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[FE4] 'Lordless' draft redux


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Chapter 4: 25/110 turns

I feel like I probably could have done better here, but I've already moved on and don't feel like going back.

To Thove: 11 turns

This was actually very close. Claude was close enough to spam reserve once during the fight with the wind mages, but after that my cavalry was by itself. Thankfully with his 23 strength, the power ring, and the hero sword Beowulf could one round the boss. In the end every single unit was on really lower HP, probably to the point where another hit would have finished them. Leg ring Dew made this significantly faster.

To Zaxon: 14 turns

The long cut-scene, and then instead of fighting Lamia I had Alec lure her away and had Beowulf and Sigurd move around. I probably could have fought Lamia and saved a turn or two, but I was lazy.

IMO it's probably too early to say how well balanced lordless drafts are (though they're probably worse than normal drafts.) Normal drafts have had a while to be worked out while this is only the second lordless draft. In both cases the participants didn't know the lordless metagame too well, so Horace got a massive advantage in the first draft and I got a massive advantage in this draft. I don't think in future drafts of this type anyone would let one player get Finn, Midir, and Cuan or anyone would let one player get Deidre and Dew. I definitely think that a lordless draft is best for three players though.

Edit: I'm actually having a bit of trouble with chapter 5. It's hard to have Sigurd talk to his father without being forced to counter attack with the broken Tyrfing gaining exp in the process.

Edited by MartyTheDemonSlayer
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What enemies are actually attacking him? I don't remember what I did last time around but he should be able to stay out of range of the axe knights, and all the other guys near the start can probably be dealt with since you have quite a few units.



more or less the same as what Yojimbo did probably so i'm not gonna bother typing it all out.

EDIT: Alec got the speed ring instead of Sigurd though, the Leg ring is only 20000 and Sigurd can get that on his own.





"insert Ethlin here"

My Alec is pretty rad actually, he ORKO's some dudes with Iron Lance! Having Ethlin and Cuan is really strong, Yojimbo's team is better than I thought it would be!

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It's actually ridiculously good in chapter 1 as well!


Ran everyone south, had to have Sigurd hang back out of Silver Axe range of Kinbois because he actually had the lowest non-Ethlin defence because Alec got a bunch earlier.

Cuan weakend most of the squad with Alec's help, and this allowed everyone to punch through and Cuan eventually oneshotted the boss with a lover crit.

4 turns to the first castle

Ardan had to burn some RN's in the arena (mvp) so Ayra wouldn't Astra Sigurd to death. it was unfourtunate.

Eventually she settled on attacking (and missing) Ethlin once and was recruited. Everyone cleared the way for Sigurd, but unfourtunatly Cuan left Kinbois with 4HP, so Alec scooped up the kill (i'm favouring him over Noish this time around because he got a lot of early stats) and Sigurd seized on turn 9

5 turns to the second castle

The forest was dumb like usual, Ethlin returned Noish fox exp, and Cuan ran ahead and weakend a bunch of dudes, then weakend Jamka with the steel lance enough for ETHLIN to finish him, no point in getting the killer bow here. Positioned everyone one space outside of Fenrir range (convienetly 9 spaces away from the gate) and Cuan oneshotted the boss with another lover crit with a Javelin so he wouldn't block Sigurd from seizing on turn 21.

11 turns to VERDANE







Got Holyn this chapter and Lachesis later on! Hopefully they help and stuff.

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I'm not looking forward to it either.


everyone charged ahead, and did stuff relevent to the completion of the chapter. Noish + Alec + Ethlin got an armour out of the way, and Cuan killed the boss with the silver lance (lover crit or a continue proc worked).

9 turns to Heirhein.

Cuan talked to Fin, who came along for the ride away from combat, and he got the hero lance, which he eventually sold for later.

everyone charged ahead, Ethlin recruited Beowulf, who ran away. The social knights didn't damage Cuan, so they wouldn't attack him. Alec got the Elite ring, and killed them all on the enemy phase, and Cuan killed Macbeth with a Silver lance crit, and used the return ring to head home. Alec was returned by Ethlin,

Also Alec broke the light sword on an enemy phase and almost died:


6 turns to Anphony

Holyn lured the enemies near the castle away, and Lachesis, Holyn and Noish poked at them until a freshly promoted Alec and Hero Lance!Cuan arrived, and the enemies curled up and died to them. Had to used Noish to hold a chokepoint though, because the Agusty Cavaliers wouldn't attack either one of them because their defence was too high. Cuan killed the boss with the hero lance and seized on turn 21

6 turns to Mackily

Ardan eventually made it to a castle and sold the pursuit ring, and Cuan bought it and charged ahead with Alec. Alec was a bit further ahead and killed everything (and Nihil was actually useful for once and blocked horseslayer damage so Zyne was a wimp) and Sigurd avoided death by ballista. Ethlin in the meantime collected villages (including the bargain ring one) and returned Dew, Fin, Sylvia, Beowulf and Levin home for exp. Beowulf had his chat with Lachesis for stats, and unfourtunately I forgot to put Lachesis though the arena because Mackily exploded. I don't think it's a huge deal though, she should still promote by chapter 4, and Alec is pretty godly (said someone for the first time ever).... Cuan ORKO'd Shagaal with the Hero Lance, Shagaal even great shielded once.

5 turns to Agusty

Stats after the arena, but 40 kills on the light sword is RAD!








fuck you noish, 18 exp from promoting

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Cuan, Ethlin and Sigurd all charged the top castle and Cuan killed most of the dudes guarding the boss and killed the boss himself. For some reason even when Ethlin has more defence than Sigurd the enemies sometimes like to target her anyway. Ethlin returned Sigurd and herself after Sigurd seized.

4 turns to Madino


Any unit with 10 magic and a pursuit ring (and enough speed) orko's the cross knights, and I'm not too sad about losing out on the Earth sword. The rest of the castle was pretty similar, but Holyn, and Ethlin helped out. Alec ORKO'd Shagaal with the Iron Cutter, and was returned home by Ethlin. She did the same to herself and Sigurd the next turn.

5 turns to Silvail

Cuan tanked a few pirates with the Javelin (after selling everything but that and the hero lance) and Noish got the leg ring the next turn. Lachesis beat up on all the weakened pirates with the Hero sword, and Cuan busted through to save Briggid, and eventually get Ichieval.

Noish killed the dude blocking sigurd from seizing Orgahil, and Alec killed the boss.

8 turns to Orgahil

also Ethlin's stuff for Leaf


Cuan stole the Hero lance, so that's gone forever, but he kind of needed it to save Briggid, otherwise he'd have to proc continue a lot (albeit at an ok rate) but only Oifaye and Leaf can actually use it in gen 2 and they can use better stuff anyway.

I hope Holyn and Briggid actually fall in love on time... Same with Noish and Lachesis really.






briggid wasn't done the arena but oh well.

Ardan hasn't left the castle in some time so not bothering with him.

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Chapter 2: 10+7+11+7=35 turns

Apart from that castle with the mercs, archers and mages this wasn't too bad. I never want to have to rig another Critical proc in my life though, it was so damn tedious.

I have encountered a weird glitch in chapter 3. I've seized Madino, but nothing happens at Silvail, Eltshan doesn't come out and the armors near there remain neutral.

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Maybe try loading your save on a fresh rom? Never encountered that one before. Man I just saw your team though, man chapter 2 must have sucked.

CHAPTER 4 - 25/102 TURNS

Gave Dew the Leg ring. People failed to kill stuff. Was sad. Missed Cuan and Ethlin.

Would have liked the earth sword for Lachesis because she can't heal otherwise. Oh well.

Don't know castle specific seizes. Sigurd visited a couple villages, and bought the leg ring for the second castle. Holyn and Briggid sat in a square with Fury and Tiltyu so they'd fall in love faster.

Seized on turn 25 when Noish ran past and killed the armour with the hero sword, and Alec ORKO'd the boss from 2 range with two crits (not that unlikely, Light sword has 93 kills)

stats after arena.






edit: shit i think cuan ate the thunder sword too, it's in his stash.

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Yeah, I can probably get a really low turn count in chapter 6 and chapter 7 will be really fast too. Having both Cuan and Ethlin is a really strong combination though, if I do another lordless draft I'll try and make sure that nobody gets both of them.

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thank god I had Holyn, otherwise I would have had to go back to chapter 3 and get the barrier ring back from Ethlin.

CHAPTER 5 - 19/121 TURNS

Sigurd's dad talked to him on turn 3 southwest of the axeknights, and my mounted squad killed them on the enemy phase (sadly none of them suicided on the hero sword). Briggid and Holyn kind of had to hold back because they still needed Jealousy to get paired, but they each killed a couple enemies. Alec killed Langbart over two turns with the light sword from range. Lachesis had to prayer tank the hero bow dudes.

6 turns to Longfart

Sigurd used his remaining 1000g to repair Tyrfing so he wouldn't die to meteo.

Alec, Noish and Sigurd went south (just like the prologue, good times) and Alec lightsworded the boss and Noish killed the cleric in the way, allowing Sigurd to seize.

10 turns to Phinora

Noish had to sell the hero sword and give it to Alec to kill the dragonknights because Nihil (useful again!). Lachesis also gave away all her money to him so he could buy the elite ring for Delmud, and she warped Holyn to Phinora, and he bought the Light sword and Magic ring because he was the only person on my team not oneshotted by Reptor.

Alec killed all the dragonknights, Noish rebought the hero sword, and Holyn killed Reptor with the Hero sword after Briggid drew fire from everything else with her worse defences to ensure he'd still be healthy enough to not get oneshotted. Lachesis returned home and visited the villages around Zaxon.

9 turns to Aida


He was pretty good, would have had to do a lot more if Alec wasn't blessed. Hopefully Delmud will be good enough with just the Hero Sword + Power ring until he can buy the pursuit ring in chapter 8.


I think this is the first time Alec has hit level 30 for me

He was just above average, then he got the elite ring and killed all of beowulfs squad and gained like 5 levels or something and just promoted early, and male paladin gains are pretty good. It helps everything in gen 1 dies to Light sword + magic ring.


totally useless until I had to kill Reptor. Thanks massive HP growth. Unfourtunately it means I don't get the light sword until essentially Chapter 8, but I don't think i'll need it, the Hero sword has 42 kills on it anyway. Also lol Patty inheriting the thief sword.


poorest Lachesis ever :(

She's missing the 17500 from the chapter 2 arena, and it actually hurt quite a bit. Although honestly, the only thing else i could have passed down was like, the Silver Blade and another Relive staff or something.


didn't do anything really. Maybe she could have killed Reptor if she arena'd in chapter 3? Oh well.

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