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Greatmaster or Great Knight for Morgan?


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I have a question about Morgans Class. Witch Class is better? Greatmaster or Great Knight? I play the Hard Classic mode and i will playing the DLCs. When Morgan Great Knight, I will Walhart for father

I hope,you can help me.

PS: sorry,my English is not the perfect

Edited by Flosukemaru
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It depends on both Morgan's current class, other parent, and whether you want Luna or Ignis, although Rally Spectrum and Dual Guard+ both make decent support skills, so maybe Grandmaster->Great Knight

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Personally I prefer Ignis over Luna. Both great skills but if you have to prioritize I'd go for Ignis first. Nothing says you can't use a second seal at Grandmaster level 15 to Great Knight to pick up Luna as well. Although if you plan to stay a Great Knight your Morgan will lose access to tomes.

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Really depends on the build IMO. Having access to both skills certainly don't hurt, but Grandmaster is probably best if you went with something that gives roughly even power-related stats, such as speed, to even out the effectiveness of both weapon types and not skewing it too much one way or the other making the other weapon type obsolete. GK makes more sense if you've capitalized on high strength, low magic, or both at once, since it's a high power pure physical class with -10 to magic cap compared to all other pure physical classes, and Ignis may not even be very effective there. What's your Avatar's build? You said that Walhart is the partner of choice for a GK!Morgan (and he does have very high strength), but who would you choose for Morgan's parent if you go Grandmaster?

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I prefer Grandmaster over Great Knight as Morgan's final class. The Grandmaster class is a nice pair-up unit and has higher Skill, Magic, Speed and Resistance stats while also being able to deal both physical and magical damage.

What you can do is make Morgan become a Great Knight at some point just to learn Luna (and maybe Dual Guard+) before eventually reclassing him to Grandmaster so he can have both Luna and Ignis skills available to him.

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