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Banned because RD's pretty good, I'd agree. I personally think the best parts are in 1 and 2, with part 3 having only a few really good maps, but most would tell you that part 3 is really fun. Except for the fact that Tellius is straight up a Berwick Saga ripoff, they even named Sanaki after Berwick's Apostle. And Faye is literally Ike. And Chaos is literally the Black knight.

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Banished for not always speaking in his most genuine attempt to be maddeningly and overly verbose for even the simplest of statements.

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7 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Banned because casual mode is also something that I think was one of the best additions to FE as a series, even if I mostly don’t use it myself.

Banned because I personally believe it was instrumental in awakening doing so well, so I don’t understand why people complain about it

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Banned because speaking in a way which extends the length of your statement can often make one seem as if they have great erudition, although the inverse effect also applies at times, as filling sentences with words who carry no meaning simply makes reading through even the simplest of ideas a hurculean task.

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Banned because I feel like casual mode is a good addition to the franchise too. Heck, I'd play Berwick on casual so I can see all of the character arcs.

That said, Faye being on casual mode by default is really nice, but weird for Kaga.

Edited by Benice
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Banned for using the 😛 emoji

EDIT: Emoji not emjio gosh dangit


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Banned because I find myself agreeing with twilitfalchion, at least when FE4 and 5 are concerned, since I have not played any other Kaga FEs.

Unless Shadow Dragon, FE12, and Echoes count, by virtue of being remakes of Kaga games, all three of which I rather like, actually.
Although with Echoes, it's mostly the presentation, characters, and story which I really love.

Edited by DragonFlames
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