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Who could Ike's wife be?

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Micaiah completely capped can't double auras with blessings on Easy. Unless Ashera has less speed and I missed something, she won't.

Shame too, she did only 7 damage/Attack

I didn't mention the Auras, though. Only Ashera herself, who does have 32 AS due to her Str not equalling or surpassing her Judge weapon's WT.
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I'm actually really interested in this theory and I can't believe no one mentioned it till now.. Assuming you're serious idek. I think even if Priam was just some dude I think Ragnell is the actual Ragnell though. Like maybe Priam or one of his ancestors found it.

I'm going either with random girl, or Ike raises an abandoned kid by himself/with Soren or maybe even the whole company.

I am, actually. I don't care enough about Awakening to make it into a full blown theory, but if I'm not ignoring the existance of those sidechapters (jdlshgapuwrenEmmeryn), I'm going with that. I mean, after a few centuries Ike's blood is so delude, it doesn't much matter anyway. And there are enough people that look alike even though they're not related. Ever heard of good celebrity impersonators? I remember a show here in Germany where that was the premise. To find lookalikes and damn, there were some that could be the twin of a star.

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Clearly Soren is a girl pretending to be a guy.

loki will kill you

I don't like Chrom enough to think that Mia could be his ancestor though.

I'm sticking the the theory that Priam is delusional. His version of Ragnell doesn't even shoot lazer beams, he throws it like a javelin!

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Honestly, if they re-release PoR/RD for the Wii U, I hope they restore a lot of the 'cut content'. Like, say, make it 'Tellius Remastered'. They update the visuals, throw in some rebalances, mix in some of the cut supports (if Mia/Nephenee was really planned, why did it get cut?), and a few other things.

Edit: I can't believe I didn't think of this, but I just checked Priam's supports and I noticed one thing. He loves training. A lot. Like, near-Mia levels of love. He also cares for his sword and food. A lot. Remember Mia's Ilyana support where she defended her boots? While I don't think Mia cares that much about a good diet it's far from impossible she started to care at least a little bit about proper eating habits after Ilyana. Obviously this, too, doesn't prove anything since personalities aren't genetic in the slightest BUUUUUTTTT... That is a small nudge that can't be denied.

I feel like the food thing is more Ike but I see what you're saying. I always pictured Mia and Ike with a platonic relationship but if Ike came back to Tellius I'd be alright with that happening, since Elincia and Geoffrey got together. Mia's ending entails her leaving and traveling a lot, so I don't know if that coencides with the responsibilities of having a kid but it might.

I am, actually. I don't care enough about Awakening to make it into a full blown theory, but if I'm not ignoring the existance of those sidechapters (jdlshgapuwrenEmmeryn), I'm going with that. I mean, after a few centuries Ike's blood is so delude, it doesn't much matter anyway. And there are enough people that look alike even though they're not related. Ever heard of good celebrity impersonators? I remember a show here in Germany where that was the premise. To find lookalikes and damn, there were some that could be the twin of a star.

I wouldn't automatically say it doesn't matter because apparently Marth and Chrom and all of them being Anri's ancestor is important, but since Ragnell doesn't require a certain lineage to wield like Falchion, I guess it doesn't matter all that much so I agree with you. Also those celebrity impersonators are crazy omg.

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My biggest gripe (if you wanna call it that) is that Priam has Ragnell a legendary golden god slaying blade from another continent (not exactly easy to find) meaning that somehow it probably had to be passed down to him. Even if he is an indirect desecendant. This alone kinda leads me to believe that he is in someway directly or indirectly related to Ike.

As for the design and him throwing the blade I think its just the art direction and game mechanic they went with. Hell look at Armads its a freakin scythe in Awakening. Plus I can see the programmers just wanting to resuse the animation of throwing the blade (Amatsu) instead of reprogramming a seperate one for one blade that you get at the very end of the game (without infite regalia).

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I think that IS did that with Ragnell because it's meant to be a 2-range sword, but it had 2 range because of a blessing that's said to wear off over time. So by the time Priam gets it, its blessing is gone. Would also explain it no longer being unbreakable.

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I think that IS did that with Ragnell because it's meant to be a 2-range sword, but it had 2 range because of a blessing that's said to wear off over time. So by the time Priam gets it, its blessing is gone. Would also explain it no longer being unbreakable.

Then how does every other ranged sword except Amatsu do it?
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1. What the hell is "Amatsu?"

2. What do you mean how does every other sword do it? No other sword in Awakening had a blessing from a Tellius goddess.

1. See Soul's post

2. I was referring to the series as a whole. Stuff like the Wind Edge or Light Brand clearly lack God granted power, yet still have ranged attack. So why does Ragnell specifically get its shockwaves from Ashera, and can't be given it by infusing it with tome magic like the Light Brand or Sonic Sword? Building off that, why doesn't, say, Amiti get shockwaves if Yune blesses it in IV-E (3)?

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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Then how does every other ranged sword except Amatsu do it?

I'm pretty sure most of the other 2-range swords were magic swords and used magic attacks. Like the Sonic Sword and the Light Brand/Runesword/Etc. The Sonic Sword used the wielder's MAG stat, iirc, and the Light Brand/etc calculated damage based on the enemy's RES, not DEF.

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I'm pretty sure most of the other 2-range swords were magic swords and used magic attacks. Like the Sonic Sword and the Light Brand/Runesword/Etc. The Sonic Sword used the wielder's MAG stat, iirc, and the Light Brand/etc calculated damage based on the enemy's RES, not DEF.

Except in FE10, where they used Str/Def. What I'm pointing out is they didn't get this power from gods.
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2. I was referring to the series as a whole. Stuff like the Wind Edge or Light Brand clearly lack God granted power, yet still have ranged attack. So why does Ragnell specifically get its shockwaves from Ashera, and can't be given it by infusing it with tome magic like the Light Brand or Sonic Sword? Building off that, why doesn't, say, Amiti get shockwaves if Yune blesses it in IV-E (3)?

Because they're normal magic weapons. They might not have used the magic stat in RD for some reason, but they're still magic. Regular tomes aren't god power or anything, so I assume that the magic in these swords is no different.

Basically, what makes Ragnell able to produce shockwaves and these other weapons able to do what they do is magic, but from different sources of magic. Ragnell has god magic, the others do not.

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Because they're normal magic weapons. They might not have used the magic stat in RD for some reason, but they're still magic. Regular tomes aren't god power or anything, so I assume that the magic in these swords is no different.

Basically, what makes Ragnell able to produce shockwaves and these other weapons able to do what they do is magic, but from different sources of magic. Ragnell has god magic, the others do not.

So why not just continue to supply this magic, even in a weaker form?
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Because of Priam? That's what the OP means, anyway. Ike is definitely isn't the sort to have a kid out of wedlock without marrying the mother. He highly values family.

So why not just continue to supply this magic, even in a weaker form?

The gods felt that it wasn't needed? I don't know, this is never explained.

Edited by Anacybele
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