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Request for Clarification: Do Hit/Avoid/Crit/Dodge Bonuses Apply to the Rear?


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I already know that the core stat bonuses (Str/Mag/Skl/Spd/Lck/Def/Res/Mov) from a pair-up already affects only the unit at the lead of a pair-up.

I also know that the Hit/Avoid/Crit/Dodge bonuses are (obviously) applied to at the very least the lead/front unit in the pair-up.

However, its not been exactly clear to me (seeing that the battle forecast only shows the predicted outcomes for the lead unit) if the rear/supporting member gets these Hit/Avoid/Crit/Dodge bonuses [not that Dodge matters to them, but the others would].

So, for examples:

+Mag/-Str Grandmaster supporting Cordelia from the rear, against Apotheosis Anna:

40 SKL (base) -1 SKL (mod) +2 SKL (tonic) + 10 SKL (Limit Breaker) + 10 SKL (Rallies) = 61 SKL

45 LCK (base) +0 SKL (mod) +2 LCK (tonic) + 10 LCK (Limit Breaker) + 14 LCK (Rallies) = 71 LCK

Hit from SKL (1.5 points of Hit per SKL): 61 x 1.5 = 91.5 Hit

Hit from LCK (0.5 points of Hit per LCK) 71 x 0.5 = 35.5 Hit

Total hit from stats: 127 Hit

Hit from Weapon (Celica's Gale): + 80 Hit (pre-forged)

Hit from 5 Hit Forges: +25 Hit [for a total of 105 Hit Celica's Gale]

Total hit from stats and weapon: 127 + 105 = 232

Anna's Avoid:

137 Base Avoid from 70 SPD and 65 LCK, giving 137.5 which rounds down

+ 20 Avoid from the Throne

= 157 base avoid

Nominal Hit Rate against Anna (before additional skills or possible hit bonuses from pair-up):

232 - 157 = 75 --> stated 75% hit rate [note, this is NOT the TRUE HIT, only nominal hit]

Now, if I recall correctly, an S-rank support grants +15 Hit, +10 Avoid, +10 Dodge, and +10 Crit…. at least to the front/lead unit.

If this applies to the rear unit as well (and I'm NOT SURE about this, hence why I ask):

232 Hit + 15 Hit - 157 Avoid = 90% stated hit rate

In which case something like Anathema would push me up to a 100% stated and actual hit rate:

232 Hit + 15 Hit - (157-10) Avoid = 100% stated hit rate

Or alternately Hit+20 would allow me to drop 2 + Hit forges and still get a 100% hit rate.

HOWEVER, if these bonuses DON'T apply to the rear:

Nominal Hit Rate against Anna (with the additional of Anathema, but no +15 hit from support bonuses):

232 - (157-10) = 85 --> stated 85% hit rate [note, this is NOT the TRUE HIT, only nominal hit]

Nominal Hit Rate against Anna (with the additional of Hit+20, but no +15 hit from support bonuses):

232 + 20 - 157 = 95 --> stated 95% hit rate [note, this is NOT the TRUE HIT, only nominal hit]

Nominal Hit Rate against Anna (with the additional of Hit+20 AND ANATHEMA, but no +15 hit from support bonuses):

232 + 20 - (157-10) = 105 ---> cannot exceed 100%--> guaranteed accurate [note, this is NOT the TRUE HIT, only nominal hit]

Although the problem with this build is that it wastes additional slots.

Granted, I don't have 100% Dual Strike anyways on that pair… I'm just kind of using Anna as a benchmark in these calculations to test my ability to hit difficult enemies in Apo for when I do get my dual strikes.

Now if went with a SAGE instead of a Grandmaster (43-1 = 42 SKL), I'd have 4.5 more hit, so the hit rate after just Anathema (and no +15 support bonus, assuming that it doesn't work that way) would be 89% (stated), whereas after just Hit +20 it would be 99% (stated) [which given True Hit will almost certainly hit even more so than the stated would indicate, but still has the chance of missing].

Of course, Cordelia cannot double Anna with a Sage support, whereas Grandmaster lets her do it if she runs Speed or All Stats +2.

I was just wondering how this would work out.

Thanks for reading this.


Actually, I forgot the +5 Hit from A rank tomes, didn't I?

So in that case I'd get 80% (stated, not TRUE) hit before non-Limit Breaker skills or any support +Hit bonuses (if existent) were applied. Which means Hit +20 would be sufficient to guarantee exactly 100% hit rates, right?

But nonetheless I'm still interested in whether the rear partner gets that extra +15 Hit.

Edited by astrophys
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I've been asking myself the same question for a while now. I have no valid data for this besides experience. My believe is that the rear unit does not get the bonus.

Observational selection/confirmation bias have been my enemies this whole time, so carefully weight my words.

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My only theory is that the rear unit doesn't gain it in pair up until it becomes the lead unit. Cause with pairup you are essentially combining 2 units into 1, so the rear unit technically doesn't exist, save for in battle where dual strike/guard activates.

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If it did, it would give the same boost to rear crits as Solidarity. Solidarity's rear crit boost is really noticeable, but I don't notice anything from the A rank crit boost, so I'm inclined to say it doesn't.

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If it did, it would give the same boost to rear crits as Solidarity. Solidarity's rear crit boost is really noticeable, but I don't notice anything from the A rank crit boost, so I'm inclined to say it doesn't.


I have to say that I love the Solidarity skill. Not the best skill by any means, but reducing enemy crit rates against you by 10 (particularly against Gamble) helps out a lot early on and even after crits become less of an issue I just like how its any easy way to get my pair-up partner lead shouting their crit quote a lot more frequently.

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