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Designing an SRPG in my Spare Time, Looking for Input on Stats


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Hey all,

I am very, very slowly building my own SRPG similar in style to Fire Emblem. I'm a humongous fan of the series, and I couldn't think of a better game type to make my first. As an added bonus, its one of the few styles that I know I can code with minimal learning. I've done simple games with stat and combat systems before.

Since I am the only person currently on this project (and plan to be for some time,) naturally I feel that all of my ideas are great. This is why you need another person. You need to bounce ideas off of others to weed out the terribleness. I figure, since this is a forum for dedicated Fire Emblem fans, this would be as good of a place as any to get differing opinions on certain subjects. I'm still mostly in the planning stages of this game, and I want to get any questions I have on base stats out of the way entirely so that I don't have to re-code the system entirely down the line.

The question I'm most heavily debating right now is what to do with Defense. Right now, I'm thinking that it could be interesting to take defense off of the base stats, and instead add armors into the game. The armors wouldn't be class restricted, but instead the heavier the armor, the lower your maximum dodge chance would be. Some of the heavier armors would have a minimum constitution requirement, otherwise the character would suffer a speed and movement penalty. Does this sound like a good idea? Any suggestions on it? Should I scrap the armor system entirely?

I'm still working on how magic will work in this game, so I'm not sure if I'm going to do the same to Resistance.

I will almost certainly have more questions like this in the near future, but for now I'll stick to this one.

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If you want speed to really matter in your SRPG, the choice is a very interesting one if you do decide to scrap the Defense stat.

What is the difficulty looking like? Are the enemy threats worth trying to dodge/outspeed? Or would the choice to Tank them be better? (or maybe both choices could be viable).

Speed and Defense are two tricky stats to pull off correctly in SRPG's. I.E balanced (FE has some issues, as does Disgaea).

Edited by SFJedi
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I recommend you play a variety strategy games besides Fire Emblem, especially Advance Wars, Valkyria Chronicles, Final Fantasy Tactics, etc. Doing so will show you how strategic depth can be achieved through very different sets of mechanics. You should experiment a bit and see what sticks. I personally do not like much luck in my games, so I would rather ditch missing/dodging entirely and have armor increase defense purely at the cost of speed, but a two stat trade-off might work as well.

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If you want speed to really matter in your SRPG, the choice is a very interesting one if you do decide to scrap the Defense stat.

What is the difficulty looking like? Are the enemy threats worth trying to dodge/outspeed? Or would the choice to Tank them be better? (or maybe both choices could be viable).

Speed and Defense are two tricky stats to pull off correctly in SRPG's. I.E balanced (FE has some issues, as does Disgaea).

I'm still mostly in the design stages. I'm building the infrastructure right now. It's hard to say definitively how difficult it is going to be, because level design comes later. I intend to balance the game around hard mode, though, and I want it to be a challenge. I'm aiming for both methods of damage mitigation to be useful, if for different reasons. Things like ballistae, for instance, will ignore a percentage of armor, so it's better to dodge that. Hard-hitting enemies should be better to tank, but that's a balance issue that can be adjusted when the time comes.

Just out of curiosity, how are you making the game? Is this gonna be a ROM hack?

No, it's going to be C++. Completely new content.

I recommend you play a variety strategy games besides Fire Emblem, especially Advance Wars, Valkyria Chronicles, Final Fantasy Tactics, etc. Doing so will show you how strategic depth can be achieved through very different sets of mechanics. You should experiment a bit and see what sticks. I personally do not like much luck in my games, so I would rather ditch missing/dodging entirely and have armor increase defense purely at the cost of speed, but a two stat trade-off might work as well.

I've played all of the Advanced Wars games (none of the other Console Wars games, though,) Final Fantasy Tactics, Tactics Advanced, XCOM, one Disgaea game (not sure which, it was for PSP,) Tactics Ogre, and probably some others I'm forgetting. It's one of my favorite genres, hence me wanting to make one. Fire Emblem is my favorite SRPG series, and I love how simple it is compared to some of the others. I've also played the majority of strategy games out there, but that's a different genre altogether.

Valkyria Chronicles is on my list. I'm waiting to see if Sega'll let me record it first before I start playing it.

Edited by Dweorg
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