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The Flash (2014) and Arrow (2012) TV Series


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So does anyone here watch the new Flash series? What do you think of it?

I'm really enjoying it and finding it awesome, especially with the new twists to the original plot and the characters they're featuring. Speaking of characters...

What do you guys think of Dr. Harrison Wells?

I have to say he's probably my most favourite part of the series. As the series progresses, he really has you guessing as to where his true allegiance lies and just what his overall objectives are. I mean, the end of the 2nd episode really just made me think "Okay, is this guy a villain, or... why did he stab him... what is he up to?!"

Edit: Making this an Arrow TV series topic as well as per request.

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I think this series is pretty awesome. I've only watched a few episodes, but so far, it's been latching me to it. I was never into DC (kind of indifferent), but this series is getting me interested.

Dr.Harrison Wells really does have you wondering...I don't think he's a bad guy. He can't be. Maybe it was actually an accident?

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It's a pretty great show. Not as good as Arrow, but still quite enjoyable for a comic book geek like me. I also appreciate the fact that they gave John Wesley Shipp a role in the series, although I was really hoping to see him as Jay Garrick instead of Henry Allen.

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it's great.

I like the idea of developing all the more obscure heroes in the background while still following Barry Allen.

Atom, Firestorm, possibly metamorpho, katana, and blue beetle. shame they made deathstroke into a total psycho.

but they also listed down so many names as dead people, including the elongated man,steel, and the amazing man. Elongated Man being dead kinda saddens me because he was introduced in the barry allen era.

Suicide Squad is nice tbh. The potential for a captain atom thing through Eiling is interesting too.

I'm also guessing Wells is supposed to be someone who's to make sure barry allen makes it to the future to save existence in the crisis.

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my family started watching Flash in like November and got hooked, then started Arrow

liking Arrow a lot more than Flash but Flash is still Pretty Cool

just not as cool

(still need to catch up in Arrow, tho, only halfway through S2)

[spoiler=re: wells]he's basically the best and I'm not at all sure what I think of him

at the beginning I was pretty sure he was a well-intentioned sort of asshole, and then he started doing more outright bad things

now I think he's probably a well-intentioned sort of asshole, since they seem to be trying to make us believe that he is villainous

if he was an actual villain they'd try to make it more of a surprise #meta

[spoiler=I think the comics might do this?]alternatively he's an obsessed fanboy from the future, or just wishes to make barry "stronger"

which iirc the comics have

would be hella lame tho

E: Rando, would it be reasonable to change the title of the thread to be about Flash and Arrow? idk what your intentions are but it looks like currently people are gonna be talking about Arrow as well

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E: Rando, would it be reasonable to change the title of the thread to be about Flash and Arrow? idk what your intentions are but it looks like currently people are gonna be talking about Arrow as well

Sure. I guess having the thread be about 2 different TV series will help this thread's activity more.

I mostly made this thread so we could all share theories about that one spoilerish character from The Flash. I mean, there's so many theories as to who he really is and what his intentions are, but even the most agreed upon theories have proof that conflicts against them, like the theory where:

Dr. Wells is from the future, though with that one episode showing that Joe West found history records of Wells having a wife and living in a different city, that dispels the time travel theory significantly.

I have to say though, good or evil, he's definitely a really cool and interesting character.

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Sure. I guess having the thread be about 2 different TV series will help this thread's activity more.

I mostly made this thread so we could all share theories about that one spoilerish character from The Flash. I mean, there's so many theories as to who he really is and what his intentions are, but even the most agreed upon theories have proof that conflicts against them, like the theory where:

Dr. Wells is from the future, though with that one episode showing that Joe West found history records of Wells having a wife and living in a different city, that dispels the time travel theory significantly.

I have to say though, good or evil, he's definitely a really cool and interesting character.

I mean there's also significant proof that he is from the future; he has whatever article from the future we saw in the first episode or two, I think his computer was talking to him about timeline shit, and there might've been something else

I wouldn't put it past him to be able to fabricate evidence of a past life

if it would even need to be fabricated at all

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anyone who tries to speculate about future flashes, go read the run from the 90s

Arrow is fun. I think my favorite moment was seeing Ted Grant. I'm a pretty damn big golden age heroes fan, and I the JSA run's depiction of him was grreat.

I also love how they're introducing Shriever, Eiling, Waller, and even the Harjavti bros. via supporting characters or easter eggs.

anyone hear the rumors of a teen titans live action show coming up? speculations on the roster. (Outside of Cyborg or the green arrow/batman family members). I'd love to see Donna Troy, Starfire, Beast Boy, and Bumblebee+Herald appear.

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I mean there's also significant proof that he is from the future; he has whatever article from the future we saw in the first episode or two, I think his computer was talking to him about timeline shit, and there might've been something else

I wouldn't put it past him to be able to fabricate evidence of a past life

if it would even need to be fabricated at all

Him fabricating false history records is definitely a feasible explanation. That reminds me of the theories of Dr. Wells purposely setting up the scene of Reverse Flash beating him up (either by using his super speed to portray both or by using time travel so he could exist as Dr. Wells and Reverse Flash).

Well, you definitely have to admit that Dr. Wells is quite the evil genius, either way (even if his intentions and goals are overall noble which we don't know for sure yet, he has some pretty evil means of obtaining them).

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  • 2 weeks later...

(forgot to post here after seeing episode 15)

...well, that explains practically everything I wanted to know about that spoilery character.

I wonder if Well's/Thawne's secret will still be exposed to Barry before the first season ends.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I practically have to spoiler every post I make now, heh.

I have to say, they're really doing an awesome job at still keeping people heavily guessing and anticipating what's next, even with Wells' reveal. I was worried that the series would become less suspenseful after Wells' identity and intentions were revealed, but I'm surprised how it's still as suspenseful as ever. I hope they can keep this up in season 2, especially if Wells' is no longer the main villain in that season.

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A shame but not surprising. The Dibnys have been getting the shit end of the stick for some years now.

On that note, I wonder if the CW will ever green-light the proposed Hourman series. It's not as if they don't have the perfect tie-in.

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A shame but not surprising. The Dibnys have been getting the shit end of the stick for some years now.

On that note, I wonder if the CW will ever green-light the proposed Hourman series. It's not as if they don't have the perfect tie-in.

but man.

they brought back Golden Glider.

to be fair, we've covered all of the classic rogues gallery. The only one that hasn't even had a reference made to him is the Top.

If Palmer's going to be getting his own show, I can't think of that many iconic villains outside of Chronos and Jean Loring.

oh and the bug eyed bandit, but we got that one already.

I kinda want to see an Hourman series doing the whole legacy hero thing in a similar fashion to how Robinson handled Starman.

I hear that the next DC show might have Rip Hunter (tired, don't feel like googling), which is alright. I would like

Booster Gold more though.

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Wow, episode 20... is just epic...


I don't even know how else to describe all the scenes during and after the trap scene (specifically this one) other than... just awesome. It's just so chilling and disturbing hearing him be so arrogant and psychotic in tone when you're so used to Wells (in non-Reverse Flash form) being so calm and gentle for the whole series until now, even when murdering Stagg and Cisco.

I have to say, Reverse Flash/Eobard has to be one of the most epic villains ever. Even after you know the darkness and cruelty he's capable of, you can't help but still admire the gentle, kind, fatherly figure he pretends to be, even when you know it's an act. You just want to keep holding onto that fake illusion of the caring, wise mentor that he portrays, because of how much he's trapped you into believing his fake persona and how even when he murders others (like Stagg and Cisco), he still does so in such a kind and calm tone. Even now, I still can't bring myself to hate Wells or be disgusted at all the evil he's done, because his fake acts of kindness were so believable and so genuine looking.

to be fair, we've covered all of the classic rogues gallery. The only one that hasn't even had a reference made to him is the Top.

Actually, Mirror Master is another really big Flash villain that hasn't shown up in The Flash (2014) yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah man, it is really weird for me these new shows because I loved Wally west, he got me into comics and one comic I really loved was Green Arrow. The shows are weird because they show some conventions (I mean his romantic Rival was named Eddy Thawne) but not others. Enough that very few of the plot twists are really twists, since they happened in the comics.

I mean Laurel had to become who she became because those two have been off and on for decades. But Oliver Queen is not like that. Ollie is a fun, kinda obnoxious, but loveable hippie type guy who is more Tony Stark in personality than Batman. More known for his witty one-liners than brooding. Not saying he doesn't brood and that he isn't worst father figure ever, but he is a fun snarky character at heart.

Also since Wally West is my flash and not Barry some things jarred with me. Pied Piper being a jerk was surprising. I mean I know he used to be a villain, but he is the villain with the kindest, biggest heart later on, and he never was just more of a jerk than the others. Also Trickster, the other reformed Rogue later on, is insanely evil?! Trickster was never the Joker, he was mischievous, and even malicious but making him a knock off was disappointing and oddly humorous when he was calling the second trickster a knock off, especially since the second Trickster and him faced off as reformed old guy vs criminal young blood in the comics.

I do like the stories, and the new characters. Cisco and Joe rock, but its a weird set of feelings for me. Its not bad, just really weird, and wished I could take a peek at some of their ideas when they planned it. Glad it brought new people to the Flash though, even if it is Barry.

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Wally's post crisis run was great.

Messner-Loebs and Waid did great jobs.

but i don't think we'll see Wally until the current new 52 thing reboots back to a closer version of the DCU we knew before Flashpoint.

why the fuck do we have Vibe in the show and not elongated man. :/

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They do like their less than well known heroes. I loved that Fire Storm was in there, he was always one of my favorite concepts as a hero, but hard to keep up with the revolving members after being out of comics for awhile. And yeah, really hoping Wally is brought back to the world. I feel like the shows have caught up to "the dark age" right when the comics are starting to head away from it. So interesting what they were doing.

I will say, I often thought Wells was going to be Malcolm Thawne, and Eddy was going to be Eobard, and curious what they will do with eddy in the future.

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