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Question about Great Shield

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The first enemy unit that has a cut-in is a Luna+ Masked Marth in Chapter 4 or Validar with Vengeance on Chapter 6. That barbarian, Luna+ or not, did not proc a cut-in.

I assumed he just meant the crit flash thing when he said cut in, since those don't happen for mooks haha.

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I assumed he just meant the crit flash thing when he said cut in, since those don't happen for mooks haha.

Yes, I did, but it doesn't change anything. I did write "cut-in" so he is right with his statement. As I said, I must have made a mistake somewhere.

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Now I'm certain I made a mistake in my observation.

Well I can tell you what I did, it doesn't disprove what you say. But it explains how I came up with my idea:

  • Battelsave -> Unit A will get a crit on enemy X on the next round.
  • Unit A attacks enemy X, and gets a critical hit.
  • Load battlesave -> Unit A attacks unit Y, gets a crit.
  • Load battlesave -> Unit A attacks unit Z, gets a crit.
  • Load battlesave -> Unit B attacks unit Y, result is irrelevant. Unit A attacks unit X or Z, gets a crit on either of them.

In A vs Y/Z's case, the crit RN was lower than your crit rate against either of them so they both got critted. In B vs Y's case, B was using a different amount of RNs for the battle, causing their crit RN to be drawn from a different place in the RN string (for example, a proc could have been equipped on one and not the other).

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What I meant to say when mentioned that the result of B's attack on Y is irrelevant is that the RN is probably drawn before the beginning of the player phase, and not in between single engagements.

If one unit crits a certain enemy, it will crit that enemy regardless of whether a different fight takes place beforehand or not.

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I will disagree with that. The game should have all RNs mapped on a table when you load the map (typical for generators). So for every round of combat, you go through a certain string of RNs (rolls 2 and average for a hit, if at passes rolls a 3rd for crit, if it doesn't there is no 3rd roll; then it checks for skills). I genuinely don't know if it checks for skills before it checks before crit, but everyone knows hit is checked before crit.

Unit B attacking Y can take up a long chain of RNs (2 for it's hit and 1 RN for no crit. 2 RNs for enemy hit and 1 RN for no crit plus 1 RN for possible skill activation).

By the time you get back to Unit A attacking another enemy, you've gone through possibly 7 different RNs. For your theory to work, the generator makes individual RNs for every possible scenario upon load (which doesn't seem quite right). It would have check every possible hit/crit/proc on every possible scenario (including all of its permutations).

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Ah right, two random numbers because thats how true hit is calculated and then the crit roll.

Well I'm not claiming to understand the system, but instead just reporting a specific case which I witnessed.

Edited by Knusperkeks
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