves her. Not sure why though... hmm.
  4. I don't know if this was already said, but the GameXplain video analyzing the FE:I trailer. My mind is officially blown.
  5. So, the colors are what's driving the whole East VS West idea? Because personally, since Iwata said players would make more important decisions this time, if at the beginning of the game you'd have to choose a side to play through the game with... Then that'd be deep. But also, programming a whole separate story,so... maybe not.
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