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Hi hello, how did I get here


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It appears I awoke near a strange forest with a case of amnesia.

Jokes aside, hello! I am Xypher, master of all things awkward and nonsensical with a half-working brain. I have been lurking off and on (mostly off because I'm lame) this site looking at the main site itself. I recently came across it while looking for FE music and again when looking up a Lunatic+ strat guide for FE13 because I hate myself and wanted to cry :'D and decided on a whim to join. Like the dork I truly am I decided to sit in the chatroom for a while before I posted on the Your Profile thread, but I had a pretty damn fun time.

A small bit about me: I am a rainbow of a man, 19, from California, U S of A(butt). I (at the current time of writing this) have an obsession with Gaius and Laurent from FE:A but a lot of the guys are extremely cute? Um?? so we're gonna be good pals right away if you get me on a topic about them.

I draw a lot. I'm not good at it, but I do it. I also design a lot of stuff, from lore to mythologies to stories to characters--I love it. Except I'm too shy to share it half the time.

I try to hard to be funny most of the time whoops. I'm also ending my intro post now. Gotta conquer them Emblems of Strong Embers.

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I have a Gaius for you

(and hello xypher, welcome to the Forest~)

Grabby hands mode is active

Yes where is the Gaius.

Welcome to the forest! How's it going? Enjoy the stay!

I've been enjoying it! I'm not much of a forum-goer but it's been pretty cool. Been trying to figure out which sub-forums to dwell in though. Too many choices.

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Well, I mean... a few posts above yours ^o^

And now one post below

We need to be friends. Like right now. I sense you have a lot of Gaius.

Howdy hey!

Enjoy your stay!

Hey thanks! I'm having fun here so I'll probably stay a while. Never was a forum-goer so I'm slowly getting into it.

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We need to be friends. Like right now. I sense you have a lot of Gaius.

W-well... idk if I would say that ^o^ If you mean in terms of artwork or something. But I am rather fond of him, yeah~ especially after reading his support with maribelle

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