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The Ultimate Fire Emblem Camus Archetype! (starts at post #4100)


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Ogma 7

Caesar 0
Astram 12
Samson 10
Savor 6
Kamui 10
Jesi 10
Dieck 15
Oujay 8
Echidna 10
Raven 10
Harken 9
Gerik 17
Gregor 9
Flavia 8
Inigo 9
Priam 6
Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Top Posters In This Topic

Ogma 8

Astram 12

Samson 10

Savor 4

Kamui 10

Jesi 10

Dieck 15

Oujay 3

Echidna 10

Raven 8

Harken 5

Gerik 16

Gregor 7

Flavia 8

Inigo 12

Priam 6

Dieck 13

Raven 8

Oh look, a vote out of spite. I actually like Gerik so I'm not going to act like a kid and do the same.
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Oh look, a vote out of spite. I actually like Gerik so I'm not going to act like a kid and do the same.

Okay you know what? Why don't you just kiss my ass. There was no spite in my vote. I was NINJA'D. Hey guess what?! THAT WASN'T MY FIRST VOTE! I was going to vote against Ceaser and Galzus! Mister IceTeaPeach beat me to Galzus, so I went with Ceaser and Dieck. BUT GUESS WHAT?! Levant ninja'd me and beat me to Ceaser! So I changed it to Raven. Ask him, he saw it. There was NO spite involved.

I have NOT complained. I have NOT whined. I am NOT being spiteful. If you want me to explain in great detail why I voted against who I did, then I'll explain.

There was no need for this comment at all, and your first comment about me "whining like a baby" was highly uncalled for. I'm sorry if you mistook my words as whining, but I was not whining. That was not the intent of my words at all. Like I said, I was just disappointed that Gregor had such a quick drop of points. That's all. I am not upset (THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BEING UPSET AND BEING DISAPPOINTED), and I am not mad. I only expressed disappointment, sorry for not being able to articulate to your damn standards.

You asked me a freaking question, so I freaking answered, and my answer was completely calm and honest! But then you decided to reply with a snobby comment, and now there's this snobby comment. "Oh but all the other rounds oh you were so whiny oh wa wa wa!" Oh bite me, the only round that I was nasty in was the Shapeshifter round, which I fully acknowledged and apologized for. All rounds before that? I think I was pretty clearly being playful, and either way no one took issue with anything said. The Wyvern Rider round? There was nothing I said that was really whiny, I cheered and booed but nothing really whiny (and if anything came off that way, that was not my intent or meaning). I was disappointed at Haar's victory because I think he's a generic choice, but the only comment I made afterwards was the humorous facepalm GIF. And this round? No, there's nothing. I'm not whining, I'm not complaining, I'm not mad, and I'm not going to start with any of those things! Sure, I would like it if Gregor won. But I'm not going to get upset if he loses. I think he will lose because there has been anti-Awakening bias in these contests, but oh well. That's the way the dice roll. I was going to take some of your advice and not get upset, if there was anything I was going to say it would just be "aw darn" like I did before, or some playful "oh you heathens, look at the glorious Gregor!" and etc.

You know what I am upset about? You. No matter what I said, at least I can say one thing: I never called anyone any names, I never started calling people whiny babies. Yeah, sure, I thought there might be spite, but there wasn't. I went back and looked. No spite in the voting.

You're just being a jackass now (oops, I just called someone a name...oh well). Why don't you take your own advice? Stop whining like a baby, just play the game like everyone else is.

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I don't complain about votes. I complain about the complaints about votes.

I try to play the game, but sometimes commentary gets annoying. No ones asks for commentary.

I wasn't complaining. As I've explained. If you took it that way, well there's nothing I can do about that. But I swear, I am not upset about this, at all.

Regardless if you find it annoying, that was just uncalled for. Don't like it? Don't read it. Simple as that.

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Yeah, November 22nd, 12:14 AM

Ogma 7
Astram 12
Samson 10
Savor 6
Kamui 10
Jesi 10
Dieck 13
Oujay 8
Echidna 10
Raven 8
Harken 7
Gerik 16
Gregor 11
Flavia 8
Inigo 10
Priam 6

And then November 22nd, 4:28 PM

Ogma 8
Astram 12
Samson 10
Savor 4
Kamui 10
Jesi 10
Dieck 16
Oujay 1
Echidna 10
Raven 8
Harken 5
Gerik 14
Gregor 7
Flavia 8
Inigo 13
Priam 6

That's what my computer says for my timezone, anyway. I dunno how it differs in others.

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Same timezone buddies. CST ftw!

Also, Sylveon could like in a different timezone, like PST, where the times would be 10:14 pm and 2:28 pm respectively.

When someone votes twice in a day, just assume timezones.

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Nothing I can do about that. I'll continue to cheer and comment. You can ignore it or not, up to you.

You'll continue to comment, and I'll continue to abhor them.

I'm fine with cheering, as long as you do it while you're voting. There's no need to make any more posts and elongate the thread any more without votes. On that note, let's stop.

Current standings:

Ogma 8

Astram 12

Samson 10

Savor 4

Kamui 10

Jesi 10

Dieck 15

Oujay 3

Echidna 10

Raven 8

Harken 5

Gerik 16

Gregor 7

Flavia 8

Inigo 12

Priam 6

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