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Kamui's stats and returning of skills (now can hold 6 skills)


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That's what I'm wondering too. The trailers clearly showed that dual guard was returning. It will probably be one of the stats shown before starting a battle.

The text box of the supporting units both read as "attack!", so maybe, just maybe, you have to choose between attack/guard/something else this time around?

Or something completely different. But that text box intrigues me.

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The text box of the supporting units both read as "attack!", so maybe, just maybe, you have to choose between attack/guard/something else this time around?

Or something completely different. But that text box intrigues me.

I was wondering what the text meant, but that would definitely be an interesting way to balance pair-up. Having to choose between more damage or a chance to block incoming damage would make the mechanic not as OP as in Awakening, which is a good thing since we'll have to go against it this time around.

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...Wait, where are we getting the idea procs aren't a thing.

Oh, procs are probably in the game.

I'm referring to the other two skills Kamui has. If the "Rightful King" thing is just that, at least one of them has to be a proc, since RK is useless without those.

If it isn't, well, nothing is certain. If neither of them are procs, it can't be RK from a logical standpoint.

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That's what I'm wondering too. The trailers clearly showed that dual guard was returning. It will probably be one of the stats shown before starting a battle.

In the image you linked you can see 2 values (for what i presume is) damage, hit and crit this time around for both pairs so i guess that this time around the partner is guaranteed a chance to strike. This would make sense if the enemy can now pair up so we don't get screwed by random duel guards and strikes.

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Oh, procs are probably in the game.

I'm referring to the other two skills Kamui has. If the "Rightful King" thing is just that, at least one of them has to be a proc, since RK is useless without those.

If it isn't, well, nothing is certain. If neither of them are procs, it can't be RK from a logical standpoint.

Unless RK has a different effect in this game. It would be useless on a level 11 unpromoted, non-reclassed unit in Awakening excluding special circumstances like inherited proc skills.

Edited by arvilino
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Regarding that, I was looking at some of the screenshots and noticed something:


They now show how much damage the paired-up character as well as it's hit rate and cri (if the 3 stats are indeed damage, hit rate and crit chance). Also, I would be ready to bet that dual-attacks now do half the damage of a regular attack and could potentially have a lowered hit rate. The 2 enemy mymidons seems to have the same weapons and I would assume they're similar in level. Yet the paired-up myrmidon only does 4 damage and has a hit rate of 88% compared to the 9 damage and 98% hit rate of the 'main' mymidon. It could also be assumed that the blue haired cavalier paired up with Kamui would deal 18 damage with a 74% hit rate against the myrmidons, but has her damage halved and hit rate lowered by 10%, just like the paired-up myrmidon.

An easy way to explain away the hit difference is if the support level bonus stat progression is the same as Awakening. Therefore, the leading unit would get +10 Hit from having a partner paired to her or him, whereas the support unit would not. As for the listed damage, I think I probably have to agree with you on that one. Dual Strike damage is kind of insane in Awakening (especially since it bypasses Aegis+ and Pavise+ and it only gets sillier if the supporting unit is using an effective weapon), so I can see why they might want to nerf the damage output. I really hope that said nerfed damage output becomes more reliable in exchange, though.

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