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swords are bad in shadow dragon after the first few chapters, aside from like, the wyrmslayer and mercurius, and the former is usable by anyone in class C with a swordmaster reclass (like your cavaliers, or caeda). mercurius is kinda difficult to reach without blowing arms scrolls but isn't that helpful tbh, and if you really want to use it, you can just blow arms scrolls on a swordmaster. ogma is niche useful here and there for unpromoted wyrmslayer access and stuff but he really doesn't help much in long term, wheras barst has forged hammers and later poleaxes. barst is probably the best hero in the game and has a shot of reaching A axes for hauteclure, and you generally are going to use axes and lances basically all the time in this game after the first couple of bandit maps.

cain is probably one of the better candidates for Mercurius since he has base D swords so he has the ability to actually get enough sword wexp to get to B as a swordmaster on reclass due to being deployed in the first few axe heavy chapters, meaning he'd only need only one arms scroll. but it's still kinda superfluous and he has to train his lance rank to get to ridersbane (much more important) pretty badly anyway. navarre's absoloute bases are pretty poor so reclassing him into cav so he can try to build ridersbane rank is kinda difficult. now that I think about it, hardin might be the best overall pick, since he doesn't have to train his lance rank and starts with d swords too, although he misses 4 chapters worth of fighting so maybe not.

Edited by Irysa
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I used to think Ogma was really good until I played SD again recently. His bases are actually pretty bad given his level, with most of his stats coming from the Mercenary class. Barst is much better. Ogma's main use is the instant C swords, as mentioned above. Same for Navarre; his base stats are really quite poor.

Being sword locked in a lance heavy game is no fun, neither is being stuck at 1-range when the counters are quite nasty given the reduced evasion in 11 and 12.

Edited by Eselred
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmpf. Lena, do you guys n gals think she is good? Suffering from the Lena archetype, she is my default staves user. But now she has actually pretty decent stats and hitting level 20 (I'm on chapter 19), is she worth the Master Seal upgrade to a Bishop? I'm not really using any other magical types.

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she can work out without a promote if you just want staves, but as a sage you can throw in some chipdamage with elfire every now and then, plus the fortify or physic staves recover more; you'd better promote your main combattants first because it simply brings a lot more, random chipdamage can also be done with a late master seal.

EDIT: I overlooked that you're at C19, at that point you can definitely promote her.

Edited by Gradivus.
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If it's Chapter 19 I'd assume he's promoted his main dudes already. Make her a Sage, it's well worth the Master Seal. You will need a magic user to kill Gharnef anyway, and Sage Lena @Arms Scroll is a pretty good candidate!

Edited by Irysa
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Thanks, peops. I won't do class changes this run anymore. I already had the omnious feeling that sooner or later I would need light magic, so I'll just make her a bishop then.

My core team now consists of Cain, Abel, Ogma, Wolf, Navarre, Beck and Caeda. My Caeda is a winged killer goddess, she can almost solo these maps (unlike units like Cain & Abel, because their dodge and defense seem on the low side). Then there is some side figures. I backtracked a little through my old saves to use Julian, as he seems to be quite useful after all with so many chests. I was also thinking of adding Tiki and Xane just for fun factor.

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There's no light magic in FE11, magic is all lumped into one catergory, so sages use the same magic as bishops and sorcerors.

Dodge rates are really quite low in shadow dragon (especially compared to the GBA games or Awakening) since weapons are much more accurate and the avoid formula is different, but Caeda's speed and luck are so overkill compared to everyone else's it's pretty noticable. Xane's a pretty fun unit to use, I highly recommend him!

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Oh wait, that makes sense, I just didn't pay enough attention, I see now that Aura is a plain B-rank tome. I threw away Merric because he couldn't use that particular tome, but Linde could use it while she was extremely low leveled. So I was confused, as her class was just "mage" too. I then wrongly assumed it was a type of magic that only female mages could use, but immediately stalled the tome in my convoy of course for keepsakes / powerful weapon collection never to lay eyes on it again.

Halp, I thought this was like the ultimate basic Fire Emblem that I could play through without thinking with so many years these games under my belt (naive, I know, though these last few chapters aren't hard at all so far). :sweatdrop:. Well, everything I learn this first playthrough will help a lot when I attempt hard mode the first time.

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Aura (and Excalibur) are special tomes, only female mages can use Aura, and only male mages can use Excalibur, but Merric and Linde can use them without having the B Rank in tomes since they're supposed to be their exclusive tomes, but they changed it for the remake, probably because of reclassing.

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Okay so..nearing the end now, just popping in to so that uhm...you guys are so f-ing genius for giving hints without spoiling too much, don't you know. This is getting so tight and interesting all of the sudden. Spoilers of excitement ahead.

Me and silly questions. Can I haz magix pls? Lurv Tiki? xxx Spikes. First got to that evil chapter where you had to bring two stones, I was like, oh no, I hope they are not in one or the other insignificant unit's inventory. And then, THREE GHARNEFS?? What is happening, lol, as if one evil satanic looking creature chasing me all through the desert with an atomic bomb tome wasn't enough. Hehehe, hilarious. Wouldn't have been this interesting without you.

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A cool thing to do in the Gharnef chapter is use the Geosphere (the one that does damage to everyone) at the start of the chapter, it will hurt every unit on the map except the real Gharnef. Lena can just heal your team up with a Fortify or something by that point too. I couldn't actually interpret it from your post, did you get Starlight in Michalis's chapter?

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Lena can probably tank Gharnef's attack, so with a Fire or something she should be good. Even H5 Gharnef can't do much to her.

Also, did you get Starlight? You need it to beat Gharnef. If not, you're probably gonna have to seize without killing him. And no falchion(though TBH, you don't really need it)

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Me and silly questions. Can I haz magix pls? Lurv Tiki? xxx Spikes. First got to that evil chapter where you had to bring two stones, I was like, oh no, I hope they are not in one or the other insignificant unit's inventory. And then, THREE GHARNEFS?? What is happening, lol, as if one evil satanic looking creature chasing me all through the desert with an atomic bomb tome wasn't enough. Hehehe, hilarious. Wouldn't have been this interesting without you.

The spheres are insanely good. If your Marth is underleveled/hits like a wet noodle, you're better off keeping them. The Starsphere gives one unit infinite weapon uses (staves don't count, IIRC), and the Lightsphere negates throne bonuses. How cool is that?

Starlight's a pretty nice tome, though. Both choices have their pros and cons - choose whichever one suits your team the best~!

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Made it through all right, had the Starlight tome made. Those native features of the orbs sound rad, too! Need to check it out. Had to backtrack a little bit to do some more serious Lena training. I had trouble figuring out what exactly was going on with those Gharnef clones, and I'm still not sure. Noticed soon enough that the one blocking my path started talking to me; the one to the right didn't and hitting the one near the throne with Beck also did not trigger such a conversation. I just defeated the one talking to me and then went on attacking the throne, I noticed I stupidly put one of my units in range of that clone to left side doing so; so I just went ahead and quickly seized the throne I'll do some internet reading on all this after I finished. This level was ideal for training Tiki a bit.

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