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Theory - Kamui the Bastard


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Something occurred to me.

As we've all seen in the trailer, Kamui can become a dragon-like creature, and is thus presumably a manakete in some nature. We know that Kamui was a part of the Hoshido royal family before being brought into the Nohr one. But even when you look at his supposed biological family in Oshido, Kamui doesn't really resemble them very strongly. What if Kamui isn't even a part of the family at all? Since, y'know, he/she's a dragon? Meaning your brother ain't your brother, your sister ain't your sister, and then you can romance them and then much rejoicing.

Or, if we go the Genealogy way of things, Kamui could be only half-manakete, having a different mother than the rest of the Hoshidan royal family, who would have been full blooded majestic elk dragon, and is more than likely long gone. This'll make the Ryouma/Sakura romancing weirder, but hey: this is Fire Emblem; it isn't as though we aren't used to this.

Incest is wincest, after all.

Edited by Ambulz
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Hrm, I don't think "bastard" needs to be implied just because he's not completely human. Although it's probably the case he is merely a half-sibling to the Hoshido people. Or maybe it will be revealed that he is not blood related at all!

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But like...if he isn't blood-related AT ALL to Hoshido...I feel like most of the motivation to actually side with them is kinda gone.

Assuming Kamui was raised in Nohr most of his life, the strongest remaining link he has with Hoshido is his bloodline. He wouldn't really have a reason to choose them over Nohr otherwise, since Nohr would essentially be his family at that point (both sides are unrelated to him, but he grew up with the Nohr royal family).

The only way that would sort of make sense to me is since there was a another shot in the trailer where one of the Nohr nobles(?) was calling Kamui a naive prince. Maybe his ideals are closer to those from Hoshido and clash with the popular opinion of Nohr. If it was like that, I could imagine him choosing Hoshido over Nohr.

Alternatively, he just doesn't know he's not actually related until the end. But that just feels like a cop out. So many of my harem games already use that excuse I swear I read it every other game. It's kind of lost appeal for me and gotten tedious. It's just the lazy way out of the whole mess of worms that is incest.

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I'm already calling this as a minor 'tweest'.

He's not blood related, he might just be a type of 'national treasure', like an incarnation of Naga or something. Though...that's kinda recently been done already....

Kamui seems like a catalyst for something, but I don't think he'll have full blood ties with the royal family of Hoshido.

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I understand the logic behind it (and honestly wouldn't be surprised if it really is how things turn out) but it just feels like that would be a cop out, considering the themes being put out for the game in this most recent trailer about family and loyalty.

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You know nothing, Kamui.

Kamui seemingly abandons his black-clad brothers after he is captured by the wild Hoshido people. He falls in love with a flame-haired girl and has a conflict of loyalties before siding with his adoptive family.

Crows before hoes

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I feel like if any parent is the dragon it'd be his dad. Since the mom is presumably the peace loving monarch of the eastern side and having a parent still alive would add more pull toward the blood side.

Plus Hoshido is so goody goody..it'd be interesting to find out that when Kumai was taken the father of his siblings had actually agreed to just hand him over to Nohr but Nohr killed him just to be dicks.

Edited by Eveangaline
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Hrm, I don't think "bastard" needs to be implied just because he's not completely human. Although it's probably the case he is merely a half-sibling to the Hoshido people. Or maybe it will be revealed that he is not blood related at all!

The primary definition of the word bastard (I am using the New Oxford American Dictionary) is "(archaic or derogatory) a person born of parents not married to each other".

EDIT: I can't read.

Edited by SamusAran
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Well, remember that Kamui has a longer lifespan, being a manakete and all. It would contradict VincentASM's theory about him being taken in as an infant by Nohr at the arrow scene in the trailer, but perhaps Kamui looks unrelated because he's born in a different generation from the family we see in the game? This is just a theory itself, of course.

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Well, remember that Kamui has a longer lifespan, being a manakete and all. It would contradict VincentASM's theory about him being taken in as an infant by Nohr at the arrow scene in the trailer, but perhaps Kamui looks unrelated because he's born in a different generation from the family we see in the game? This is just a theory itself, of course.

Ryoma is reportedly Kamui's older brother so Kamui can't be that old. There is nothing that says Manaketes age at a linear rate, and Kamui is only half Manakete (theory) so he might appear older than full blooded manaketes for that age. Nah (another half human manakete) looks almost the same age as her mother and Nowi is MUCH older than she is.

Edited by NekoKnight
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Ryoma is reportedly Kamui's older brother so Kamui can't be that old. There is nothing that says Manaketes age at a linear rate, and Kamui is only half Manakete (theory) so he might appear older than full blooded manaketes for that age. Nah (another half human manakete) looks almost the same age as her mother and Nowi is MUCH older than she is.

Whoops; guess I missed the elder brother part of the analysis. Gods, this is confusing...

Edit: I think manaketes age like humans until around 10 years old, then their aging drastically decelerates. Just a theory.

Edited by DarkGold777
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