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do the children also get the items in the parent's storage?

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IIRC, items in storage are put into a kid's inventory until it is full, and the rest stays in storage. Additionally, if a parent's inventory is full, the last item or two will end up in their kid's storage to make room for their default items. If they have a copy of an item of the same kind as their default item, they keep their existing item and the default gets put in the place that the other item would have been put if it had not been inherited (unless the existing item is in storage, in which case they get both.)

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yes, i always put the second silver lance in cuan's storage and altenna ends up with it

the pairing guide informs you of all item ranks with your particular pairing as well, so you don't put something in storage that the kid can't use; also like sirmola said, be aware of starting items so you can juggle inventory / storage into having the kid start out with more effective weaponry

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