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[FE4] 'Lordless' draft redux


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Chapter 5 25/135 turns

6 turns to longfart
Pretty similar to Horace. Beowulf procced a continue with the iron cutter to kill the boss.

12 turns to Phinora

I took my time here because Dew needed to collect money to give to Sigurd.

25 turns to Velthomer

Really bad, but I had to lose turns to have Sigurd buy things/be cash dumped and for Alec to catch up to Beowulf (unfortunately max strength Beowulf is 1 hp off two shotting Reptor and Sigurd needed the power ring.) Midir was put to sleep during Phinora so he got killed by a wyvern, Beowulf died reducing Reptor to one health before Alec finished him off with a slim sword hit, and Dew was stranded at Phinora and got killed by the one wyvern I didn't end up killing.

Alec was amazing. Got kills on the light sword, took out the wyverns, and was just all around a great unit.


Claude... existed. He spammed reserve a few times and warped Dew over to Phinora to give to Sigurd one last time, so that's good. Besides that he just fell in love with Tilityu and bought a the pursuit ring for Arthur.


I also left the light sword in storage, just so that a more important item didn't get shunted out of Celice's inventory for the slim sword. Dew for mvp?


Tilityu fought a bit in the arena to give Claude money for the pursuit ring, but that was it for her. I recruited her for the children.


Noish and Arden were chumps so I won't bother taking pictures of them. Beowulf is dead but he was pretty amazing. His strength maxed so he could destroy a lot of things and was just a generally strong unit. Midir also chipped in a lot. Dew only made it to level 8, but without him Celice wouldn't have inheritance, so he was still a good pick.

It's unfortunate that I'm 14 turns behind Horace, but I don't think it could have been avoided (maybe if I rigged more or did a few optimizations I could lessen it by a bit), but I'm pretty sure I'm going to make up for it in the second generation. Celice will save so many turns in chapter 6, 7, 8, and 9, and even if there is Leif I'll probably meet his turn counts in chapters 10 and the final chapter.

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Is Leaf allowed the Leg Ring? I don't know if it was this draft or the last one that it was discussed in.


Celice had to hang back at the start, so he sold his sword so he could be attacked. Roddelbad and Badney tried to avoid death, then once Delmud and Oifaye showed up, they saved the village north of the first castle.

Didn't get castle specific clears, but Celice was one square short of seizing. I think i'll only lose 2 turns here because Marty didn't give Celice the knight ring.


9 turns to Yied. Not a lot happened. Nanna returned Leaf, and he bought the Elite ring and hero sword, and Delmud bought the pursuit ring and a silver sword.

Nanna returned herself home after getting the speed ring, my team needed healing after the dark mages.

Leaf got a few kills down south, then headed north to kill Jabarro's squad. Shanan headed west to get the shield ring village, and got some garbage levelups. Patty sold the light sword for Oifaye to buy next chapter.

8 turns to Melgan

Amid had been mosying on down, he recruited Linda, and the mages all targetted Delmud instead of him because of his massive res (i guess?)

Celice moved through afterwards, and Delmud killed Blume with the second hero sword, Oifaye was on standby in case greatshield was a dick or something.

Leaf routed all the enemies up north, including the boss, and was sent home by Nanna because....



5 turns to Alster

this meant that unfourtunately Linda couldn't clear the arena, but such is life.







Leaf gained a couple levels but too lazy to screen

Edited by General Horace
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Chapter 5 25/135 turns

6 turns to longfart

Pretty similar to Horace. Beowulf procced a continue with the iron cutter to kill the boss.

12 turns to Phinora

I took my time here because Dew needed to collect money to give to Sigurd.

25 turns to Velthomer

Really bad, but I had to lose turns to have Sigurd buy things/be cash dumped and for Alec to catch up to Beowulf (unfortunately max strength Beowulf is 1 hp off two shotting Reptor and Sigurd needed the power ring.) Midir was put to sleep during Phinora so he got killed by a wyvern, Beowulf died reducing Reptor to one health before Alec finished him off with a slim sword hit, and Dew was stranded at Phinora and got killed by the one wyvern I didn't end up killing.

Alec was amazing. Got kills on the light sword, took out the wyverns, and was just all around a great unit.

Claude... existed. He spammed reserve a few times and warped Dew over to Phinora to give to Sigurd one last time, so that's good. Besides that he just fell in love with Tilityu and bought a the pursuit ring for Arthur.

I also left the light sword in storage, just so that a more important item didn't get shunted out of Celice's inventory for the slim sword. Dew for mvp?

Tilityu fought a bit in the arena to give Claude money for the pursuit ring, but that was it for her. I recruited her for the children.

Noish and Arden were chumps so I won't bother taking pictures of them. Beowulf is dead but he was pretty amazing. His strength maxed so he could destroy a lot of things and was just a generally strong unit. Midir also chipped in a lot. Dew only made it to level 8, but without him Celice wouldn't have inheritance, so he was still a good pick.

It's unfortunate that I'm 14 turns behind Horace, but I don't think it could have been avoided (maybe if I rigged more or did a few optimizations I could lessen it by a bit), but I'm pretty sure I'm going to make up for it in the second generation. Celice will save so many turns in chapter 6, 7, 8, and 9, and even if there is Leif I'll probably meet his turn counts in chapters 10 and the final chapter.

Spoiler the pics please

Also leif achived god mode

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There was an awkward moment when a bunch of enemies that couldn't damage Leaf followed him around and caused a headache because they owned Celice, and I had to play ring a round the rosie with Faval, but it all worked out in the end.

9 turns to Mease

Everyone ran south, Oifaye went to fetch the Thief ring though.


Abused the prayer sword on Nanna to lure enemies away from Celice, then she used the return ring to avoid death.

Shanan and Patty ate the children. Linda lured away some wyverns too, but not too many because she'd probably die. Gonna see if it's possible to recruit Altenna. It's probably not, but another unit would be cool and I like her :(

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OK, thanks.


Gave up a turn to recruit Altenna, she can probably save a turn killed Alvis anyway, so I figured why not.

This chapter is just a lot of dragonknights, Celice wasn't really ever in much danger.

It's nice having two charisma kids though.

Linda also gets a levelup everytime she uses warp, lol.

i'll post stats in a sec.










man, Patty is slow as fuck.

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Even with an unpatched rom I'm stuck at Madino forever. I'll have to restart the chapter and hope it doesn't happen again (at least it didn't happen in chapter 2)

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On my retry it worked fine. I'll put it down to the AI being quirkier than usual and not triggering the post-Madino events.

Chapter 3: 5+6+5 = 17 turns.

Alec was the surprise MVP, since he waited a turn to get the Hero Sword and promote, so could quad Jacoban. Unfortunately this meant I couldn't try the Light Sword Magic Ring thing on the X-knights.

Lachesis managed to get to Eltshan without much fuss, and was immediately Warped back by Aideen. Then Noish dealt with the boss (just enough speed to quad Shagall with the Hero Lance) and Alec was Warped to deal with Pizarl.

Aideen couldn't quite reach Sigurd to Warp him immediately, so I lost a turn here.

I tried to get as many adjacents for Noish and Fury as I could, but I can tell it's going to be an uphill battle. Especially with Noish having no jealousy priorities..

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Chapter 6:18/18 turns

I'm kind of starting to wish that I had given Celice the Knight ring instead of the power ring and speed ring, because then I would have saved another 2 turns, and the hero sword has enough kills he would probably be fine.. Oh well. Typical thing, Celice ran around and got all the kills. I can't remember the castle specific breakdowns.

Chapter 7: 20/38 turns

Going to Yied was just the typical desert odyssey, nothing special. Finn held onto a return ring and took advantage of prayer abuse to destroy Melgen (he could one shot the mages with a javelin.) I had to waste a turn to recruit Tinny, but once she starts using the rescue staff she'll make up for it. I think this is probably the most I can get ahead of a non-promoted Celice on this chapter while recruiting Tinny, unfortunately for two turns Celice is dismounted anyways so I get no advantage over a leg ring junior lord.

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CHAPTER 10 - 15/94

The first castle was longer than I wanted it to be, but with 9 move Celice just curled up and died, and 6 move wasn't enough for him to get there fast enough.

4 turns to the first place

I forget the turn specific seizes from here on out, but Leaf just continually rescued Celice as far ahead as possible, until the turn before seizing, where he killed the darkmage guarding the path to the castle, and killed the boss on the enemy phase (had to rig Hel to hit Leaf so he would actually get attacked by the boss) and then Celice was rescued in for the seize.

Celice was rescued over the mountain, and Altenna blicked Ishtar with Charisma support. Shanan and Oifaye tanked sleep staves for the team.

Nanna returned Celice so Faval could be warped to Miletos, and Leaf reserved everyone, and then charged head on into the rotten ritter the next turn with the prayer ring. The sleep staff good prioritizes healing over sleeping thankfully.


Prayer ring too good.

He rescued Faval over next turn, and he killed the sleep staff goon, while Altenna and the charisma bots prepared for the bosskill.

Faval and Altenna with Power rings killed Alvis in three hits, Faval attacking first because he wasn't oneshotted.

Altenna can actually ORKO Alvis, without being oneshotted too if you get the sharlow/corple conversation, she did 32 damage a hit which was pretty ridiculous.

stats after arena.

I don't think Baldrick's team is physically capable of killing Alvis, this is why Aless should be free.

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I think some teams being SOL for Alvis is kind of a bad deal. I think Aless should be free just for this reason.

silver blade Celice with the power ring does 10 damage

but really the only units that can actually fight alvis without getting oneshotted are like, Faval, Celice, Leaf, Aless, the Holsety kids, and like Hawk or something. If you rig dodges or HP procs I guess Shanan could do it too.

This is another reason I like normal drafts better.

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Wait, you only feel sorry for me when I reach Alvis? Not before? :3

by the time I noticed Aless wasn't free I no longer cared about trying to win anyway, so I'll just take a bunch of penalties or something.

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Sorry, no updates for a while, been super busy.

Prologue: 14 turns, no heals was certainly killer for my team.

Chapter 1: 33 turns, had to get a proc of astra from Arya just to finish off Sadima a particualr low-point just due to running through the forest, so awful

Chapter 2: 40 turns. Definite low point of part one, managed to get the elite and bargain ring on Levin, useful, in fact Levin got all the way to level 20 in this chapter. Pretty much just relied on dancing after this chapter, but Southern Agustria was awful.

Chapter 3:19 turns, standard strategy of catching the Cross knights on Levin sitting in the forest, especially useful after Levin is promoted, warp Sigurd back to Madino after defeating Chagall, got the leg ring on Arya to quickly defeat the Orgahill pirates.

Chapter 4:25 turns, pretty simple from here on out. Elwind had a million kills on it, Levin was promoted, so I could finally use staves, just danced my was to the castles, warped and returned back to the appropriate place with rings and staves, let Levin have the leg ring, picked up Holstey finished.

Chapter 5: 25 tuns, finished up my pairings, ran and danced my way to Velthomer, Levin with lots of kills, made sure the right rings got on Syvlia, ie leg and knight, stuck all my swords I wanted right away on Arya, let Levin keep pursuit and bargain.

So part one took 156 turns, pretty slow. No heals in the first 3 chapters was brutal, especially for my team comp. I had some pretty piss poor early chapter team.

Chapter 6: 30 turns, I didn't have any of the usual great people to build levels on, like Serlis, so I stuffed as many levels as I could get on the twins, while Serlis limped along slowly, probably should have focused more kills on one of the twins so they would be promoted at the beginning of 7, but live and learn.

Chapter 7: 53 turns. Defintely the low point of the 2nd gen. The run from Yield to Melgen being the most brutal tedium, probably should have just taken the penalty and used Shannon, but I held out and was able to build levels on the twins. Meanwhile at Manster, Leaf and FIn we sacrificed to save Janne, while butt face was being mildly useful. Finally got my two big hitter for Gen 2, Aless and Leen and was off to the races.

Chapter 8: 21 turns, I believe this was where Amir finally got the 100 kill Elwind tomb and became mildly useful. Aless and Leen did there thing running as quickly as they good while Janne healed and the twins mopped up all the extra bodies. Larcei was pretty useful with the ever strengthening light sword. Not much to say, just Aless killing everything.

Chapter 9: 19 turns, actually had to recruit Corple so that was fun, though dancing made that easier and the sleep sword got Hannibal to not suicide. Aless was promoted by this time and was able to survive one hit from Arion and finish him off with a continue. Corple had the elite ring and just had to pile levels.

Chapter 10: 21 turns, Pretty much the stand strategy of dancing continues, didn't need to sleep Alvis because Aless, made sure he had the power ring, though with no thief, he didn't have nearly enough money for all the stuff I wanted him to have, so he settled for Miracle, power and speed ring.

Epilogue: 29 turns, rammed the strong to the capital, had Larcei hit Julius with a sleep sword proc and then proceed to just dance around him and continually hit him.

So part two was 173 turns. yuck, that's pretty bad, probably going to go back and try the whole thing again to see if I can do better. Total turns is 329, if my math is correct.

So yeah, 329 turns, really slow.

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Congratulations! As the first to finish, you have won the draft! Until Horace/Marty finishes.

Personally, I was productive over the Easter break.

Chapter 4: 27/123

Alec did more stuff this chapter because Noish was too furious to get very far. Sigurd nabbed a couple of villages to fund the Leg Ring + Tyrfing repair.

Chapter 5: 6+5+11/145 Turns Gen 1

Noish led the first charge, thanks to the wall I could eke out more precious, precious adjacents without restricting him too much. The last double critical rig for this gen...

Second castle was ez mode thanks to Fury having res and the enemy being squishy. Noish sold the Hero Sword, Alec brought it to breaking point and Sigurd sold his old Iron Lance to buy it.

Jamka killed Blume over the wall with the Killer Bow, he literally survived Thorhammer with 1 HP. Just as keikaku.

Chapter 6: 10+10/20 turns

Lana Warped Seliph back to sell the Hero Sword, then hung back to Warp Oifaye forward while the swordtwins tried not to die. Oifaye bought and repaired the Hero Sword as much as possible, then stomped through the chapter with backup from Lester.

Chapter 7: 11+8+6+4/49 turns

RIP Oifaye. Fee took the sword and proved to be an adequate replacement, and wasn’t hurt by having lower movement because Seliph takes so long at Yied. I may have lost a turn at Darna, though. The mage sisters went for Lenster, which I thought was going to cost me the Lenster trio, but Finn broke his Iron Lance, which meant he could tank the armours without killing them and so they couldn’t get through the traffic jam at Lenster. Flawless victory!

Chapter 8: 8+7/64 turns

Warped Fee/Laylea/Lester/Seliph/Radney to Lenster, and the first two took out the cavalry up top while the others handled the armours at the bottom, by which I mean a freshly promoted Lana ripped through them while Johalva drew the odd enemy and Roddleban/Daisy huddled in fear at the castle. Both Asaello and Ishtar came out at the worst times and made my advance slower, especially since Seliph could not take any Boltings. Laylea had THE POWER OF PRAYER on her side.

Lester likes it when dragonknights attack him at 2-range. Warped Aless forward to eat the fleeing villagers. The Fee and Lester show welcomed a new cast member in Sety, like his sis he offsets low offensive stats with a killer skillset.

Chapter 9: 6+4+5/79 turns

Laylea took the Leg Ring for this chapter, since she can help boost others forward as well. Sety handled most of Hannibal’s squad, while Lester, Laylea and Seliph snuck past to rescue Sharlow.

Pacifist Shanan held off Altenna, so Hannibal’s AI didn’t get reset by Trabant appearing and Johalva could draw Hannibal towards Sharlow and Seliph could seize Grutia sooner. Fee flew over the mountain to get into position Sety got the Warp staff and Warped Daisy and Aless to Luthecia in preparation for raiding those villages.

Sety Warped Lana forward to help the main force and sleep Arion, and the others just killed dragon knights. Fee counter-killed the bulk of Arion's force, and together with Lester and Laylea's morale-boosting, cleared the rest.

Going through chapter 10 now. My cunning plan is to have Aless eat the villagers (by the time he finishes there I should be about ready to assault Chalphy), use the Return Ring, clear the Arena, promote, sell the Return Ring to buy the Power Ring, get Warped forward and beat Alvis. That way, I only take a single 7-turn penalty.

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