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Need help with MU sorc and unit questions

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Hey everyone this is my first fire emblem/post and my goodness where was this game my whole life. I enjoy it alot however i need some help. I started on normal casual but my main goal is to beat hard classic with all the units and max them all out and give them perfect skills and weapons as well. Now my first question is that i want to be able to transfer my MU right now to my other file its +Magic -strength. Now i want to make it a sorc and im having trouble with the skills i have vantage, vengeance, and armsthrist but idk what to do for the last two should it be tombefaire, wrath etc (dont have dlc yet).

My second question is involving if i should put the effort in to max the units i have in my normal-casual file or just to play the game normal for 1 run then eventually get where i want to be like is there a point of maxing all my units here or should i do it in my other one that i want to finish.

all help is appreciated! :D

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Having a VV Sorc is kind of contradictory to your goal of getting the best skills/classes. They're really bad team players so they go against your goal of maxing everyone, generally lower the replayability of certain maps (read: all DLC), and are flat-out useless (or even liabilities) in the final DLC map.

Maxing out absolutely everyone takes a really long time. It's a fun experience but if you're going to do it you may wish to do a few more playthroughs first to figure out what pairs you like and which ones you don't. It would be a shame to put all that work in and wind up with one pair that really bugs you. And if you like the game this much, you might as well milk it for some extra playthroughs before making your ultimate file.

You also will want to get all (or as much as you can) of the DLC before then. Having it roughly triples the amount of hours you get out of a postgame/minmax file, and will both give you more interesting and faster ways to max your team than fighting Risen and Spotpass, give you more skills and classes that are very important for getting units to be "optimal", and give you something to do with your team once it's maxed out. Hard mode Risen really aren't up to the challenge.

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Vantage, Vengeance, Armsthrift, Tomefaire are already really good, it doesn't really matter what your fifth skill is. Something simple as magic+2 can do the trick.

Despoil (barbarian) is good for money, acrobat(trickster) and movement+1(thief) are nice to make your unit more mobile, same holds true for deliverer(griffon rider), of course galeforce(dark flier) is nice if your unit is female.

There is no point in maxing out your units' stats if you do not want to attempt any of the more difficult dlc xenologues(chapters). If you think it's fun to grind units just for the heck of it and see how they perform, it won't hurt you. I did that too in my very first lunatic file, and that one has 220 hours played. I was just playing around with all the units to see what each of them could do, though I did it mostly because I needed strong units for difficult dlc.

Generally, there is no point in making units stronger than they need to be if you do not have an objective to accomplish. Objectives can be simple things such a curiosity too.

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Having a VV Sorc is kind of contradictory to your goal of getting the best skills/classes. They're really bad team players so they go against your goal of maxing everyone, generally lower the replayability of certain maps (read: all DLC), and are flat-out useless (or even liabilities) in the final DLC map.

Maxing out absolutely everyone takes a really long time. It's a fun experience but if you're going to do it you may wish to do a few more playthroughs first to figure out what pairs you like and which ones you don't. It would be a shame to put all that work in and wind up with one pair that really bugs you. And if you like the game this much, you might as well milk it for some extra playthroughs before making your ultimate file.

You also will want to get all (or as much as you can) of the DLC before then. Having it roughly triples the amount of hours you get out of a postgame/minmax file, and will both give you more interesting and faster ways to max your team than fighting Risen and Spotpass, give you more skills and classes that are very important for getting units to be "optimal", and give you something to do with your team once it's maxed out. Hard mode Risen really aren't up to the challenge.

Thanks for the reply but im having trouble understand u idk what u mean b VV sorc if you mean my avatar. Ya i know theres better options like morgan etc but that i will do in my other mode i just want to carry this one over since its my first ever avatar in a fire emblem game history. As for the dlc idk which ones to get and if i get it do i have it for the entire game or just for one file and how do i optimize it in hard-classic do i grind at the beginning middle end? Like im new to this stuff and have no idea what im doing.

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Vantage, Vengeance, Armsthrift, Tomefaire are already really good, it doesn't really matter what your fifth skill is. Something simple as magic+2 can do the trick.

Despoil (barbarian) is good for money, acrobat(trickster) and movement+1(thief) are nice to make your unit more mobile, same holds true for deliverer(griffon rider), of course galeforce(dark flier) is nice if your unit is female.

There is no point in maxing out your units' stats if you do not want to attempt any of the more difficult dlc xenologues(chapters). If you think it's fun to grind units just for the heck of it and see how they perform, it won't hurt you. I did that too in my very first lunatic file, and that one has 220 hours played. I was just playing around with all the units to see what each of them could do, though I did it mostly because I needed strong units for difficult dlc.

Generally, there is no point in making units stronger than they need to be if you do not have an objective to accomplish. Objectives can be simple things such a curiosity too.

Thanks for the replay i would assume the other ones are preference so il just see what i like. As of the hard-classic how did u adapt from it like in the beginning my units die and i realize that if i have to beat hard classic it isnt going to be easy do u have any specific training tips i can do besides the general placing units, attacking turtleing etc

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VV sorc means a Sorcerer with the skills Vantage(Myrmidon) and Vengeance(Sorcerer). You can learn about the DLC on this page, click on your region to find more about it.

Once you purchase DLC, you can access it always from any file of your game. You can play DLC as often as you want, there is no limit.

You should grind when you think that it's necessary to achieve your goal (beating the next chapter for example).

Thanks for the replay i would assume the other ones are preference so il just see what i like. As of the hard-classic how did u adapt from it like in the beginning my units die and i realize that if i have to beat hard classic it isnt going to be easy do u have any specific training tips i can do besides the general placing units, attacking turtleing etc

Study the weapon triangle, you can read about it here.

Most of the time, you should assume that if the enemy attacks you or retaliates(if you attack him, he fights back) his attack will hit.

Always think ahead, for example: Let's assume the enemy unit will not kill your unit with one attack, but it will kill with two -> "if I attack him and he hits me back, I will use a rescue staff on my unit which just attacked so it doesn't die on the next hit. If the enemy doesn't hit me back, I can do something else with the unit which has rescue."

Use the terrain. Often there are woods, a fort or a mountain [you can climb on mountains, but only very slowly (movement penalty when moving on a mountain)] which give you a defensive bonus to avoidance and defense.

Look at the map and try to find key locations which need to be taken by you (for example choke point which you block with a durable unit so enemies do not get through to kill your vulnerable units. Crossroads which open paths to other parts of the map. Key positions can look very different. Think of positions where you feel comfortable with your units, those are often key locations.

Use Olivia. She is very fragile, so take good care of her. She can maybe take one hit, but she will die very fast if you don't look out for her safety. In return, you can use her dance to give your other units an additional turn. Her dance ability is very versatile.

When you enter a new chapter, look at the map. Count the enemies. See which weapons they use. Think of ways your units can deal with the enemy units as easily as possible.

Before take a move, think of the worst thing that could happen and try to come up with a solution. If you can't find a solition, think of a different move and it's worst case scenario...

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It means that using a VV Sorc is a bad idea if you're trying to get your whole team to be as strong as possible. They don't work well as part of a team.

Another tip is to change the bottom screen to full view (there's an icon in the upper right corner that switches it). The simplified view is misleading and can often get you killed. If you're still having trouble in Hard, you should play Normal again, read the tutorials, and get a better feel for the game mechanics- most of that difficulty comes from not knowing how to play.

DLC is tied to your Nintendo Network ID, so you can access it always, an unlimited number of times, from any file on any copy of the game you play on that 3ds. It's extremely reusable.

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Well you could always grind units up individually.

You said you didn't have DLC but if you still want to keep your MU a Sorcerer AND grind your units to max stats you're gonna appreciate it. A lot.

Lost Bloodlines 3 with Paragon will easily net you 13+ levels in one run. This way you can put a larger focus on the units you want to be using and put the less relevant ones in the backseat.

Normally Vantage + Vengeance is great though. In general it's a very exploitable skill combo that allows you to make plays that any other combo wouldn't.

I'm more partial to the constant healing sorcerer build, since having minimal HP for a full power Vengeance isn't appealing. Probably because I'm a sloppy tactician and die to counter all the time fml

That build is as follows.




Filler/AS +2

Filler/Limit Breaker

Forged Aversa's Night w/ +5 mt +15 hit

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