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Who could Ike's wife be?

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I might've liked the idea of Soren x Micaiah if they could've had more interaction. Micaiah cares about Daein, Soren's actually the true heir over there... Both are Branded, so neither of them would risk having to watch their loved one die while they still have a much longer life, etc. Soren as a king would be kinda badass too, I think. :P

I actually saw a short fic once where Soren had feelings for Micaiah, but Micaiah's affection went to Zelgius/Black Knight. No mention of Sothe. lol

And that thread would probably go in the RD section since it's a group thing and not someone's individual writing thread.

I PM'd Clipsy just to be sure.

When I get a reply, I'll post the thread.

And yeah, there's a lot of parallels between Soren and Micaiah. Both are branded mages of the Dark affinity who are actually heirs to an opposing nation. Both are fiercely loyal to a specific person (Ike and Pelleas, respectively). And both don't know about their origins at the start.

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Yeah, Micaiah is like a female combination of Ike and Soren in some ways. Soren because of what you just said, and Ike because she's the big hero that helps liberate her country and all. Elincia even said Bastian made comparisons between her and Ike.

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I would have liked to see more of Zelgius and Micaiah. I mean obviously Zelgius dies by Ike's hand, and I wouldn't ever change that, but it was disappointing that we don't ever see Micaiah's reaction in 4-E-2 after everything he did for Micaiah as Black Knight. Micaiah could probably empathize with him in a way even Lehran couldn't. Hell, she could have probably recruited him (thinking about this strictly character-wise, not gameplay).

I've thought about Soren x Miciah, but I kind of doubt Soren would ever overcome his resentment to her. I've never written fanfiction before, but the possibilities of Soren learning of his parentage makes me consider starting.

Edited by Radiant head
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Mia is the most likely person if his wife/lover is from Tellus.

Of Ike's female supports it can't be Elincia (she marries someone else) and there is no indication Priam is branded (so it can't be Lethe) which just leaves Titania. If Ike had a wife a woman from the GM's would be the most likely since he'd spend the most time with them and, as a result, have the best relationship with them (and the most time to build it on a personal level).

In the GM's there are three girls, Mist, Titania, and Mia. While FE has certainly implied incest in the past there isn't the slightest hint that Ike and Mist may be in anything other than a sibling relationship, especially since Mist ends up married to Boyd. So either Ike is going to have a seriously mad warrior chasing after him for sleeping with his sister or Mist isn't the mother. That leaves Titania and Mia.

Neither Titania or Mia have a shared ending with Ike, which means it could very well be either with Titania being more likely buuuuutttt....

Firstly, from a gameplay perspective, Ike and Mia are simply the best choices for supporting each other and Mia is the most likely wielder of Alondite, Ragnell's sister-blade, which would hint that they may hold a connection (and Ike would have certainly been Mia's sparring partner for swordsmanship). However this doesn't confirm Mia in any way since Makalov could just as likely end up wielding it (whom Ike certainly did not marry). But it is a point in their favor.

However, and here is the key thing, at the end of the game Mia ends up wandering. THIS IS KEY! Titania does not and would have, basically, taken over the GM's after Ike left. At no point in either game is there any real reason for Mia's wandering given (remember, she thought Rhys was her rival despite plenty of reason for him not to be, so she probably didn't search for her rival). Not only that but NO other GM does this. Many of them help out elsewhere but they don't wander. Only Ike and Mia do.

So why would Mia wander?

Answer: She's Priam's ancestor. She's wandering hoping to find Ike after he left and bring him home to take care of his child or left hoping to find him and eventually stumbled through the gate as well. Her ending stated that she traveled the continent as well so it's very likely she would know where Ike was (least compared to everyone else). She's probably the one person in Tellius left who could teach her child the Aether technique if Ike wasn't around so it could be passed down (especially with her magic score and Aether's health-absorption) especially since she's likely the person who saw it used the most. If Ike didn't take Ragnell with him she's the person he'd have most likely entrusted it to since she likely knows the most about sword-care and probably the person who would actually get some use from it (assuming he didn't return it to Begnion, but that just returns it to an 'anyone could be it' state).

So, of the two girls with a claim, it's down to Titania and Mia. Titania may have the support, but otherwise absolutely nothing indicates she might be Priam's ancestor and it's a PoR support which doesn't get followed-through on in RD. Mia has the skill to teach her child Aether, Ike has motive to give her his weapon if he didn't take it with him or donate it, and her epilogue fits the best with what happened and makes perfect sense if she ended up seeking out her lover/father of her child/husband.

Of course it could be an unnamed villager or someone we'll meet in another game, but if that's the case it could be literally anyone in RD who doesn't have a support-ending as well; even Heather. I really hope they don't just go 'random girl you never heard of' if they do list the mother because, honestly, the speculation is worth more than a literal nobody being Priam's ancestor.

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Priam doesn't have to be branded. I don't think Sanaki is branded even though her sister is.

Though I think it would be out of character for Lethe to procreate with Ike knowing the consequences.

Radiant Dawn's extended ending does suggest that said consequences do eventually get overcome, though.

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Well, we know some Laguz see it as worth-while, but honestly it seems very unlikely that they would have Lethe be the mom then not give a hint in the slightest for Priam despite it being very easy to hint at.

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Yeah but do they hint at Mia either? I like the narrative you have up there, but it's more of a narrative than any actual hint towards Mia being Priam's ancestor. Although I did reclass Priam to Swordmaster and taught him Astra.

Edited by Radiant head
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Mia is the most likely person if his wife/lover is from Tellus.

Of Ike's female supports it can't be Elincia (she marries someone else) and there is no indication Priam is branded (so it can't be Lethe) which just leaves Titania. If Ike had a wife a woman from the GM's would be the most likely since he'd spend the most time with them and, as a result, have the best relationship with them (and the most time to build it on a personal level).

In the GM's there are three girls, Mist, Titania, and Mia. While FE has certainly implied incest in the past there isn't the slightest hint that Ike and Mist may be in anything other than a sibling relationship, especially since Mist ends up married to Boyd. So either Ike is going to have a seriously mad warrior chasing after him for sleeping with his sister or Mist isn't the mother. That leaves Titania and Mia.

Neither Titania or Mia have a shared ending with Ike, which means it could very well be either with Titania being more likely buuuuutttt....

Firstly, from a gameplay perspective, Ike and Mia are simply the best choices for supporting each other and Mia is the most likely wielder of Alondite, Ragnell's sister-blade, which would hint that they may hold a connection (and Ike would have certainly been Mia's sparring partner for swordsmanship). However this doesn't confirm Mia in any way since Makalov could just as likely end up wielding it (whom Ike certainly did not marry). But it is a point in their favor.

However, and here is the key thing, at the end of the game Mia ends up wandering. THIS IS KEY! Titania does not and would have, basically, taken over the GM's after Ike left. At no point in either game is there any real reason for Mia's wandering given (remember, she thought Rhys was her rival despite plenty of reason for him not to be, so she probably didn't search for her rival). Not only that but NO other GM does this. Many of them help out elsewhere but they don't wander. Only Ike and Mia do.

So why would Mia wander?

Answer: She's Priam's ancestor. She's wandering hoping to find Ike after he left and bring him home to take care of his child or left hoping to find him and eventually stumbled through the gate as well. Her ending stated that she traveled the continent as well so it's very likely she would know where Ike was (least compared to everyone else). She's probably the one person in Tellius left who could teach her child the Aether technique if Ike wasn't around so it could be passed down (especially with her magic score and Aether's health-absorption) especially since she's likely the person who saw it used the most. If Ike didn't take Ragnell with him she's the person he'd have most likely entrusted it to since she likely knows the most about sword-care and probably the person who would actually get some use from it (assuming he didn't return it to Begnion, but that just returns it to an 'anyone could be it' state).

So, of the two girls with a claim, it's down to Titania and Mia. Titania may have the support, but otherwise absolutely nothing indicates she might be Priam's ancestor and it's a PoR support which doesn't get followed-through on in RD. Mia has the skill to teach her child Aether, Ike has motive to give her his weapon if he didn't take it with him or donate it, and her epilogue fits the best with what happened and makes perfect sense if she ended up seeking out her lover/father of her child/husband.

Of course it could be an unnamed villager or someone we'll meet in another game, but if that's the case it could be literally anyone in RD who doesn't have a support-ending as well; even Heather. I really hope they don't just go 'random girl you never heard of' if they do list the mother because, honestly, the speculation is worth more than a literal nobody being Priam's ancestor.

This is a good theory and makes the most sense to be Ike's wife

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I actually do think Ike would have likely married Mia, since Elincia pretty much marries Geoffrey, Titania is several years older than Ike, with the former being in her 30s and the latter being 17 in FE9, making him 20 in the next game, and Lethe... eh. I've got nothin'. And like I said way back when, Ranulf, Soren, and Sothe are out of the question.

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I actually do think Ike would have likely married Mia, since Elincia pretty much marries Geoffrey, Titania is several years older than Ike, with the former being in her 30s and the latter being 17 in FE9, making him 20 in the next game, and Lethe... eh. I've got nothin'. And like I said way back when, Ranulf, Soren, and Sothe are out of the question.

And remember it was inplied that Titania was in love with Grail

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I'm just gonna pop in here for a second. Ike and the princess lovey-dovey interactions, especially like how Ranulf didn't mean to interrupt or whatever is strictly English script, IIRC.

I think I mentioned it before in this thread. Just a reminder I guess. I'll go back to lurking with popcorn because I have a few pages of this to read.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Yeah but do they hint at Mia either? I like the narrative you have up there, but it's more of a narrative than any actual hint towards Mia being Priam's ancestor. Although I did reclass Priam to Swordmaster and taught him Astra.

Because there's nothing to hint at. Rather, I should say, there is nothing with any actual bite that could be given short of a name-drop. Mia, when you get down to it, is a normal human and Priam takes too much after Ike physically to tell anything about who his female ancestor might be. Alondite isn't Mia-locked, Mia holds nothing special about her plot-wise beyond just being another GM, so there really isn't anything that can be done to hint at her without saying it is her.

That's not true with Lethe however since any child from Ike and her would be branded. Throwing in a line mentioning that Priam might have 'Taugrel blood, or something like it' for example would clue people in that Lethe might be his ancestor without confirming it. Or, if they were to be more subtle, have him display some cat-like behaviors or an affinity for cats. Things meaningless in of themselves that could hint at his lineage without being definitive.

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Elincia doesn't HAVE to marry Geoffrey. She has an ending where she doesn't marry him, you know. If IS wanted this pairing to be set in stone, why didn't they just give them an automatic A support like they did Sothe and Micaiah? Sothe and Micaiah is the only one in the game I would think to be 100% canon (outside of stuff like Largo x Callil, of course) due to the default A support. The A support CAN be removed, but the simple fact that it's THERE at all has to account for something. Geoffrey and Elincia don't have this.

What says Mia is the most likely wielder of Alondite? Why can't Ike hand it to Titania who can get swords as a Gold Knight? Why not Gatrie who can also wield swords? I can't see Mia really being able to even barely lift that thing up, it's so heavy. Ragnell is the same weight and even Ike still needs to use two hands with it on accasion. I still don't see him and Mia as anything more than friendly rivals.

Mia wanders looking to hone her skills and seek out her white-dressed rival she talks about so much. It says nothing about her leaving the continent or anything.

Honestly, people see Ike as a loner because he leaves and explores and wanders and stuff. Which is understandable (I'd go with that if I didn't like him with Elincia so much and Priam didn't exist). So can I see Mia as more of a loner for the same reason?

I also don't think Ike would EVER have a child and then just leave. He's not like that. He'd stick around and raise the kid. For sure. So yeah, there are a lot of problems with that theory.

Also, not every descendant of a beorc and laguz couple is a Branded. Sanaki isn't a Branded and she's descended from Altina and Lehran. Also, it's actually stated that most of the time, the Brand doesn't even show up for several generations. Stefan is Branded, but both of his parents were beorc. Priam could have a laguz ancestor and not have the Brand.

I hope Ike x Mia never happens regardless though, since I hate it. I'm an Ike x Elincia fan, I'm okay with Ike x Lethe or Ike x random pretty loving villager girl. But Ike x Mia is just the only Ike pairing I dislike.

Edited by Anacybele
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Firstly, from a gameplay perspective, Ike and Mia are simply the best choices for supporting each other and Mia is the most likely wielder of Alondite, Ragnell's sister-blade, which would hint that they may hold a connection (and Ike would have certainly been Mia's sparring partner for swordsmanship). However this doesn't confirm Mia in any way since Makalov could just as likely end up wielding it (whom Ike certainly did not marry). But it is a point in their favor.

However, and here is the key thing, at the end of the game Mia ends up wandering. THIS IS KEY! Titania does not and would have, basically, taken over the GM's after Ike left. At no point in either game is there any real reason for Mia's wandering given (remember, she thought Rhys was her rival despite plenty of reason for him not to be, so she probably didn't search for her rival). Not only that but NO other GM does this. Many of them help out elsewhere but they don't wander. Only Ike and Mia do.

So why would Mia wander?

Answer: She's Priam's ancestor. She's wandering hoping to find Ike after he left and bring him home

These are pretty much the reasons I think if Ike ended up with anyone from RD it would be Mia. Realistically I know he probably got the village maiden treatment though.

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And that never made sense to me. Titania and Gatrie should realistically be able to wield Alondite. They're definitely much stronger than Mia and Mist. Imo, they should've been able to SS in swords while Mist and Mia should've both only gotten S rank as their cap.

Also, Ike doesn't even have to give it to someone in his group, he could give it to somebody else he interacts with in Part 4 or at the end of the game.

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And that never made sense to me. Titania and Gatrie should realistically be able to wield Alondite. They're definitely much stronger than Mia and Mist. Imo, they should've been able to SS in swords while Mist and Mia should've both only gotten S rank as their cap.

Also, Ike doesn't even have to give it to someone in his group, he could give it to somebody else he interacts with in Part 4 or at the end of the game.

Probably just a game design thing and balancing issue. They didn't want classes to be able to SS both weapons (at least I don't think you can do that) to give more incentive to use varied units and who knows Mia while not big has still been sword fighting for as long as we've known and probably knows her way around a sword even if its Alondite plus remember she unlike Ike uses two hands to wield it.

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You do realize giving Mia an S swords cap makes no sense, since she's sword locked the whole game. That would be a rather poor design choice.

Mist is Griel's daughter. Hence why she gets swords over tomes in the first place. It's quite cool when you think about it.

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Ike can SS both of his weapons (otherwise, how could he use his dad's axe, Urvan?). So I see no reason why other units shouldn't be able to SS more than one weapon as well.

Now, if Ike and Mia had had some more interaction, I would say it makes sense that IS would intend for them to be together. But Ike x Mia isn't even on the list of cut supports in PoR (I know, I looked at it the other day, on this site. Ike's only cut support is the one with Zihark). Therefore, I don't think they wish to do anything with them.

Though for all we know, IS could go and retcon some things in the future. They used some pairings in Thracia that weren't possible in FE4. They could do the same again for another game in the Tellius verse.

EDIT: Mist should've been a Priest like Laura, imo. Her suddenly picking up a sword never made sense to me, and her mother was a Priest as well. She could've easily been a light magic wielding Bishop/Saint. If IS really wanted a Cleric in the game, have a different female take the role.

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I hope Ike x Mia never happens regardless though, since I hate it.

You can replace Mia's name with any other female character and there's someone who hates that paring and while say the same thing.

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