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59 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

You can miss with the heal staff in Thracia.

Yep, missing heals. That's completely fair.

tbf you can also double with heals, so I don't know HOW unfair it is. I haven't really gotten that far, though, so I can't say. I don't necessarily like that mechanic, but the ability to heal twice does sorta balance it out, probably. (Not saying that Thracia ISN'T absurdly janky, I just don't think that heals missing is the bad part-Status staves having infinite range and guatanteed hit is probably worse.)

Banned because Kaga is never sober.

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Banned because that is true, unless it was relegated to a special big heal or no heal gamble staff while all the rest were 100% accurate. And I concede to once relying on a healing skill in a game that healed 10 times, up to 2 per character, where using the skill very likely meant you had 6 people on your team and hence it could miss out on healing one character altogether.


55 minutes ago, Benice said:

tbf you can also double with heals, so I don't know HOW unfair it is. I haven't really gotten that far, though, so I can't say. I don't necessarily like that mechanic, but the ability to heal twice does sorta balance it out, probably. (Not saying that Thracia ISN'T absurdly janky, I just don't think that heals missing is the bad part-Status staves having infinite range and guatanteed hit is probably worse.)


Staff accuracy = [Staff accuracy + (4 x Skill)] % [maximum value is 99]

Staff Accuracy = 60 for all staffs, except Torch. 10 Skill on a staff therefore gives you the maximum accuracy of 99, 100 isn't possible because FE5 does not like 100% guaranties. This is the accuracy formula of status staffs too.

Staff double-cast rate = [(Speed + Skill + Luck) / 2] %

So a 30% chance at most with all three of Spd/Skl/Lck capped. Only applies to Heal, Mend, and Physics. Can't activate if the first heal restores all of a unit's HP.

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6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:
Staff double-cast rate = [(Speed + Skill + Luck) / 2] %

So a 30% chance at most with all three of Spd/Skl/Lck capped. Only applies to Heal, Mend, and Physics. Can't activate if the first heal restores all of a unit's HP.

That's a bruh moment. Kinda useless, then.

Banned because honestly, missing heals isn't all that unfair IMO-I don't like it, but the fact that an attack can miss isn't considered unfair-It's just the way FE works. It's just a different perspective and something new.

But yes, I agree, Thracia hasn't been very fun so far.

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Banned for intentionally and jokingly stoking a little figurative flames.


31 minutes ago, Benice said:

Banned because honestly, missing heals isn't all that unfair IMO-I don't like it, but the fact that an attack can miss isn't considered unfair-It's just the way FE works. It's just a different perspective and something new.

I bear with it in games where revival spells are uncertain to land. All that does is tell me to keep people alive at all costs, and thats something I'm already doing because once people start falling, you fall out of the rhythm to survive and win, particularly if the application of buffs lost upon KO are involved.

But non-revive heals are different, FE is better than a non-SRPG because you may have space to flee to safety to try to land a successful heal again if it misses the first time. Yet permadeath is an even greater reason against missable heals in FE, unless units were made sufficiently durable perhaps. Missing heals hurts the player more than enemies too I think, because death doesn't matter for the foes, who are legion and replaced with new ones every fight.

I wouldn't say it can't work in the proper context (a pure ideal), but for typical FE it doesn't congeal. A game would have to be fine-tuned to suit it.

Now an "overheal" buff- healing a unit past its maximum HP (usually with a limit on how much higher than max the HP can go (like 25% of max) for a time (usually one turn, but it could be a couple)- is something I'd like to see in FE. 

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Banned because Birthright's actually been quite good so far. The story's...Eh...But the gameplay is fun.

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Banned because mediocre is better than bad.

Also banned because I'm considering S-supporting Orochi because she seems like a bad unit. Does anyone worse than her join?

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