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Background in Option Menu


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Hi there!

I've been playing with my project for the first time this week-end since like.... this summer?

And I wanted to see if I could change some backgrounds in the game. More specifically the title's and the main menu/statsheet background.

So I created some images and inserted them in the rom :


But when I come to check the option menu in-game, that's what I get :


THe game is still working and I can go down the menu with the barely readable information at the bottom of the screen.

Then I try to change things in the options, when it comes to window's general colors I get this :


Here we can see the top text still f***ed. The top and bottom background is the same as in the statsheet, the middle one is, another palette that I will enjoy editing later.

But what do I do with the screen and text problem? the first one can be turned off by selecting a new window colour but still. That's annoying the have this every time you open the option menu.

Well. If anybody has a clue about how the problem can be solved!

Edited by Solum
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You probably overwrote the palette data or image data

When you inserted your backgrounds, did you insert over the old ones or insert them to free space and repoint?

Also when you inserted, did you check "import palette"? That would explain why changing the window colour "fixes" it

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