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The Flash (2014) and Arrow (2012) TV Series


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nah. they wouldn't bring back the 90s.

if anything, I wanna see JUSTICE LEAGUE DETROIT.

but then that would mean Cisco would be dead and I don't really truly want that.

i want to see them attempt to do Zero Hour though.

Firestorm's cool and that Ostrander run was well written.

I kinda want to see Captain Atom though, now that Eiling's been introduced.

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As far as the comics, Wally is in high demand, and one of the advertisements of Convergence WAS Wally West is back! But no, TV and movies prefer Barry, although this is one of the few appearances that Barry wasn't him in backstory but Wally in personality. Barry inthe Flash TV show is entirely his own man, something that draws me to him since he is relatively like neither character.

Well what do you think of Legends of Tomorrow and that atom is on it, and will shrink?

I admit I watch Flash for the villains, and I like them more usually then the plots because Flash has a complex relationship with his villains more than most any other hero. So when Cpt. Cold and Heatwave were announced to be heroes on the team, I was all for it.

And yeah, I love Cisco. Most of the time, Flash is more light hearted than the other stuff going on (I enjoy gotham, but it can be a bit much.) but I give that credit to Cisco more than most of the main cast, I think the show losing him would be a major loss since he gives the show a diversity in tone. I think the show could survive every character but Barry dying, except Cisco, although Joe is a nice addition as well since he may be the only (non love interest) who isn't an awkward genius.

Do you have a favorite character? Comics or Show?

Comics: Pied Piper, Linda may have helped Wally grow, but Pied Piper really showed Wally how someone can become a better person and taught him quite a bit about not being a jerk.

Show: Cisco, absolutely, his naivete, humor, and self doubt seem very genuine and are a much needed part of the show.


I prefer Diggs. He has maturity that the team needs, and while a sober character, I always did like the "voice of reason" character. I guess also why I like Joe so much in Flash.

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-Comics: Probably Jay Garrick. The dude's been around forever and taught just about every non-Golden Age speedster. I like Magenta, but she kinda falls under Wally West's greatest failure.

-Show: Cisco for main cast members, Ronnie Raymond for recurring characters.

There's not that many picks tho. The rogues aren't really developed that much outside of Snart.

Arrow: I like Diggles and Felicity. I REALLY dislike Laurel though.

Splitting the Black Canary into two people and then having Laurel act so fucking pretentious and self righteous makes me seriously dislike her.

I mean for fucks sake listen to the advice of the people who have actual high level combat skills and field experience. I get that she looses herself in emotions, but there's a difference between fighting street thugs and then doing the shit that The Arrow does.

Shame the Green Arrow doesn't really have that many villains in his gallery left outside of Onomatopoeia.

oh and for a favorite non-main cast character, my pick goes to Ted Grant, with Deadshot a close second. A shame that the classic Count Vertigo wasn't used though.

I love me some JSA. With Hawkgirl/woman being in the next DC show, I want to see a Starman/girl.

even Will Payton or Prince Gavyn.

Since they've established that Stagg exists, Metamorpho might be around the corner.

Iirc, there's a reference to Heywood Steel somewhere, which might lead to a Commander Steel making an appearance.

With Vibe and Vixen existing, we've got half of the Justice League Detroit man.

Edited by Howard the Duck
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Oh man, this is so fun to talk to someone about this stuff. Most people I know are not comic book fans, but love the shows, and I feel sometimes missing out on talking to fans of both and their perspectives.

Magenta was pretty minor in the long run, but I agree, didn't Max teach Bart most of what he knew and not Jay? I mean Jay was there, but Max Mercury seemed to have the highest influence on Bart. But yeah JSA all the way. I love Black Canary and Wildcat's relationship, but even more I really loved how all the old JSA members are, although I love Modern JSA, I really didn't enjoy reading actual golden age comics. Its like they came into their own 50 years afterward, but thats mostly disconnect due to time periods, and they have Way more complexity and development than their other Earth counterparts.

As for Black Canary and Arrow, Black Canary is an amazing character in the comics who plays off of Arrow perfectly and has some pretty amazing moments. But the show? I mean Arrow usually seems like a child in some ways, but that may be my frustration at them taking one of the few characters that are kinda fun and making them Batman. I feel like Arrow's character is what the plot needs it to be and is sort of bland. But Black Canary is worse. Its like they drained all personality from them and tried to give them the same dynamic, which is hard to watch.

I really Love Hawkgirl, but always felt weird to have her and not Hawkman, especially if they are really going to emphasize some plot points. Commander Steel would rock and I didn't catch that at all, but Heywood+Steel who else could it be? But from the looks of it, they are going to go with a veneer of different plots and story lines, and some will definitely have something to do with Justice League Detroit, but if i learned anything from these shows, they take a good deal of liberties.

Being a fan of the comics and shows seems to be a weird mix of excitement and disappointment and i try to compartmentalize it, but some things let me down when they shouldn't, and some odd things get me really excited. Barry dating Linda was one of those odd moments. It's Linda OMG! Wait, no, Barry that's your nephew's wife, stop. Or seeing Dr. Mcgee as an old woman when Barry is young was kinda hilarious and made me really happy. There is a 10 year old out there, Mcgee, and in 10 years you two will have an torrid love affair. Or Singh is getting married, and I have to snark that Piper is just acting like a jerk because he is frustrated his boyfriend is getting married, and never even bothered to dump him.

These things add to the experience, and make me enjoy it more, while also occasionally annoying me, and I never know which one it will be.

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seeing the whole Red/Blue trinity+McGee Speed Demon plots would be interesting.

As would the Savitar one.

It's going to be another season at least before we get confirmation on costumed heroes existing before the era of Arrow. Like around the mid 20th century.

Katana's appeared in her other identity, I'd like to see her in costume. Maybe bringing in Quickstart industries to bring in that family would be nice.

I caught the references to Coast/Midway city, meaning we might see a Green Lantern related character outside of the Ferris Air guys.

Eiling existing brings in the speculation to the Captain Atom related characters, including Peacemaker.

Shrieve's existence brings up the Creature Commandos, but they'd be difficult to bring in due to the costumes.

with Bialya and Markovia existing, we've probably got the Queen Bee and Geo-Force somewhere.

Firestorm makes me want to see Firehawk, Phozar, and all the stuff from the Ostrander run.

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Speed demon was awesome, as was Savitar, but they are doing the main flash plots anyway. I don't know if they will delve into some of the others, especially with how kooky the red/blue trinity could sometimes be. I don't think there were superheroest, just government projects, and secret operatives stuff from the sound of it. It would have been more noticed and they turned everyone's powers down a notch.

I caught the coast city reference too. There is rumor that Diggle will be made into the next Green Lantern, which will be interesting, and he does have the military background to lend it weight.

Didn't queen bee show up? As for Geo force, I like how he is, but always worry they will bring up terra whose whole plotline left a sour note in my mouth. But that said many things seem to point at some sort of teen titans, but I don't think that would work at all.

What is your favorite comic?

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if Diggle gets to be a new Green Lantern, I'll flip a table.

We already have John Stewart.

Marvel: Avengers Forever, Nextwave, and all of the Annihilation/War of Kings/Realm of Kings/Annihilation Conquest stuff.

DC: All Star Squadron, JSA, JLI/JLE, and anything by James Robinson/Grant Morrisson.

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I'm pretty sure it was already confirmed that Diggle won't become GL.

Thanks! I don't keep up with the shows news very well.

Marvel: Nick Fury and his Howling Commandos, anything X-man although less these days. Captain marvel, used to like old ff4

DC: Flash, Green Arrow, JSA, Batwoman, and pratically anything about the question(past or present) I can get my hands on.

I would be better off if I followed writers, but I can't, I follow characters which sometimes gets my foot shot off.

You guys follow Gotham?

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