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Possibility of a Japanese/Asian equivalent of staff?


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I know this has been brought up before but I haven't seen any detailed discussion/speculation about it.

So in the teaser trailer we've spotted a female unit (circled in red) whose sprite is wielding a strange staff-like weapon. It doesn't look like the generic staff icon used in Awakening (with white handle and red jewelry), which can be spotted on the enemy troubadour and another player unit who appears to be Felicia the maid (both circled in green). Also note that the latter's staff sprite looks significantly bigger than the former's.


In fact, I think the yellow staff-like item kinda resemble the staff the Japanese shamans/mikos/priestess... etc. usually hold on various occasions like while performing a ceremony and such, which can be seen in some anime/manga/games... Unfortunately I don't know what it's called in real life. If you don't know what I'm talking about, just look at the thing Yuna's holding (also note that the design of the staff can vary among different fictions, I don't know if that's also the case in real life):


(Image: Final Fantasy Wiki)

So, do you think it is possible that the yellow object we see in the map is in fact a Japanese/Asian equivalent of the traditional heal/teleport/support staffs in past games? If so, does it have the same effect? (I surely hope not because that would be boring and we don't really need that many healers in early-game.) Could the status staffs that many have wished to come back finally make their return, but now must be used by an exclusive class entirely? Or is it something new we've never seen before?

However, the only thing that doesn't support the Japanese staff theory is the outfit the girl is wearing, which looks like a Western-style dress than anything.

Please share your speculations here.

Edited by Ryo
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Considering her pose it's likely not a weapon, it might just be how Asain healing classes map spites shows staves. It might be alternative asain healing weapon type, or it could even be a support weapon type that doesn't heal but different things than staffs: Summoning, buffs, debuffs, status effects, who knows>

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My guess is that's just what they wanted the sprites to look like.

I'd assume the same. The lady with the staff is likely a new class that is Japanese themed so her sprite appears to be holding a Japanese themed item..

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So I'm the only one who thinks the girl's class looks more Western than Japanese? But yeah, that wouldn't match with the Japanese-styled staff icon (assuming that it DOES represent a Japanese item after all).

On a related note, Rinka's sprite is seen holding a normal "Western" axe, but it's confirmed she can equip a kanabō, so....

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