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Trying to figure out asset/flaw for my next Lunatic Classic playthrough.


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Not sure who I want to pair him with is the problem. If this wasn't Lunatic I would probably pair him with Aversa for a shadowgift sage, but I'd rather have him get supports early. I don't really want a defense based Morgan because I take that route pretty much every game, so what would you guys recommend? I also never optimize for galeforce so that doesn't need to factor in anywhere.

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Unless you're doing postgame, marry Nowi or Cordelia. Both of them are fabulous ingame partners for Avatar on Lunatic.

If you don't want to go +Def, +Spd is a very good asset as well. -Skl rarely hurts and -Lck will only matter if you're running Armsthrift, so one of those would make a good flaw.

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