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[FE4] 'Lordless' draft redux


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* This draft is for 3 - 5 players.

* Sigurd is banned from drafting.

* Ardan, Alec and Noish are free for all to use in generation one.

* Radney, Roddleban, Assaello and Hannibal are free for all to use in generation two.

* When a mother is drafted, their children come with them. Example: Drafting Aira gives you Aira, Lakche and Skasaha.

* If 5 players sign up, Linda is removed from the draft and will be free for all to use.


* Undrafted units may Seize, recruit characters, visit Villages, help civilians in Ch.4, Ch.8 and Ch.10 and take part in Talk conversations and special events that don't require participants to be lovers

* Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above including but not limited to meatshielding, marrying somebody, using the 'Give' command, using Charisma and Leadership bonuses or entering battle in- or outside of the arena.

* Arena usage is allowed.

* Prayer Sword glitch and Rescue glitch are not allowed.


* Using an undrafted, non-holy weapon user [ie Alec, Lex] results in a 3-turn penalty per castle.

* Using an undrafted, holy weapon user [ie Cuan, Briggid] or Dancer results in a 7-turn penalty per castle.

* Using the 'Give' command with an undrafted unit results in a 12-turn penalty.

* Each point of experience gained by Sigurd results in a 1-turn penalty.

Exceptions for undrafted units:

* Generation 1 units may lose a bout in the Arena and then die to an enemy while unequipped to prevent them from getting married. The enemy must have no other friendly units in his attack range and must finish the character in a single round.

* Midir and Cuan are free for all to use in the Prologue Chapter.

* Levin and Sylvia are free for all to use until Mackily castle is conquered in Chapter 2.

* Briggid, Tiltyu and Claude are free for all to use in Chapter 3.

* Dew may lower the bridge in Chapter 4.

* Oifaye is free for all to use in Chapter 6.

* Shanan is free for all to use in Chapter 7 until Yied Castle is conquered.

* Leaf, Janne and Fin are free for all to use in Chapter 7.

* Sigurd and Celice are free to be attacked while unarmed.


1.) Zasplach: Sylvia [sylvia, Leen, Corple], Levin, Aless, Lex, Aira [Aira, Lakche, Skasaha], Azel, Janne, Hawk

2.) Marty: Deidre [Deidre, Celice, Julia], Finn, Dew, Tiltyu [Tiltyu, Arthur, Tinny], Claude, Beowulf, Midir, Femina

3.) Baldrick: Laylea, Aideen [Aideen, Lana, Lester], Fury [Fury, Fee, Sety], Mana, Dimna, Jamka, Johan, Johalva, Daisy

4.) Yojinbo: Ethlin [Ethlin, Leaf, Altenna], Lachesis [Lachesis, Delmud, Nanna], Cuan, Shanan, Oifaye, Briggid [briggid, Patty, Faval], Holyn, Linda, Sharlow

[spoiler=Units remaining]Tristan, Amid;

Edited by Yojinbo
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Interesting freebie (and draftable) list!

I think in the last draft we decided the dancers were too strong. But if you keep draftable Celice it might be crazy enough to work?

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Yeah, I considered having Sylvia free for all to use but I'm not sure how that'd work. I left Deidre up for drafting on purpose because I honestly don't see why she shouldn't be and I think it'd make things a bit more interesting. I guess "crazy enough to work" is a pretty good way to describe it.

What do people think about Cuan being free to use in the Prologue? I mainly decided to do that because the boss on Evans Castle would take ages to beat with neither Cuan nor Sigurd.

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Nooooo prayer sword glitch is banned :(

Hmm I'm not sure that having Cuan be free in just the prologue will be enough, some bosses in chapter 1 will still be a massive pain without him (I remember having Azel trek all the way over to kill Gandolf.) Then again, if you make him free in Chapter 1 as well, it'll hurt the person who chooses him a lot. It's really hard to balance Sigurdless early game. Also draft-able Celice is insane, but it might be the best way to compensate for not having a dancer in gen 2.

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Eh, screw it. I've never done a draft before, but from what I've seen, it looks like lots of fun and I never have enough FE4. I'm sure I'll make a fool out of myself, but if you'll have me; I'll give it a try.

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I think draftable Celice is OK when a.) not everybody gets a dancer and b.) Sigurd will finish gen 1 at base level.

Gandolf isn't as big a problem as Gerrard is imo. There's a church near his castle and you can kinda take your time beating him because you can send units ahead into the spirit forest where things will inevitably slow down.

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OK since we have 4 players right now we're gonna start.

There were 4 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

  1. Zasplach
  2. Marty
  3. Baldrick
  4. Yojinbo

1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> repeat

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How do you expect every team to beat Alvis? I'm tempted to join in the 5th slot to make everyone's teams worse

draftable Celice via deirdre is actually kind of cool, but I think it's really strong. Here's an easier to read unit list if you want to use it too.




[Ethlin, Leaf, Altenna]




[Aideen, Lana, Lester]

[Aira, Lakche, Skasaha]

[Deidre, Celice, Julia]



[Lachesis, Delmud, Nanna]



[sylvia, Leen, Corple]

[Fury, Fee, Sety]

[Tiltyu, Arthur, Tinny]


[briggid, Patty, Faval]

















Edited by General Horace
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Alvis is gonna be hard for everybody but I think it's possible to beat him if you have either Celice, Aless, Shanan or Faval. Holyn!Swordtwins might be able to do it too with the Balmung. You can also put him to sleep or something.

Draftable Celice is strong but I don't think it's a problem. He'll only have base level Sigurd as his father and picking Deidre means that you're denying yourself a better gen 1 unit so it's kind of a double-edged sword. If we assume that the two dancers and deidre were picked by the first 3 players in round 1 the 4th player [in this case me] could still pick Lachesis and Ethlin for mounted Rescue in both generations. I think it'll be fine in the end.

Edit: And since the draft hasn't actually started yet I could still add you if you like.

Edited by Yojinbo
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Faval and Shanan are both liable to getting oneshotted, which is kind of annoying, and Faval can't dodge worth shit. Obviously the solution is CLAUDE!FAVAL.

You'd have to land a hit with the sleep sword on him to actually sleep him too, which is uh, not very likely too. But I guess it is possible for everyone. Add me in if you want, it's up to you.

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Hmmm, I guess I'll keep it at 4 players for now. Afaik it's the first draft for Zasplach and myself and only the second one for Marty. Having to split up the units might be a bit too extreme.

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