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Who could Ike's wife be?

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I think that IS did that with Ragnell because it's meant to be a 2-range sword, but it had 2 range because of a blessing that's said to wear off over time. So by the time Priam gets it, its blessing is gone. Would also explain it no longer being unbreakable.

I doubt that's the case unless someone was renewing the blessing constantly while Greil was alive. Otherwise it should have faded a long time ago due to almost no one knowing how to remove it, likely not even knowing it was 'blessed' in the first place.

Because of Priam? That's what the OP means, anyway. Ike is definitely isn't the sort to have a kid out of wedlock without marrying the mother. He highly values family.

As I mentioned before, it is possible, just not likely. It's possible he intended to marry his wife after his most recent journey (maybe he was seeking the perfect wedding ring? Who knows) and stumbled through the gate without realizing it. It's also possible he didn't know he was going to be a father.

I do agree that it's unlikely that Ike would knowingly, intentionally, abandon his child/mother of child though.

A third, more... depressing... idea did just hit me though. Why does Mia have to be alive? What if Ike and her did get married and had a child, but she died during childbirth and Ike took the kid when he left to keep an eye on them?

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I doubt that's the case unless someone was renewing the blessing constantly while Greil was alive. Otherwise it should have faded a long time ago due to almost no one knowing how to remove it, likely not even knowing it was 'blessed' in the first place.

As I mentioned before, it is possible, just not likely. It's possible he intended to marry his wife after his most recent journey (maybe he was seeking the perfect wedding ring? Who knows) and stumbled through the gate without realizing it. It's also possible he didn't know he was going to be a father.

I do agree that it's unlikely that Ike would knowingly, intentionally, abandon his child/mother of child though.

A third, more... depressing... idea did just hit me though. Why does Mia have to be alive? What if Ike and her did get married and had a child, but she died during childbirth and Ike took the kid when he left to keep an eye on them?

What if Ragnell was the mother, the spirit in the sword died when birthing the child, and that caused the beams to go away?
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As I mentioned before, it is possible, just not likely. It's possible he intended to marry his wife after his most recent journey (maybe he was seeking the perfect wedding ring? Who knows) and stumbled through the gate without realizing it. It's also possible he didn't know he was going to be a father.

I do agree that it's unlikely that Ike would knowingly, intentionally, abandon his child/mother of child though.

A third, more... depressing... idea did just hit me though. Why does Mia have to be alive? What if Ike and her did get married and had a child, but she died during childbirth and Ike took the kid when he left to keep an eye on them?

True, that's also a possibility. Though I would rather Ike did know he had a kid and be there to raise it, because I just envision comedy ensuing with Ike trying to care for an infant. lol At least for a time (he should get the hang of it eventually. :P)

I hope that third idea never happened! I don't mean the Mia part, I mean the dying in childbirth. That IS pretty depressing, poor Ike. :( I did write that Bryce lost his wife to childbirth, and will write that one of my OCs lost his wife to childbirth, but...yeah. If Ike's first wife died that way though, then I hope he remarries!

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I doubt that's the case unless someone was renewing the blessing constantly while Greil was alive. Otherwise it should have faded a long time ago due to almost no one knowing how to remove it, likely not even knowing it was 'blessed' in the first place.

As I mentioned before, it is possible, just not likely. It's possible he intended to marry his wife after his most recent journey (maybe he was seeking the perfect wedding ring? Who knows) and stumbled through the gate without realizing it. It's also possible he didn't know he was going to be a father.

I do agree that it's unlikely that Ike would knowingly, intentionally, abandon his child/mother of child though.

A third, more... depressing... idea did just hit me though. Why does Mia have to be alive? What if Ike and her did get married and had a child, but she died during childbirth and Ike took the kid when he left to keep an eye on them?

Good god I hope the third option doesn't happen that is just depressing as hell even for IS.

And I think we are reading into the Ragnell thing a little too much I mean the programmers probably just thought itd be easier to reuse the code and animation for all the other ranged swords in the game (save for the levin sword which is MAG based).

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And I think we are reading into the Ragnell thing a little too much I mean the programmers probably just thought itd be easier to reuse the code and animation for all the other ranged swords in the game (save for the levin sword which is MAG based).

Yeah seriously.

Does anyone know how Ike's Ragnell animation compares?

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Yeah seriously.

Does anyone know how Ike's Ragnell animation compares?

As in what Ike does with it in FE13? He throws it too.

Unless you mean FE9/10 Ike vs FE13 Levin Sword. Ike slashes to release a beam in 9/10, while Levin sword users just raise the sword like GBA

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Good god I hope the third option doesn't happen that is just depressing as hell even for IS.

And I think we are reading into the Ragnell thing a little too much I mean the programmers probably just thought itd be easier to reuse the code and animation for all the other ranged swords in the game (save for the levin sword which is MAG based).

It is sad and depressing, but it's also plausible... Sort of. My biggest argument against it is that it mentioned Mia traveled the land afterwards, so either the baby came along really late or there was a radical shift between "Mia solo' and 'Mia/Ike' endings. While it would offer an answer as to how Ike could have a kid in Tellus yet not have his wife follow him, it's also the most depressing and one I like the least.

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You know, you all keep saying that Ike and Mia could run into each other, but really, the chances of that happening don't seem to be that big. The world is big, and for all we know, Ike and Mia went in totally opposite directions. It's not impossible for them to meet again, but considering that it's not even said that Mia leaves Tellius, whereas Ike does, I think it can be gathered that they end up so far apart that the chances of them just randomly running into each other are slim.

Ike's ending also says that he was never seen again, but I'm really in no position to use that as an argument since I bent that bit myself by having Elincia find him. xP

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Not to mention he clearly was 'seen' again, or else no Priam. Maybe not by anyone in Tellus, but most certainly someone. Unless Soren really is a woman.

Honestly, at this point, the evidence is pretty overwhelming. If Ike had a kid with someone in Tellus, it was almost certainly Mia. The only question left is 'did he have a kid in Tellus or go with a random villager girl after going through the gate?' Unfortunately that bit can't really be answered either way.

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You know, you all keep saying that Ike and Mia could run into each other, but really, the chances of that happening don't seem to be that big. The world is big, and for all we know, Ike and Mia went in totally opposite directions. It's not impossible for them to meet again, but considering that it's not even said that Mia leaves Tellius, whereas Ike does, I think it can be gathered that they end up so far apart that the chances of them just randomly running into each other are slim.

Ike's ending also says that he was never seen again, but I'm really in no position to use that as an argument since I bent that bit myself by having Elincia find him. xP

See, that's kind of the thing. You can make Ike x Mia happen without bending the established canon set by the FE10 ending. It's a bit of a technicality and requires very specific events to happen, but it CAN happen.

Ike x Elincia completely contradicts the established canon set by the game's ending and you can't make it happen without severely changing the events of the game. It's essentially an AU couple.

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See, that's kind of the thing. You can make Ike x Mia happen without bending the established canon set by the FE10 ending. It's a bit of a technicality and requires very specific events to happen, but it CAN happen.

But you WOULD have to bend the canon a little because of the never seen again part. Just like I did. Yeah, Ike was obviously seen somewhere if he married and had kids, but since that's the case, the ending must now mean that Ike was never seen by anyone from Tellius again.

Also, I didn't severely change any canon. I just changed a little bit.

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Well, that too. I think it's both, really.

Also, if it's possible that Ike got it on with Mia, got her pregnant, and left before she could tell him, then it's certainly possible for him to have done the same with Elincia between RD's end and Ike's departure (he doesn't leave until "he saw stability returned"). In fact, this idea was actually brought up in here earlier.

Although it wouldn't mean that they GOT together, Ike and Elincia parting after this little escapade but deciding not to give their hearts to anyone else due to such love for one another is an idea I wouldn't mind. It even seems realistic given the duties both of them had.

So yeah, if Ike had a kid in Tellius and then left before knowing of his/her existence, then I'd say he could've done this with either Elincia or Mia. Both are entirely possible in this case. Otherwise, I feel Ike x random unnamed girl is the only possibility.

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I think there's quite, quite a difference between Ike having a one-night stand between a commoner (who's also someone he shares a place to live with, at least before Ike left) and the Queen of Crimea. Ike should know better than to having an illicit affair with the highest authority in his country, and it's OOC for Elincia to condone it either.

I don't support the "Ike knocked up a girl before leaving Tellius" theory anyway. So that argument to me means nothing.

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Not really. The only difference is birth status of the woman Ike's with and that he might have to pay a visit to Elincia or vice versa for her to be the child bearer. Which he certainly could, Elincia wouldn't say no to him simply wanting to visit. And love can make people make some unexpected choices.

And the Crimean nobles think Geoffrey and Elincia are secretly having an affair. So apparently, Elincia getting lovey dovey with a man during a conflict isn't entirely unbelievable.

Another thing, After RD's Endgame is over, Ike and Elincia return to Crimea together. As in, they travel all the way back side by side and going there all the way from the Tower of Guidance in Begnion is a pretty long trip. What's to say a further spark didn't develop in that time? The Mercenaries' fort is farther away than Melior, Elincia might've let Ike and his group stay the night at the castle after so much traveling.

Snowy_One came up with explanations on how Mia could be Ike's baby mama. I've come up with explanations on how Elincia could be too.

But yes, I don't agree with the Ike had a kid in Tellius theory either. I'm just trying to point out how Elincia is just as likely to be the mother in that case as Mia. Not arguing that Mia is impossible, she certainly is possible. Just not only likely choice and certainly not the definite one.

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I think people are better off imagining their own RD endings than trying to sledgehammer in their preferred endings within what was given.

I mean we're talking about a few lines of text that don't remotely affect the actual gameplay.

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I think people are better off imagining their own RD endings than trying to sledgehammer in their preferred endings within what was given.

I mean we're talking about a few lines of text that don't remotely affect the actual gameplay.

If we're going to imagine our own endings and ignore canon, then there's really no point to this thread.

I mean you're basically saying "Every theory is canon, so everybody wins!"

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Ike having a one-night stand with the queen would not be a minor thing in the slightest. It would be a huge scandal that could possibly have resulted in Elincia having yet another revolt on her hand or Geoffry divorcing her/not getting married in the first place. That's not to mention that, as a queen, Elincia can't abandon her post to go out and find Ike and the kid would be unable to seek out Ike as they'd be next in line to succession; especially if Elincia didn't have another kid due to Geoffry feeling betrayed.

Yea... Elincia isn't the mother. I very much like the pairing and feel it should have been done, but without it it's just far too big a scandal. Heck, look at what happened to Monica and she didn't have Bill's kid.

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