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Any fun/odd unit set ups you can recommend?


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Hey there!

Topic, really. It's quite easy to toss Gale force and limit breaker on every unit, but I'm looking for some fun/odd ideas to try out. For example, I'm thinking of getting as many activation skills (Astra, Lethality, etc) onto Owain, just so I can imagine him shooting out various names for each move, and with enough skills on him something is likely to activate. SACRED STONES (Astra called shot to the nuts!).

What are your favorite builds? I'm toying with so many ideas (crit builds, defensive builds, etc) and just wanted to know what fun other people have come up with over the years.

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I really like Stahl!Owains x Virion!Severa- there are just so many different good postgame strats they can pull off, and they have big, useful class selections ingame too. Notably, they can do:

-Wyvern Lord x Berserker: Severa's flagship Apo set. Owain has Hit+20 and enough Str to pull this off well.

-Dark Flier x Sage: an old standby that they've got everything needed to pull off. However, as Severa is pretty far from any notable Spd thresholds with this set, you could step her down to Dark Knight for more bulk, +Mov on Owain and access to Leif's Blade, which is really fun.

-Bride x Dread Fighter: DLC only, but they've got a complete set of Faires for the combo and thus can run whatever skillsets you want with them. The pairup boosts also complement eachother very well.

-Sniper/Hero x Sniper/Assassin: high DS build. DS isn't Owain's strong suit but Severa is good enough that they can still do well together.

For additional ingame setups, they have a lot of options for combining 8-Mov classes with high defensive synergy and playing hit and run- Owain's Paladin and Severa's Falco/DK go well together. Owain also has BK, which fits well with Severa's Wyvern and trades a bit of bulk for higher guerrilla offense.

Another good one is Avatar x Cordelia. They're mostly ingame centered- if you want to play late postgame with them, make sure Avatar has a Spd asset and doesn't have a Mag/Res flaw. Cordelia is Avatar's only first gen AT option (besides Flavia, who doesn't count), comes with good bases for ingame play, and has a huge compliment of 8-mov classes that fit well with Avatar. Wyvern x Falco is their best combo, but DK x DK, DK x DF, Paladin x Falco, and several others also perform well on them. Their children will want to marry units with decent Str and Berserker/Hit+20 to keep the postgame Wyvern x Berserker combo (and they can do it better than anyone thanks to being fast enough to not need All+2)- Stahl!Owain, Stahl!Inigo and Chrom!Inigo are good options with Galeforce, and Stahl/Virion!Yarne and Gregor!Laurent (no Hit+20, but Hex is close enough) and good non-GF options. Notably, Stahl!Yarne and Gregor!Laurent are also excellent everywhere.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Donny was Owain's dad for me. I've made both of them Demon Fighters, and Owain's caps are higher across the board it looks like. Reclass the boy enough and give him the insane RES skill for kicks, I say.

Children always get a +1 boost to all stats, that's not unique to Donnel. He's actually got the most negative stat mods in the game (4 out of 7) and is extremely bad if you care about caps.

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