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Fire Emblem: Archanea Trilogy

Topaz Light

What is your opinion on the following features for a FE1~3 remake compilation?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the Anima/Light/Dark magic split be implemented?

  2. 2. In which games should branched promotions be made available in order to allow more unit variety? (Branched promotions will not be available, save for Gaiden's Villagers, when player character classes/stats are set to "Original")

    • All three.
    • Shadow Dragon/Mystery of the Emblem, with Gaiden having third-tiers instead.
    • Gaiden should have branched promotions instead of third-tiers, while Shadow Dragon and Mystery of the Emblem have fixed promotions.
    • All games should have two tiers and fixed promotions.
    • All games should have fixed promotions, with third-tiers being exclusive to Gaiden.
  3. 3. Should Dread Fighter be Alm's personal second-tier class, or the third-tier of the Myrmidon line?

    • Dread Fighter should be Alm's personal second-tier class; use Trueblade as the third-tier Myrmidon/Swordmaster promotion.
    • Dread Fighter should be the third-tier Myrmidon/Swordmaster promotion as it was in the original; use a new class as Alm's personal second-tier class.
    • Indifferent
  4. 4. Should A Support paired endings be able to override canon pairings? (Note that for characters originating in Shadow Dragon, the overriding for certain pairs may not fully take place until Mystery of the Emblem)

    • Yes, in all instances.
    • Yes, but only in minor instances. (Ex. Gray x Clair)
    • No, never.
    • Indifferent

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I just have a few questions.

1.) would you be remaking this with GBA sprites?

2.) will you be trimming off some of the filler from gaiden?

3.) will you be remaking the super famicom game or the ds games? (I would recommend the ds games because of the additional characters)

also if you're looking for some music for gaiden



4.) also, if you're going to make it GBA style, will the music have the general GBA twang?

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I have some questions as well.

-Why make Hardin a lord, and not Caeda? (Note: I am not far at all in Shadow Dragon so I'm probably missing something)

-When you say that some characters from Gaiden might be playable (In Mystery of the Emblem), how will you incorporate them into Mystery Of the Emblem's plot?

-How are you planning on doing the music? Do you have someone that is good with instruments? Or did you make it yourself/use a computer program?

-Are you going to write all the support conversations yourself? That will take a long time.

-Are you going to change the story lines so that they fit better together, or will you leave them (mostly) as is?

-What about the Avatar from FE12? Will they just not exist, or be the default Kris? Also, would he be a lord as well?

-This seems pretty tough to make, so how long do you think it would take to make the FE1 part, or at least do you have a goal in mind for the time?

Sorry I ask so many questions. That's just what I do when I'm interested in something. Also, if one of my questions was answered before I asked, I'm sorry in advance, I tend to forget easily.

  • A few reasons. Firstly, because Hardin is plainly and simply more important to the overarching plot, being a crucial character in Mystery of the Emblem, so at the very least he's going to yield a Game Over if he dies. Secondly, Caeda is the very first Pegasus Knight in the entire series, so she's kind of important in that sense, I feel. I'm not changing the starting classes of any of the original starting team (Marth, Caeda, Cain, Abel, Gordin, Draug, Jagen, Wrys) for the same general sort of reason. Also, there's alternate dialogue in the ending of Shadow Dragon (and maybe New Mystery? Not sure, but probably) if Caeda dies, so I think she's supposed to be able to die without yielding a Game Over.

    All of that said, I am heavily considering giving Caeda a personal promotion, because she is a very major character compared to most of FEArchanea's cast.

  • Mostly as incidental recruited characters. They're not going to be super important plot-wise or anything. For the most part, they'll just be there to sort of help strengthen the ties between the Archanean and Valentian stories a bit and reaffirm that they are part of the same narrative.
  • I have a composer friend, but I've been sort of considering just using the FEDS soundtrack for the most part, and seeing if my friend wouldn't be willing to remix the Gaiden tracks in that style.
  • Well, I was kinda thinking I would, mostly because that would be the best way to make sure everything stayed consistent. I'm not sure, though. If I had other team members who were writer-y types, I'd be cool with splitting the work with them, but presently I've no such assistance.
  • Well, I'm obviously not going to make any major changes (to Marth's story, at least), but I will make a few tweaks here and there to fit them and Gaiden better together. Gaiden's story, however, will have some major adjustments, mostly because the delivery in the original game is severely lacking and weird, and I also need to reconcile or explain the whole "Falchion is on Valentia and has a different backstory" thing. Granted, it could be a different Falchion, but that would get confusing, so I'm thinking of either changing the name of Valentia's Falchion, or editing the backstory to retcon it and Archanea's Falchion into being the same sword. If I go with the latter idea, Palla, Catra, and Est's mission on Valentia will be to retrieve the sword, and on that mission, Est ended up getting kidnapped by Giesse or otherwise separated from her sisters somehow (and ultimately ended up imprisoned by Giesse).
  • Kris will exist, and will still be an Avatar/My Unit character instead of a fixed character. They'll still be a "Lord" in the sense that if they die, it's Game Over, but aside from that they'll be more or less a regular unit (their growths will also be nerfed a tad to make them more on-par with other units). I'm also going to be giving Jagen's lines that they hijacked back to him and having the majority of Kris' lines come through extended/additional dialogue.

    Additionally, because I agree with complaints that Marth trusted Kris way too much, way too fast in New Mystery, Kris is going to come in as part of the starting team in Shadow Dragon instead, to make their bond with Marth more justified. As a result of this, New Mystery's prologue chapters are probably going to be axed (let's face it, they were basically New Mystery's "Lyn's Story" anyway), and Katarina and the assassin subplot are going to be introduced and incorporated into the plot differently, probably having the assassins be secondary/additional bosses in main story chapters. (It doesn't really make sense that you'd be able to just skip dealing with a group whose entire goal is killing the story's main character.) On the upside, this means that the Book 3 sidequests will be entirely new and not shoehorned in at incredibly awkward points in the story.

  • I'm going to refrain from giving any ETAs for any parts being completed until FEXNA is out and I can actually start working on it. There's a reason this is in the Hacking Concepts section, after all.

I just have a few questions.

1.) would you be remaking this with GBA sprites?

2.) will you be trimming off some of the filler from gaiden?

3.) will you be remaking the super famicom game or the ds games? (I would recommend the ds games because of the additional characters)

also if you're looking for some music for gaiden

4.) also, if you're going to make it GBA style, will the music have the general GBA twang?

  1. Yes, it will be using the same graphical style as the FEGBA games.
  2. Gaiden's going to be overhauled the most heavily out of all the games. So many of the maps in that game are in dire need of revisions it's not even funny. I don't know that I'll be replacing the filler maps as much as I'll be using their slots to add detail to the story and help fix the pretty major pacing issues the original had with its plot developments.
  3. Ssssssort of both. All the characters from the DS versions will be recruitable, but for Mystery of the Emblem, in particular, I'm likely to take the original SFC game and then carefully add the DS version elements to it my way rather than going with the sloppy implementation IS used for the DS version.

    For the music suggestion, it's nice of you to offer it, but I'm currently not sure. I'd need to find out whether those are official remixes or fan-made ones. I'm not using any fan-made material unless A: the fan who made them was me or another project team member, or B: I have the permission of the fan who made the material to use it.

  4. Perhaps? I'm not sure. I'm kinda more partial to the SNES soundfonts, actually, but music is really still up in the air and is not currently a priority. It'd be lovely to get a style like the remixed songs in the Mystery of the Emblem Sound Memorium or the Genealogy of the Holy War Arranged soundtrack for the remakes' OST, but I'm not going to be operating under the assumption that that's at all likely to actually happen.
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  • Kris will exist, and will still be an Avatar/My Unit character instead of a fixed character. They'll still be a "Lord" in the sense that if they die, it's Game Over, but aside from that they'll be more or less a regular unit (their growths will also be nerfed a tad to make them more on-par with other units). I'm also going to be giving Jagen's lines that they hijacked back to him and having the majority of Kris' lines come through extended/additional dialogue.

    Additionally, because I agree with complaints that Marth trusted Kris way too much, way too fast in New Mystery, Kris is going to come in as part of the starting team in Shadow Dragon instead, to make their bond with Marth more justified. As a result of this, New Mystery's prologue chapters are probably going to be axed (let's face it, they were basically New Mystery's "Lyn's Story" anyway), and Katarina and the assassin subplot are going to be introduced and incorporated into the plot differently, probably having the assassins be secondary/additional bosses in main story chapters. (It doesn't really make sense that you'd be able to just skip dealing with a group whose entire goal is killing the story's main character.) On the upside, this means that the Book 3 sidequests will be entirely new and not shoehorned in at incredibly awkward points in the story.

If this ever actually goes anywhere, please axe that disgusting dialogue near the finale where Marth cecedes all his achievements ever to Chris, who obviously then graciously declines so that Marth can be a Hero King in legend. Like please, if you won't remove Chris entirely, don't let them demean Marth in such a perverse way.

Edited by Irysa
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If this ever actually goes anywhere, please axe that disgusting dialogue near the finale where Marth cedes all his achievements ever to Chris, who obviously then graciously declines so that Marth can be a Hero King in legend. Like please, if you won't remove Chris entirely, don't let them demean Marth in such a perverse way.

Yeah that's probably gonna get toned waaaaaaay down to Kris just getting mentioned by name in a sort of "Thank you, everybody. I couldn't have done it without you."-type heroic "we won" speech.

Part of the terms of Kris existing in this remake is that their rights to infringe on Marth's character development are revoked.

Edited by Starlight36
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  • Kris will exist, and will still be an Avatar/My Unit character instead of a fixed character. They'll still be a "Lord" in the sense that if they die, it's Game Over, but aside from that they'll be more or less a regular unit (their growths will also be nerfed a tad to make them more on-par with other units). I'm also going to be giving Jagen's lines that they hijacked back to him and having the majority of Kris' lines come through extended/additional dialogue.

    Additionally, because I agree with complaints that Marth trusted Kris way too much, way too fast in New Mystery, Kris is going to come in as part of the starting team in Shadow Dragon instead, to make their bond with Marth more justified. As a result of this, New Mystery's prologue chapters are probably going to be axed (let's face it, they were basically New Mystery's "Lyn's Story" anyway), and Katarina and the assassin subplot are going to be introduced and incorporated into the plot differently, probably having the assassins be secondary/additional bosses in main story chapters. (It doesn't really make sense that you'd be able to just skip dealing with a group whose entire goal is killing the story's main character.) On the upside, this means that the Book 3 sidequests will be entirely new and not shoehorned in at incredibly awkward points in the story.

oh thank god @bolded

New Mystery's Gaidens were awful both in terms of gameplay and story, so I'm glad to see them being replaced.

I'm not super happy about Chris staying, but as long as the game doesn't bend over backwards to constantly praise him I think he'll be tolerable.

If you're wanting some ideas for new gaidens for Book 3 then I have at least one suggestion.

Also, what supports do you have planned for the game? Will Chris be supporting with every unit like he did in FE12?

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  • I'm going to refrain from giving any ETAs for any parts being completed until FEXNA is out and I can actually start working on it. There's a reason this is in the Hacking Concepts section, after all.

Sorry, I did not know what FEXNA was until I posted that. I need to do more research before asking questions.

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An idea like this has been banging around in my head for the longest time. I'd love to help with this! I'm not very experienced with any of the skills required for this, but at the moment I'm learning coding and have interest in writing music. If you're looking for a spriter, that's not me, but if you need someone to hand some dirty work to once you start up, I have nothing but time.

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...on the Falchion, wasn't it basically a Fang of Naga, ie dragon fang, forged into a Holy Sword?

Why then would it be implausible there being multiple/different Falchions? Could Naga not give more than one fang?

...perhaps part of the reason for the Pegasus Knight's showing up in Gaiden could result from losing the Falchion, (I don't recall what happens to it post FE1, but you do have to regain it from your enemy in FE3 right?) ...and then going to Alm's land based on the rumours of a Falchion, but it turning out to be a separate sword? ...just to give validity to the dual Falchion existences and avoid complicated questions of how it changes hands so many times?

...I dunno, just a thought. But I should read more back story about it.

Edit: read up on the back story... I think if it is the same Falchion it becomes a question of what happens with the Mila story... It could happen to the original Falchion, but in a way isn't that a lot of things occurring to one sword? ...I dunno. *shrug*

Shadow Dragon even has an inferior Falchion Nagi gives you... So, the potential for multiple fangs/swords is there...

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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Will the fe11 prologue be implemented? If not, how will Frey and Norne be recruited?

Most likely. I can say that that chain of events will be played as actual chapters, but I'm not sure yet if it's going to be the same chapters as in Shadow Dragon. If not, Frey and Norne will probably just be added to the starting crew from the get-go, or else recruited waaaaaay later when Marth retakes Altea.

Prologue IV will be changed at least a little bit, though, to remove the sacrifice bit. Maybe it'll teach you about breakable walls there instead or something.

oh thank god @bolded

New Mystery's Gaidens were awful both in terms of gameplay and story, so I'm glad to see them being replaced.

I'm not super happy about Chris staying, but as long as the game doesn't bend over backwards to constantly praise him I think he'll be tolerable.

If you're wanting some ideas for new gaidens for Book 3 then I have at least one suggestion.

Also, what supports do you have planned for the game? Will Chris be supporting with every unit like he did in FE12?

Kris is essentially going to be demoted to being yet another mildly plot-important character, like Caeda or Ogma or Astram or somebody. The games will be remade with the philosophy that FE1+3 is Marth's story first and anyone else's second.

Sure, I'd like to hear it!

That is going to be a looooong list. I can start by telling you that every mutual support pair from the DS remakes will have supports together. There'll be more than that, though, obviously, since just going by mutual supports there would be some characters who just can't get supports at all.

Sorry, I did not know what FEXNA was until I posted that. I need to do more research before asking questions.

Don't worry about it! It's all good.

An idea like this has been banging around in my head for the longest time. I'd love to help with this! I'm not very experienced with any of the skills required for this, but at the moment I'm learning coding and have interest in writing music. If you're looking for a spriter, that's not me, but if you need someone to hand some dirty work to once you start up, I have nothing but time.

I will keep your offer in mind when that time comes. Thanks!

...on the Falchion, wasn't it basically a Fang of Naga, ie dragon fang, forged into a Holy Sword?

Why then would it be implausible there being multiple/different Falchions? Could Naga not give more than one fang?

...perhaps part of the reason for the Pegasus Knight's showing up in Gaiden could result from losing the Falchion, (I don't recall what happens to it post FE1, but you do have to regain it from your enemy in FE3 right?) ...and then going to Alm's land based on the rumours of a Falchion, but it turning out to be a separate sword? ...just to give validity to the dual Falchion existences and avoid complicated questions of how it changes hands so many times?

...I dunno, just a thought. But I should read more back story about it.

Edit: read up on the back story... I think if it is the same Falchion it becomes a question of what happens with the Mila story... It could happen to the original Falchion, but in a way isn't that a lot of things occurring to one sword? ...I dunno. *shrug*

Shadow Dragon even has an inferior Falchion Nagi gives you... So, the potential for multiple fangs/swords is there...

I thought that Gaiden's Falchion was just made of regular metal and its holy power was due to Mila being sealed inside of it. At this point I'm sorta leaning towards just changing the name or something, because having two Falchions in analogous roles in the same story would be rather weird and confusing.

Edited by Starlight36
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I thought that Gaiden's Falchion was just made of regular metal and its holy power was due to Mila being sealed inside of it. At this point I'm sorta leaning towards just changing the name or something, because having two Falchions in analogous roles in the same story would be rather weird and confusing.

I don't think changing Falchion to something else would change anything for the worse. In fact, it doesn't really make sense that Falchion as it is in Archanea would also be super effective against Doma. I'd look into some lore and see what kills ugly monsters most often.

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I don't think changing Falchion to something else would change anything for the worse. In fact, it doesn't really make sense that Falchion as it is in Archanea would also be super effective against Doma. I'd look into some lore and see what kills ugly monsters most often.

Honestly, I was thinking of changing Valentia's Falchion to Amatsu, since that's the only legendary sword brought up in the series that's uniquely "from" that continent. It'd give a bit more (non-canon) background to the sword, as well as being congruent with the aesthetic direction of the Dread Fighter if I use that as Alm's promoted class (I'm probably going to use Dread Fighter as Alm's promoted class).

Edited by Starlight36
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Honestly, I was thinking of changing Valentia's Falchion to Amatsu, since that's the only legendary sword brought up in the series that's uniquely "from" that continent. It'd give a bit more (non-canon) background to the sword, as well as being congruent with the aesthetic direction of the Dread Fighter if I use that as Alm's promoted class (I'm probably going to use Dread Fighter as Alm's promoted class).

Ah, why didn't I think of that? Amatsu sounds like a good thing to use for that. I think that Dread Fighter as Alm's promo sounds like a good idea as long as you can give the Mercs a good replacement Tier 3 class {if any at all}

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Ah, why didn't I think of that? Amatsu sounds like a good thing to use for that. I think that Dread Fighter as Alm's promo sounds like a good idea as long as you can give the Mercs a good replacement Tier 3 class {if any at all}

He could probably make Hero/Vanguard as Merc tier 3. Hero being Alm's promotion in the original Gaiden.
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Actually, my thought was to have the Gaiden swordfighting class be Myrmidon so it could go Myrmidon/Swordmaster/Trueblade, but that's still not 100% decided.

I know that I am definitely not going to retain Alm's original class names for him, though, since Fighter and Hero have since become well-established classes in the series outside of Gaiden.

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Maybe for the Prologue IV, instead of a sacrifice, adding a character along with the knights to talk and recruit? But many times? A custom or what? (one in Prologue IV, one in another chapter, one in the last chapter of this force etc etc..) Just an idea, I'm a fan of recruitment a bit annoying..(hey Xavier!) This would add a little more challenge for one character, instead of the sacrifice, a sort of..gift but not given in the start. :)

Anyway, except this "awful" idea ; I'm very excited to see all of that, I want to see how the project will be ^^

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Hey, if you guys want me to do an entire dialogue script rewrite (from a writing standpoint), then I'd be more than happy to join the team to that respect.

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Maybe for the Prologue IV, instead of a sacrifice, adding a character along with the knights to talk and recruit? But many times? A custom or what? (one in Prologue IV, one in another chapter, one in the last chapter of this force etc etc..) Just an idea, I'm a fan of recruitment a bit annoying..(hey Xavier!) This would add a little more challenge for one character, instead of the sacrifice, a sort of..gift but not given in the start. :)

Anyway, except this "awful" idea ; I'm very excited to see all of that, I want to see how the project will be ^^

Isn't that basically Cath's recruitment scenario?

It's not really a bad idea for a way to recruit a character, but I can't think of anyone who'd join at that time for whom it'd make sense.

You'll already have ten characters by the end of Chapter 1, though, and the first several chapters of Shadow Dragon kinda dump a ton of characters on you, so I don't know that early-game would be the best place to add new characters.

Hey, if you guys want me to do an entire dialogue script rewrite (from a writing standpoint), then I'd be more than happy to join the team to that respect.

Currently just one person (me), and I really appreciate the offer, but I'm not entirely sure if that's a position that's open, mostly because the writing was one of the things I wanted to personally pay extra-special attention to. I'm not so sure I'd want to entrust it to someone else.

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Prologue IV will be changed at least a little bit, though, to remove the sacrifice bit. Maybe it'll teach you about breakable walls there instead or something.

idk why you wouldn't keep the sacrifice and just tie it into your FE12 remake instead. I mean frey is the canon one but if you have the choice, it would be pretty cool if it was a minor changable plot point in book 3.

Edited by Irysa
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Mmh Cath is one like that? Yeah, it's been a long time since I played FE6 ^^ Or yeah, if you keep the sacrifice but the character instead of "dying", join you later, that will be less character from start. Maybe not having a choice to choose who's going to sacrifice (because Frey is the canon one) ? ^^

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I'm thinking that someone from your party should have to leave, but would re-appear when Marth liberates Altea. That character would have higher stats, maybe given 10 levels or something like that, or leveled up to 10 and then given promo bonuses and come promoted. I think it'd make more sense for the enemy to want to capture Marth rather than kill him, since Marth is one of the only people, and the only one I know for sure who can, wield Falchion. There might be use for someone who can use it, since Gharnef could use Marth going in to slay Medeus as a threat to keep him under control. I got off on a tangent there, but I hope you understood my sacrifice but not sacrifice idea.

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idk why you wouldn't keep the sacrifice and just tie it into your FE12 remake instead. I mean frey is the canon one but if you have the choice, it would be pretty cool if it was a minor changable plot point in book 3.

Actually this is a really good idea. I might just do this, and have Frey's FE12 recruitment circumstances be used for whoever the sacrifice was, instead. Especially with people like Jagen or Gordin, it could prompt alternate dialogue from related characters in scenes before their recruitment.

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  • 5 months later...

I might be a little late to comment, but I'd probably keep Roger as a Armor Knight, as his build would fit the class.

Horace I'd make a Soldier/Halberdier.

Adding a new character from Gra who was a Soldier might also fit, as the Nation is known for soldiers.

EDIT: Other Reclassing ideas.


Fighter > Pirate (He does look like he'd fit the part).


Mage > Dark Mage/Shaman (Given the comparisons to Young Gharnef)

Book 2 Barst

Fighter > Pirate (Referencing the ending where he turned to piracy)

Edited by Emperor Hardin
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