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Lunatic+ Speedrun guide/log


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23 was easy. They had pretty ridiculous stats though. The map was built to go in circles around using boots+galeforce...

17 is easy if I just let her die.. lol. It should be doable (keeping Tiki alive) with just Robin + Chrom + Lucina + Morgan, though. I never did any of the other Paralogues (except 23) so I can easily get them decently up to speed. Lucina has Galeforce passed down and I haven't recruited Morgan yet.

It seems like the enemies simply ignore my units until Tiki is dead. That's stupid. It would require me to use Robin (Galeforce), Lucina (Galeforce), Morgan (Galeforce) all at high stats, probably easiest as sages. Then I need Priam, Walhart, Aversa, and Chrom to pick off remnants. I think. Which is far too annoying to bother with, as I haven't raised any of my units and this is just a speed run. Actually completing the game and all the paralogues is doable, although keeping all characters alive and recruiting all is another story. I think it is possible to keep all units alive and recruit all without spotpass shops while only using Robin and Chrom primarily. Yet after a certain point, adding more and more requirements to a run seems foolish - you can speedrun like this on casual and if you want to raise your other characters later, there's random battles, paralogues, and DLC. I'm going to work on having Ch -1 to ~12ish be as reliable as possible without spotpass and update the 1st post at some point.

Btw, how was aversa supposed to help in par 23?

Edit: Ok, I did Ch 17 on my this file keeping Tiki alive. It was fine. I just used the characters they give you lategame to clear it in 2 turns. Robin + dancer gets you to the boss on turn 1, + kill another flier. Basilio with silver bow forged, Flavia with a decent axe, Priam with a decent axe, Aversa with rexcalibur, Chrom, and Lucina were the characters I used. I haven't recruited Walhart or anyone else good yet and never trained anyone except Robin (and Chrom through dual strikes). I also brought Tharja and Henry with forged Elwind / Arcwind, although I ended up using neither at all. All characters were at their base stats except Robin and Chrom obviously.

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Aversa has 8 Mov flying Mire which allows her to kill the entire map at range with complete impunity. It won't be helpful in a Speedrun because you'll never get anything done on EP but it sure is useful for reliability clears.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Did another run today in 99:57, or 1 hour, 39 minutes, 57 seconds INGAME time. Although I beat Grima on first attempt and only died once from ch 7-end, which is extremely lucky and probably meant real time would've been really good. I was experimenting with a different route on ch 3, though, which saved some ingame time, but I'm not sure the feasibility of it more consistently. It's hyper-offensive wherein you only really kill the 4 units directly W of you and the knight North of the door. Then you pass the avatar to Freddy and double the boss with Silver lance + MU attack to ORKO him. Lissa and Sumia die as sacrifices for this route, and possibly Kellam too. I lure away the swordsman with Sumia in the NW of the map and leave Kellam + Chrom pairup to hide around there while Fred tries to navigate to the boss. The map starts with MU + Chrom and Fred + Kellam pairup, and killing whichever melee'r to the west has counter - you can do this on turn 1 by swapping starting positions and having Chrom talk to Kellam, pair up, run beside MU and Fred, pass chrom to MU, and finally pair with Fred and giving him the Javelin. If both have melee'rs have counter, reset. You don't necessarily NEED to kill all 4 enemies West, but try and kill as many as you can quickly before opening the door.

I knew this round was blessed when I found an Aversa's Night in chapter 0.

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It probably won't actually be that good of a watch because of all the EP/cutscene skips. I just want to see it for the time/exact routing implementations.

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It seems to be interesting enough to attract viewers. I know there's a semi-regular normal any% stream that pulls in around 40-50 viewers each time and people didn't seem to be too bored when I celebrated getting my capture card 3DS with a semi-ad hoc Lunatic speedrun (it was a silly impulse thing, but I was worried all the skips might not make it that interesting). I'm pretty confident there would be people interested in seeing the run for the run, especially with the novelty of it being a Lunatic+ speedrun.

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Yeah honestly I don't think it'd be that fun to watch, I'd like to see someone else attempt it sometime though. I'm curious as to how others would approach it, and I don't have a capture card or anything so I can't do it myself. If anyone's interested though, I can try and walk you through exactly what I do. For a fast run, you really need a blessed Ch. 0, or else you'll have to do things much slower which takes up 15 mins about. And I'm kinda torn between choosing the asset and flaws. I have a run save file where I chose +STR and got a +SPD level up every level up. And I found a Dying Blaze for boss destroying.. Ridiculous stats:

Grima - Tactician, Lv 13 (Ch 3)

Str: 14

Mag: 10

Skl: 12

Spd: 18

Lck: 8

Def: 13

Res: 10


Str = Can easily manage 42 atk for ch 6 auto-retaliate (with a forged Eliwood's blade - 10 mt C sword, or a forged Killing Edge from Lon'qu)

Def = Can easily manage ch 2 standing on mountains and slowly fleeing to not be targeted by too many at once, which is a lot faster than offensive strategies

Spd = Can easily manage doubling enemies early on in ch 1, 2, and 3, for more offensive power, which helps you avoid enemies living to attack you again

Mag = Higher dmg output later, can easily manage ch 3 offensive strategy (boss rush)

I tend to do -LUK as my flaw, but with armsthrift it might be better to go with -SKL or something for earlier use of crit nosferatu, which adds more consistency. -LUK is probably best..

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