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fire emblem awakening favorite quotes?


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whats your favorite quote in fire emblem awakening?

mine are

avatar: here's how its done!

chrom: now l'm angry!

mark/Marc: you sorely underestimated us!

Fredrick: pick a god and pray!

lucina: you will not stop me!

owain: brace yourself!

they can any quote not just critical hit quotes

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Virion: Ah reality, how I have come to loathe that place of late.

Henry: Stay out of the light! STAY OUT OF THE LIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!

MaMorgan: Honestly, I'm one of the weakest guys in the camp.

Lucina: The part where you refuse to submit! Now, submit! Give your body over to me!

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Oh god here we go...

Pick a god and pray!

How well do you die?

Be Silent!

My sword hand twitches!

By the mullet of Ike!


Hang on tiny wooden father!

Teach just got tenure!


How bout this?

Do you like the darkness?

Have some death!

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Freddy: Pick a god and pray!

Best quote in the game. ^^

I also love:

"How well will you die?" - Lon'qu

"YEEEHAW!" - Donnel

"This is your last dance!" - Inigo

"No hard feelings." - Inigo

"Special Delivery!" - Henry (lfmao XD)

"By the axe of Kieran!" - Owain (YES, OWAIN REFERENCED KIERAN. :D I love Kieran. <3)

"Hey there, Freddy Bear!" - Female Avatar

Frederick's entire support with Chrom. LOL

"DON'T MESS WITH A BUNNY!" - Yarne (Wow, just wow. XD)

"Wasting time learning how to better waste time seems like a frightful waste of time indeed." - Frederick (this REALLY cracks me up for some reason. lol)

That's all I can come up with for now. :P

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lissa: you asked for it!

sully: l'll kill you twice!

vaike: thats enough back talk!

stahl: get ready!

sumia: l'll end this now!

kellam: come on look at me!

donnel: come on Donny!

lon'qu: be silent!

ricken: die!

gaius: like candy from a babe!

Cordelia: now you have angered me!

Cynthia: this is the end friend!

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- “Ooh! Tall, dark, and... Well, not exactly what I'd call handsome. But I do love a man with lots of experience...”

- “From now on, I live only for you. And as you may have noticed, I'm the fiercely loyal type.”

- "Men are all the same. Learn their ambition, and you have them by the- Oho... Well, perhaps Excellus was a bit different in that respect..."


- Oh wait, I get it... This is a joke. And when I put my boot through your face, that's the punch line.”

- Good thing you're made of fertilizer, 'cause I'm gonna kick the crap outta ya!”

- “Pretty quick for a Risen, aren't you... But not as quick as my boot's about to find your arse!”

- "I'll kill you twice!"

- "Quick and dirty...Huh! I like it!"

- “I... I love you, you bastard. There, I said it! Now don't ask me again!”


- "You're already dead..."


- "It's Vaike time!"

- "Looks like Teach just got tenure!"

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Alm: How do you compassionately stab someone?

That reminds me of a scene from Firefly where Mal tells Zoe that if any of the passengers go snooping around to find their hidden cargo she should shoot them. She responds with "Shoot them?" and Mal's reply to them is "Shoot them. Politely."

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I've grown extremely fond of Sugita's Chrom, even if Chrom himself isn't exactly a particularly compelling character. I don't care for Sugita on his other roles much but something about this one feels more authentic? Kinda like Mai Nakahara on Yggdra in Yggdra Union, I like her there but don't find she stands out in anything else. It isn't really the lines themselves, it's the delivery that makes them great.

Anyway, if I had to pick one it's probably 運命を変える! / Unmei o kaeru / I will change destiny! or maybe 本気で行くぞ! / Honki de iku zo! / Time to get serious!

EDIT: Actually on skimming SoC's parent/child video, I have to say that JP Inigo is definitely a really close second, if only because all of his quotes in relation to Olivia's are an incredible showcase of how far you can vary the context and meaning of sentences (any language, not just japanese) that basically are saying the same thing, haha. I'm actually kinda motivated to use Inigo on a second playthrough now.

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Robin-Checkmate!/Time to tip the scales!!


How did I forget these gems?

To add to my earlier post


Cha-Ching! -Anna

Time to change fate!- Lucina

I'm a man of passion- Inigo

This is your last dance- Inigo

Don't fight my battles- Gerome

Keep it together- Gerome

For the Blue Flame- Priam

Not bad!- Priam

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These are the ones I remember at the top of my head.


Enter the Vaike!

It's Vaike time!

Free for all!

Teach just got tenure.

That's enough back-talk!

Where you lookin'?!

Right behind ya!

Knock 'em silly!

Ready to shine?

Look alive!

Who goes first?

Thank me later

The Vaike just got a lot Vaiker.

The Vaike never forgets, he jsut doesn't always remember is all.

Anything the Vaike touched should fetch a good price.

Teach is here and class is in session.

A present from one of Ol' Vaike's fans? How thoughtful.

It's just you and me. (I know it's my destiny)

Teach worked in a little practice... Not that's it needed.

You can forge weapons but you can't forge the Vaike.

Hmm, maybe you can't spell "victory" without "Vaike"... Oh yeah, I like that one... (Vaiketory)

[Avatar] has got to be out there somewhere, how do I know? You don't question the Vaike!

Yeah, I rule!

Class Dismissed.

What? dead already?!


Have some death!

Yay! Blood!

I'm gonna kill you :D

Special delivery.


How well do you die?

You're no warrior.


Hell no!


Like candy from a babe!

What a cupcake!

So long sucker!

Piece of cake!


I'll wear any pockets as long as you line 'em

Just for you!

Guess who!

Where's your flavor?

So close!

That was tasty.


And many more

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Anything The Vaike or Tharja says.

I especially get a kick out of, "Anybody want to touch my muscles?" when The Vaike gains 2 stats on a level up.


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Sayri: Submit!

Inigo: This Is Your Last Dance.

Flavia: Lets Make A Scene.

Bastilio(or however you spell it): Don't You Put Any Stock In This Destiny Hogwash!

Anna: Every one of her quotes.

Lon'qu: How Well Will You Die!

Sumia: Here Goes!

Lissa: Clear A Path Everyone!

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So many battle quotes. Does nobody like the actual text?

I posted some conversation quotes. :P

Also, some more I forgot:


"As for your future, it can kiss my big brown Feroxi arse." - Basilio (he's downright hilarious sometimes. XD)

All of Gaius's critical quotes. lol

"Hmm. A challenge." - Frederick (I just think this is another badass Freddy quote!)

"My body is ready, Avatar! The next sample, if you please!" - Frederick (Reggie Freddy! lol)

"My heart is yours, milady. I vow to defend you as knight and husband until death should part us." - Freddy's confession, omg so cute and charming. <3

"My lady, I may never take my eyes off you again! Unless...I walk into a wall." - Stahl's confession, lol wow. XD

I love a lot of Freddy quotes, actually, but I can't remember them all off the top of my head. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anything Gregor or Owain says. Same with that mustache guy whose name escapes me atm.

And then there's this gem from Gaius: "If you are looking for ransom, I can assure you that I don't have any money. But what I do have are a very particular set of honey cakes..."

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Anything Gregor or Owain says. Same with that mustache guy whose name escapes me atm.

And then there's this gem from Gaius: "If you are looking for ransom, I can assure you that I don't have any money. But what I do have are a very particular set of honey cakes..."

Oh my God, I forgot about Gauis' blackmail Supports with the MU! Here's my favorite:

Avatar: ...Did you just call me 'Bubbles'? Er, but don't worry. I won't tell any-

Gaius: You'll tell everyone, you say? So it's to be blackmail, is it? Fine then. I can understand taking an opportunity to line your pockets. You can have my portion of dinner tonight, okay? Will that slake your greed for now?!

Who says that in this context? That's great lol.

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