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Online name: DeadSwagger (My global IGN or OSN) (INgameName or OnScreenName)

Real name: Leo (Jae) Choi

DoB: October 17, 1992

Favourite FE Game: Sacred Stones

Reason: Versatility throughout entire game. Endgame/midgame (eg. the tower and the ruins), routes, promotions, map movement, etc.

Favourite Game (other than FE): DEADPOOL.......................... and above all else stands my King of Kings : Diablo 2 & Expansion. Gah, can't leave out my childhood BFF Super Smash Bros. I guess I'll say FFTA or Summon Night for Gba games.

Favourite FE Character: Cormag and Lyndis

Least Favourite game: If you grinding is a factor left out, any or all games that require constant repetition to win. (eg. Idle Mobile Games...)

Sports: Snowboarding, Soccer, Swimming, Golf, Lacrosse, and maybe even slip in Tennis...

Online friends: None yet... Someone come befriend this cyberloner....

Favourite music: Hip-Hop, Street, Free of Style, any BPM of 80~110

Favourite artist/band: Kendrick Lamar, Eminem, Machine Gun Kelly

Favourite song: Poetic Justice (feat. Drake) - Kendrick Lamar ///// The Proclamation - The Underachievers

Country: Korean-Canadian

MSN/Yahoo/AIM: I haven't used one since... at least 2006...

Hobbies: FASHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN and RAP............... Judge me if you must, I also enjoy greening out!

Good Point: Unbiased and lax, inattentive when focused (I have a habit of not being quick to reply when I find myself delved into something.) Penta-lingual....(Fluency in all forms of ENG, FRE, KOR) (Can understand vocally in Chilean SPA and CHN, Cantonese not Mandarin)

Bad Point: Anal with what I believe is justified

Anything else?: Soon-to-be CEO of a Hip-Hop label launching in S.Korea, currently part time barista, part time student and part time bartender, I'll have to say I love people, or studying them to be more exact.

I am a psychology specialist and am currently re-attending for an economics and philosophy major at the University of Toronto. Seeing how that is totally unrelated, I will also tell you that I have been in love with Fire Emblem ever since I first touched FE7. Since then, I've completed FE6, FE7, FE8, Path of Radiance, ~50% of Radiant Dawn (ended up giving my Wii to my girlfriend's brother when I moved out for University) and Shadow Dragon. I've recently just come across this forum and it's incredible content and audience via the game Midnight Sun just two days ago, never knew people hacked roms like these, panicked, blazed, panicked a bit more, THC leveled out my imminent heart attack, and enjoyed. :D

My first reaction to the site was "Dayyyyyym, they tell you how!" and ended up downloading all the hack tools, then realized that since I had never done this before, I now want to attend and complete a computer science major.... I tried... and failed miserably at stuffing all that info into my head. I ended up making my first mugshot, a rough hour? hour and a half? job, giving the boss Cormag a new hairstyle and golden armor. If, in the future, I improve at any portion of rom hacking, I hope to be able to contribute and donate some of my work or even (MAYBE......) start my own project.

Edited by DeadSwagger
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THC leveled out my imminent heart attack


Anyway, welcome to the Forest! Enjoy your stay!!

형,왜 FE4 하지 못했어

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@Sheezy @Roxas Thanks guys :D

@Roxas And I haven't played FE4 or any of the versions prior to FE6. Even FE6 too, I only played it after I finished playing all my other FE's because I never knew there were translations to the original versions.

@Spikey Yeah, you might notice sooner on that most of my posts will contain more than two concise lines. A pet peeve if anything.

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